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File: [local] / src / usr.bin / ssh / Attic / ssh-askpass.wish (download)

Revision 1.1, Sun Sep 26 20:53:37 1999 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by deraadt
Branch: MAIN

i bet a lot of people didn't know what ssh 1.2.16 had a nice license.
well, except for the patent issues.  someone in sweden (forget their
name at the moment) cleaned out most of the patented code, and now
this code removes rsa code.  when this is done, it will link against
libssl, but the work isn't completely done yet.  then we need to bring
this up to modern days, featurewise.

# This file (ssh-askpass.wish) will be used to create ssh-askpass by-*- tcl -*-
# prepending the header line that executes wish.
# $Id: ssh-askpass.wish,v 1.1 1999/09/26 20:53:37 deraadt Exp $

global result

wm title . "Authentication Password Entry"

# Use the first argument as a prompt (if given).
if {$argv==""} {
    label .header -text "Please enter your authentication password"
} {
    label .header -text "[lindex $argv 0]"

entry .pass -relief sunken -textvariable password 
set bgcolor [lindex [.pass configure -bg] 3]
.pass configure -fg $bgcolor -selectforeground $bgcolor \
	-selectbackground $bgcolor

bind .pass <Return> { set result ok }
frame .b
frame .b.ok_f -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
button .b.ok -text OK -width 6 -command { set result ok }
button .b.cancel -text Cancel -width 6 -command { set result cancel }
pack .b.ok -in .b.ok_f -padx 2 -pady 2
pack .b.ok_f -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m
pack .b.cancel -side right -padx 5m -pady 3m
pack .header .pass .b
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW { set result cancel }

set old_focus [focus]
grab set .
focus .pass

set result "none"

while {"$result" == "none"} {
  tkwait variable result

if {$old_focus!=""} {
    focus $old_focus

if {"$result" == "ok"} {puts "$password"; exit 0} {exit 1}