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File: [local] / src / usr.bin / make / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.24, Fri Nov 24 14:36:33 2000 UTC (23 years, 6 months ago) by espie
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.23: +2 -1 lines

Change the time stamp interface to use an abstract datatype.
Define two possible interfaces: the classic one,
and the new one (used where available) that depends on timespec.

Better granularity, make is now able to distinguish between files that
were built during the same second.

#	$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2000/11/24 14:36:33 espie Exp $

PROG=	make
CFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR} -I${.CURDIR} -Wall -Wno-char-subscripts -Wstrict-prototypes

.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "m88k")

SRCS=	arch.c buf.c compat.c cond.c dir.c error.c for.c job.c lowparse.c \
	main.c make.c parse.c str.c suff.c targ.c var.c varmodifiers.c #util.c 
SRCS+=	lstAppend.c lstAtEnd.c lstAtFront.c lstClose.c lstConcat.c \
	lstConcatDestroy.c lstDeQueue.c lstDestroy.c lstDupl.c lstEnQueue.c \
	lstFindFrom.c lstForEachFrom.c \
	lstInit.c lstInsert.c lstIsAtEnd.c lstIsEmpty.c \
	lstMember.c lstNext.c lstOpen.c lstRemove.c lstReplace.c lstSucc.c
.PATH:	${.CURDIR}/lst.lib

make: libohash.a
.PATH:  ${.CURDIR}/ohash
LDADD=-L${.OBJDIR} -lohash

LIBOBJS= hash_create_entry.o hash_delete.o hash_do.o hash_entries.o \
    hash_enum.o hash_init.o hash_interval.o \
    hash_lookup_interval.o hash_lookup_memory.o hash_lookup_string.o \
    hash_qlookup.o hash_qlookupi.o

libohash.a: ${LIBOBJS}
	rm -f $@
	ar cq $@ `lorder ${LIBOBJS}|tsort`
	ranlib $@

CLEANFILES+=generate hashconsts.h generate.o regress.o check

CLEANFILES+= hashconsts.h generate.o generate

beforedepend: hashconsts.h
# may need tweaking if you add variable synonyms or change the hash function

hashconsts.h: generate
	${.OBJDIR}/generate ${MAGICSLOTS} >${.TARGET}

generate: generate.o error.o libohash.a
	${CC} -o ${.TARGET} ${CFLAGS} ${.ALLSRC} ${LDADD}

check: regress.o str.o error.o buf.o libohash.a
	${CC} -o ${.TARGET} ${CFLAGS} ${.ALLSRC} ${LDADD}

regress: check

# kludge for people who forget to make depend
var.o: hashconsts.h

.if make(install)

.include <bsd.prog.mk>