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Annotation of www/30.html, Revision 1.3

1.1       deraadt     1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN">
                      2: <html>
                      3: <head>
                      4: <title>OpenBSD 3.0 Release</title>
                      5: <link rev=made href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>
                      6: <meta name="resource-type" content="document">
                      7: <meta name="description" content="the main OpenBSD page">
                      8: <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,main">
                      9: <meta name="distribution" content="global">
                     10: <meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1999-2001 by OpenBSD.">
                     11: </head>
                     13: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#24248E">
                     15: <img alt="[OpenBSD]" height=30 width=141 src="images/smalltitle.gif">
                     16: <hr>
                     18: <p>
                     19: <a href=images/Business.jpg><img align=left src=images/Business.jpg></a>
                     20: <h2><font color=#0000e0>The OpenBSD 3.0 Release:</font></h2>
                     21: <p>
                     23: Released December 1, 2001<br>
                     24: Copyright 1997-2001, Theo de Raadt.<br>
                     25: <font color=#e00000>ISBN 0-9683637-7-6</font>
                     26: <p>
                     28: <a href=#new>What's New</a><br>
                     29: <a href=#install>How to install</a><br>
                     30: <a href=#ports>How to use the ports tree</a><br>
                     31: <a href=orders.html>Ordering a CD set</a><br>
                     33: <p>
                     34: <h3><font color=#0000e0>
                     35: To get the files for this release:
                     36: <ul>
                     37: <li>Order a CDROM from our ordering system.
                     38: <li>See the information on <a href=ftp.html>The FTP page</a> for
                     39:        a list of mirror machines
                     40: <li>Go to the <font color=#e00000>pub/OpenBSD/3.0/</font> directory on
                     41:        one of the mirror sites
                     42: <li>Briefly read the rest of this document.
1.3     ! miod       43: <li>Have a look at <a href=errata.html>The 3.0 Errata page</a> for a list
1.1       deraadt    44:        of bugs and workarounds.
                     45: <li>See a <a href=plus30.html>detailed log of changes</a> between the
1.2       miod       46:        2.9 and 3.0 releases.
1.1       deraadt    47: </ul>
                     48: </font></h3>
                     49: <br clear=all>
                     50: <br>
                     51: <p>
                     53: <strong>Note:</strong> All applicable copyrights and credits can be found
                     54: in the applicable file sources found in the files src.tar.gz, srcsys.tar.gz,
                     55: XF4.tar.gz, or in the files fetched via ports.tar.gz.  The distribution
                     56: files used to build packages from the ports.tar.gz file are not included on
                     57: the CDROM because of lack of space.
                     58: <p>
                     60: <a name=new></a>
                     61: <hr>
                     62: <p>
                     63: <h3><font color=#0000e0>What's New</font></h3>
                     64: <p>
                     65: This is a partial list of new features and systems included in OpenBSD 3.0.
                     66: For a comprehensive list, see the <a href=plus29.html>changelog</a> leading
                     67: to 3.0.
                     68: <p>
                     70: <ul>
                     72: <li><a href="http://www.OpenSSH.com">OpenSSH</a> (supporting both the
                     73: SSH1 and SSH2 protocols) is now at version 3.0. Secure file transfers are
                     74: encouraged using the greatly enhanced SFTP subsystem which now comes both with
                     75: an SFTP server and client.
                     76: <p>
                     78: <li>Extensive changes to the documentation, notably the man pages and
                     79: the Web FAQ. The manual pages now include useful examples to
                     80: supplement the explanations.
                     81: <p>
                     83: <li>More complete collection and better tested set of "ports".
                     84: <p>
                     86: <li>Over 1000 pre-built and tested packages.
                     87: <p>
1.3     ! miod       89: <li>A new <a href="sparc64.html">OpenBSD/sparc64</a> port for UltraSPARC
        !            90: hardware.
1.1       deraadt    91: <p>
1.3     ! miod       93: <li>A new packet filter, <a
        !            94: href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=pf&sektion=4">PF</a>,
        !            95: featuring NAT capabilities, with a mostly ipf-compatible syntax.
