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File: [local] / src / usr.sbin / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.76, Sat Apr 14 09:35:39 2001 UTC (23 years, 1 month ago) by deraadt
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.75: +2 -2 lines

activate wsmoused; the sooner the better

#	$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.76 2001/04/14 09:35:39 deraadt Exp $

# not yet done: catman

.include <bsd.own.mk>

SUBDIR=	ac accton adduser amd arp bootpd bootpgw bootpef bootptest \
	chroot config cron dev_mkdb dhcp \
	edquota gspa httpd inetd iostat ipfs \
	ipftest ipmon ipsend kgmon kvm_mkdb lpr \
	mailwrapper map-mbone mrinfo mopd mrouted mtrace mtree named \
	netgroup_mkdb openssl pkg pkg_install portmap ppp pppd pppoe pstat \
	pwd_mkdb quot quotaon rarpd rbootd rdconfig rdate repquota rmt \
	rpc.bootparamd rpc.lockd rpc.pcnfsd rwhod \
	sa sesd sliplogin slstats spppcontrol spray \
	syslogd tcpdump timed traceroute trpt trsp \
	usbdevs user vipw vnconfig wsmoused zdump zic

# IPv6
SUBDIR+=faithd ifmcstat ndp rip6query route6d rtadvd rtsold traceroute6

# Arch dependent tools, with manpages
SUBDIR+=iteconfig grfconfig videomode
SUBDIR+=bad144 apm apmd fdformat memconfig
SUBDIR+=eeprom screenblank grfinfo hilinfo
SUBDIR+=wsconscfg wsfontload

.if (${AFS:L} == "yes")

.if (${YP:L} == "yes")
SUBDIR+=ypbind yppoll ypset ypserv

.include <bsd.subdir.mk>