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File: [local] / src / usr.bin / ssh / Attic / config.sample (download)

Revision 1.1, Sun Sep 26 20:53:35 1999 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by deraadt
Branch: MAIN

i bet a lot of people didn't know what ssh 1.2.16 had a nice license.
well, except for the patent issues.  someone in sweden (forget their
name at the moment) cleaned out most of the patented code, and now
this code removes rsa code.  when this is done, it will link against
libssl, but the work isn't completely done yet.  then we need to bring
this up to modern days, featurewise.

# This is a sample per-user ssh configuration file.  This file could be
# the user's .ssh/config.

# Configuration data is parsed as follows:
#  1. command line options
#  2. user-specific file
#  3. system-wide file
# Any configuration value is only changed the first time it is set.
# Thus, host-specific definitions should be at the beginning of the
# configuration file, and defaults at the end.

# System defaults will be used for anything not explicitly specified
# in this file.

Host fake
  HostName sparc.ngs.fi
  UseRsh yes

Host pooh
  HostName pooh.tky.hut.fi

Host shadows.cs.hut.fi shadows
  RhostsAuthentication yes
  KeepAlive no
  RemoteForward 30000 olari.clinet.fi:23
  LocalForward 30001 lk-hp-13.hut.fi:23
  IdentityFile ~/.identityfiles/shadows

Host ngs.fi *.ngs.fi
  RhostsAuthentication no
  FallBackToRsh no
  PasswordAuthentication no
  IdentityFile ~/.identityfiles/ngs
  KeepAlive no
  Compression yes
  CompressionLevel 9

Host *.fr
  UseRsh yes

Host *.su
  FallBackToRsh yes
  Cipher none
  PasswordAuthentication no
  ForwardAgent no

Host *.com *.edu *.gov *.mil *.org *.de *.uk
  Cipher 3des
  ForwardAgent no

# Defaults for various options
Host *
  ForwardAgent yes
  ForwardX11 yes
  RhostsAuthentication yes
  PasswordAuthentication yes
  RSAAuthentication yes
  FallBackToRsh no
  UseRsh no
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
  Port 22
  Cipher idea