1.1       deraadt    96:
                     97: <li>The system includes the following major components from outside suppliers:
                     98: <p>
                     99: <ul>
1.2       miod      100: <li>XFree86 4.1 (and i386 contains 3.3.X servers also, thus providing support for all chipsets)
1.1       deraadt   101: <li>gcc 2.95.3 (+ patches)
1.3     ! miod      102: <li>perl 5.6.1 (+ patches)
        !           103: <li>Apache 1.3.19, mod_ssl 2.8.2, OpenSSL 0.9.6b (+ patches), DSO support
1.1       deraadt   104: <li>ipf 3.4.16 (+ patches)
                    105: <li>groff 1.15
                    106: <li>sendmail 8.11.3
                    107: <li>lynx 2.8.2 with HTTPS support added
                    108: <li>sudo 1.6.3p7
                    109: <li>ncurses 5.2
                    110: <li>Latest KAME IPv6
                    111: <li>KTH Kerberos 1.0.4
1.2       miod      112: <li>OpenSSH 3.0
1.1       deraadt   113:
                    114: </ul>
                    115: <p>
                    117: <li>Many improvements for security and reliability (look for the red
                    118: print in the <a href=plus30.html>complete changelog</a>).
                    119: <p>
                    121: <a name=install></a>
                    122: <hr>
                    123: <p>
                    124: <h3><font color=#0000e0>How to install</font></h3>
                    125: <p>
                    126: Following this are the instructions which you would have on a piece of
                    127: paper if you had purchased a CDROM set instead of doing an alternate
                    128: form of install.  The instructions for doing an ftp (or other style
                    129: of) install are very similar; the CDROM instructions are left intact
                    130: so that you can see how much easier it would have been if you had
                    131: purchased a CDROM instead.
                    132: <p>
                    134: <hr>
                    135: Please refer to the following files on the two CDROMs for extensive
                    136: details on how to install OpenBSD 3.0 on your machine:
                    137: <p>
                    138: <ul>
                    139: <li>   CD1:3.0/i386/INSTALL.i386
                    140: <li>   CD1:3.0/alpha/INSTALL.alpha
                    141: <p>
                    142: <li>   CD2:3.0/macppc/INSTALL.powerpc
                    143: <li>   CD2:3.0/mvme68k/INSTALL.mvme68k
                    144: <li>   CD2:3.0/amiga/INSTALL.amiga
                    145: <li>   CD2:3.0/mac68k/INSTALL.mac68k
                    146: <li>   CD2:3.0/hp300/INSTALL.hp300
                    147: <li>   CD2:3.0/vax/INSTALL.vax
                    148: <p>
                    149: <li>   CD3:3.0/sparc/INSTALL.sparc
                    150: <li>   CD3:3.0/sparc64/INSTALL.sparc64
                    151: </ul>
                    152: <hr>
                    154: <p>
                    155: Quick installer information for people familiar with OpenBSD, and the
                    156: use of the "disklabel -E" command.  If you are at all confused when
                    157: installing OpenBSD, read the relevant INSTALL.* file as listed above!
                    158: <p>
                    160: <h3><font color=#e00000>OpenBSD/i386:</font></h3>
                    161: <ul>
                    162: <p>
                    163: Play with your BIOS options to enable booting from a CD. The OpenBSD/i386 release is on CD1. If your BIOS does not support booting from CD, you will need to create a boot floppy to install from. To create a boot floppy write <i>CD1:3.0/i386/floppy30.fs</i> to a floppy and boot via the floppy drive.
                    165: <p>
                    166: If you are planning on dual booting OpenBSD with another OS, you will need to read the included INSTALL.i386 document.
                    168: <p>
                    169: To make a boot floopy under MS-DOS, use the &quot;rawrite&quot; utility located at <i>CD:/3.0/tools/rawrite.exe</i>. To make the boot floppy under a Unix OS, use the <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=dd&sektion=1">dd(1)</a> utility. The following is an example usage of <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=dd&sektion=1">dd(1)</a>, where the device could be &quot;floppy&quot;, &quot;rfd0c&quot;, or &quot;rfd0a&quot;.
