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File: [local] / src / etc / newsyslog.conf (download)

Revision 1.30, Mon Mar 17 18:04:07 2014 UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by sthen
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.29: +1 -2 lines

ppp.log was just for ppp(8)

#	$OpenBSD: newsyslog.conf,v 1.30 2014/03/17 18:04:07 sthen Exp $
# configuration file for newsyslog
# logfile_name		owner:group     mode count size when  flags
/var/cron/log		root:wheel	600  3     10   *     Z
/var/log/aculog		uucp:dialer	660  7     *    24    Z
/var/log/authlog	root:wheel	640  7     *    168   Z
/var/log/daemon				640  5     30   *     Z
/var/log/lpd-errs			640  7     10   *     Z
/var/log/maillog			600  7     *    24    Z
/var/log/messages			644  5     30   *     Z
/var/log/secure				600  7     *    168   Z
/var/log/wtmp				644  7     *    $W6D4 B
/var/log/xferlog			640  7     250  *     Z
/var/log/pflog				600  3     250  *     ZB "pkill -HUP -u root -U root -t - -x pflogd"