CVS log for src/usr.bin/mandoc/cgi.c

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Request diff between arbitrary revisions

Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: OPENBSD_5_6_BASE

Revision 1.31 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Fri Jul 25 21:05:38 2014 UTC (9 years, 10 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.30: +9 -35 lines
Diff to previous 1.30 (colored)

Choosing the right encoding is a tricky business...

Printing query strings for URIs *always* needs URI-encoding, and when
embedding the URI into an HTML document, it needs replacement of
the "&" separators by "&" *in addition to that*, not instead.
Delete the function html_primtquery(), it was completely wrong.

You can see the badness by entering "mandoc &sec=2" into the query input
box before this patch and click "Submit".  You come to the right page at
first (, but now
the link to mandoc(1) is wrong: ...mandoc.1?query=mandoc &sec=2&...
Clicking on that, the "&sec=2" disappears from the query input box and
suddenly you have the first dropdown set to "2 - System Calls".  Oops.

This form allows you to request diff's between any two revisions of a file. You may select a symbolic revision name using the selection box or you may type in a numeric name using the type-in text box.