                    171: <ul><pre>
                    172: # <strong>dd if=&lt;file&gt; of=/dev/&lt;device&gt; bs=32k</strong>
                    173: </pre></ul>
                    175: <p>
                    176: Make sure you use properly formatted perfect floppies with NO BAD BLOCKS or your install will most likely fail. For more information on creating a boot floppy and installing OpenBSD/i386 please refer to <a href="faq/faq4.html#4.1">FAQ4.1</a>.
                    177: </ul>
                    179: <p>
                    180: <h3><font color=#e00000>OpenBSD/sparc:</font></h3>
                    181: <ul>
                    182: <p>
1.3     ! miod      183: The 3.0 release of OpenBSD/sparc is located on CD3. To boot off of this CD you can use one of the two commands listed below, depending on the version of your ROM.
1.1       deraadt   184:
                    185: <ul><pre>
                    186: > <strong>boot cdrom 3.0/sparc/bsd.rd</strong>
                    187: or
                    188: > <strong>b sd(0,6,0)3.0/sparc/bsd.rd</strong>
                    189: </pre></ul>
                    191: <p>
                    192: If your sparc does not have a CD drive, you can alternatively boot from floppy. To do so you need to write &quot;CD2:3.0/sparc/floppy30.fs&quot; to a floppy. For more information see <a href="faq/faq4.html#4.1">FAQ4.1</a>. To boot from the floppy use one of the two commands listed below, depending on the version of your ROM.
                    194: <ul><pre>
                    195: > <strong>boot floppy</strong>
                    196: or
                    197: > <strong>boot fd()</strong>
                    198: </pre></ul>
                    200: <p>
                    201: Make sure you use a properly formatted floppy with NO BAD BLOCKS or your install will most likely fail.
                    203: <p>
                    204: If your sparc doesn't have a floppy drive nor a CD drive, you can either
                    205: setup a bootable tape, or install via network, as told in the
                    206: INSTALL.sparc file.
                    207: </ul>
                    209: <p>
                    210: <h3><font color=#e00000>OpenBSD/amiga:</font></h3>
                    211: <ul>
                    212: <p>
                    213: Create BSD partitions according to INSTALL.amiga's preparation section.
                    214: Mount the CD2 under AmigaOS as device CD0: Next, execute the following
                    215: CLI command: "CD0:3.0/amiga/utils/loadbsd CD0:3.0/amiga/bsd.rd".
                    216: </ul>
                    218: <p>
                    219: <h3><font color=#e00000>OpenBSD/hp300:</font></h3>
                    220: <ul>
                    221: <p>
                    222: You can boot over the network by following the instructions in
                    223: INSTALL.hp300.
                    224: </ul>
                    226: <p>
                    227: <h3><font color=#e00000>OpenBSD/mac68k:</font></h3>
                    228: <ul>
                    229: <p>
                    230: Boot MacOS as normal and partition your disk with the appropriate A/UX
                    231: configurations.  Then, extract the Macside utilities from
                    232: CD2:3.0/mac68k/utils onto your hard disk.  Run Mkfs to create your
                    233: filesystems on the A/UX partitions you just made.  Then, use the
                    234: BSD/Mac68k Installer to copy all the sets in CD2:3.0/mac68k/ onto your
                    235: partitions.  Finally, you will be ready to configure the BSD/Mac68k
                    236: Booter with the location of your kernel and boot the system.
                    237: </ul>
                    239: <p>
                    240: <h3><font color=#e00000>OpenBSD/alpha:</font></h3>
                    241: <ul>
                    242: <p>
                    243: Get the release via ftp. Then, you can either setup a diskless boot or boot via floppy as described in INSTALL.alpha.
