CVS log for src/usr.bin/tmux/Attic/arg.c

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: HEAD

Revision 1.3, Mon Jul 13 17:47:46 2009 UTC (14 years, 10 months ago) by nicm
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +1 -1 lines

Tidy up and improve target (-t) argument parsing:

- move the code back into cmd.c and merge with the existing functions where
- accept "-tttyp0" as well as "-t/dev/ttyp0" for clients;
- when looking up session names, try an exact match first, and if that fails
  look for it as an fnmatch pattern and then as the start of a name - if more
  that one session matches an error is given; so if there is one session called
  "mysession", -tmysession, -tmysess, -tmysess* are equivalent but if there
  is also "mysession2", the last two are errors;
- similarly for windows, if the argument is not a valid index or exact window
  name match, try it against the window names as an fnmatch pattern and a

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