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File: [local] / src / usr.bin / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.76, Fri Mar 1 22:01:11 2002 UTC (22 years, 3 months ago) by millert
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.75: +7 -6 lines

spell command from 4.4BSD, now freed by Caldera.
I have made some significant changes:
o spell no longer uses hashed files.  The algorithm for generating
  the hashed files breaks down for large files.  Instead, I use the
  same approach as look(1) and do binary searches of mmap(2)ed files
  which has acceptable performance.  A side effect of this is that
  spell can now search multiple word lists.
o The spell binary has been renamed to "spellprog" so as to not conflict
  with the spell shell script.  This is consistent with other operating
o The putsuf() and putword() functions have been renamed to
  trypref() and tryword() respectively for consistency with modern
  versions and for general sanity.
o the spell front-end shell script has been completely rewritten
o The code has been ANSIfied and re-style(9)d

spell currently must be compiled with -fwriteable-strings to make
the -b option work.  This should be fixed.

#	$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.76 2002/03/01 22:01:11 millert Exp $

.include <bsd.own.mk>

SUBDIR= apply apropos arch asa at aucat audioctl awk banner basename bdes \
	biff cal calendar cap_mkdb cdio checknr chpass cksum cmp col \
	colcrt colrm column comm compile_et compress cpp crontab ctags cut \
	deroff dirname du elf2olf encrypt env error expand false file file2c \
	find fgen finger fmt fold from fsplit fstat ftp gencat getconf getopt \
	gprof head hexdump id indent infocmp ipcrm ipcs join jot kdump keynote \
	ktrace lam last lastcomm leave less lex lndir locate lock logger \
	login logname look lorder m4 mail make man mesg mg midiplay mixerctl \
	mkdep mkstr mktemp modstat msgs nc netstat newsyslog nfsstat nice \
	nohup oldrdist pagesize passwd paste patch pctr pr printenv printf \
	quota radioctl rdist rdistd readlink renice rev rlogin rpcgen rpcinfo \
	rs rsh \
	rup ruptime rusers rwall rwho script sectok sed shar showmount skey \
	skeyaudit skeyinfo skeyinit sort spell split ssh su sup systat sudo \
	tail talk tcopy tee telnet tftp tic time tip tn3270 top touch tput tr \
	true tset tsort tty usbhidctl ul uname unexpand unifdef uniq units \
	unvis users uudecode uuencode vacation vgrind vi vis vmstat w wall wc \
	what whatis which who whois window write x99token xargs xinstall xlint \
	xstr yacc yes

.if (${YP:L} == "yes")
SUBDIR+=ypcat ypmatch ypwhich

# Don't use the standard tool chain on the alpha, powerpc, and hppa.
.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} != "alpha" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "powerpc" && \
    ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "hppa" && ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "sparc64")
SUBDIR+= ar nm ranlib size strip strings

.if   make(clean) || make(cleandir) || make(obj)
SUBDIR+= elf2ecoff elf2aout

.include <bsd.subdir.mk>