                    244: </p>
                    245: </ul>
                    247: <p>
                    248: <h3><font color=#e00000>Notes about the source code:</font></h3>
                    249: <ul>
                    250: <p>
                    251: src.tar.gz contains a source archive starting at /usr/src.  This file
                    252: contains everything you need except for the kernel sources, which are
                    253: in a separate archive.  To extract:
                    254: <p>
                    255: <ul><pre>
                    256: # <strong>mkdir -p /usr/src</strong>
                    257: # <strong>cd /usr/src</strong>
                    258: # <strong>tar xvfz /tmp/src.tar.gz</strong>
                    259: </pre></ul>
                    260: <p>
                    261: srcsys.tar.gz contains a source archive starting at /usr/src/sys.
                    262: This file contains all the kernel sources you need to rebuild kernels.
                    263: To extract:
                    264: <p>
                    265: <ul><pre>
                    266: # <strong>mkdir -p /usr/src/sys</strong>
                    267: # <strong>cd /usr/src</strong>
                    268: # <strong>tar xvfz /tmp/srcsys.tar.gz</strong>
                    269: </pre></ul>
                    270: <p>
                    271: Both of these trees are a regular CVS checkout.  Using these trees it
                    272: is possible to get a head-start on using the anoncvs servers as
                    273: described at <a href=anoncvs.html>http://www.OpenBSD.org/anoncvs.html</a>.
                    274: Using these files
                    275: results in a much faster initial CVS update than you could expect from
                    276: a fresh checkout of the full OpenBSD source tree.
                    277: <p>
                    278: </ul>
                    279: <a name=ports></a>
                    280: <hr>
                    281: <p>
                    282: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Ports Tree</font></h3>
                    283: <p>
                    284: A ports tree archive is also provided.  To extract:
                    285: <p>
                    286: <ul><pre>
                    287: # <strong>cd /usr</strong>
                    288: # <strong>tar xvfz /tmp/ports.tar.gz</strong>
                    289: # <strong>cd ports</strong>
                    290: </pre></ul>
                    291: <p>
                    292: The <i>ports/</i> subdirectory is a checkout of the OpenBSD ports tree.  Go
                    293: read <a href=ports.html>http://www.OpenBSD.org/ports.html</a>
                    294: if you know nothing about ports
                    295: at this point.  This text is not a manual of how to use ports.
                    296: Rather, it is a set of notes meant to kickstart the user on the
                    297: OpenBSD ports system.
                    298: <p>
                    299: Certainly, the OpenBSD ports system is not complete.  It is doubtful it
                    300: will ever be. However, it is growing very fast and getting more stable.
                    301: Almost all ports provided with this release should build without problems
                    302: on most architectures (over 1200 packages build on i386, for instance).
                    303: <p>
                    304: The <i>ports/</i> directory represents a CVS (see the manpage for
                    305: <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=cvs&apropos=0&sektion=1&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html">
                    306: cvs(1)</a> if
                    307: you aren't familiar with CVS) checkout of our ports.  As with our complete
                    308: source tree, our ports tree is available via anoncvs.  So, in
                    309: order to keep current with it, you must make the <i>ports/</i> tree
                    310: available on a read-write medium and update the tree with a command
                    311: like:
                    312: <p>
                    313: <ul><pre>
1.3     ! miod      314: # <strong>cd [portsdir]/; cvs -d anoncvsserver.openbsd.org:/cvs update -Pd -rOPENBSD_3_0</strong>
1.1       deraadt   315: </pre></ul>
                    316: <p>
                    317: [Of course, you must replace the local directory and server name here
                    318: with the location of your ports collection and a nearby anoncvs
                    319: server.]
                    320: <p>
                    321: Note that most ports are available as packages through ftp. Updated
                    322: packages for the 3.0 release will be made available if problems arise.
                    323: <p>
                    324: If you're interested in seeing a port added, would like to help out, or just
                    325: would like to know more, the mailing list ports@openbsd.org is a good
                    326: place to know.
                    327: <p>
                    329: <hr>
                    330: <a href="index.html"><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif border=0 alt=OpenBSD></a>
                    331: <a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>www@openbsd.org</a>
1.3     ! miod      332: <br><small>$OpenBSD: 30.html,v 1.2 2001/10/22 22:36:31 miod Exp $</small>
1.1       deraadt   333:
                    334: </body>
                    335: </html>