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Annotation of www/checklist.html, Revision 1.20

1.14      rohee       1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
1.1       marc        2: <html>
1.20    ! turan       3: <head>
        !             4: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
        !             5: <meta name="resource-type" content="document">
        !             6: <meta name="description" CONTENT="How to make/update an OpenBSD port.">
        !             7: <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,ports">
        !             8: <meta name="distribution" content="global">
        !             9: <meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1998 by OpenBSD.">
        !            10:
        !            11: <title>OpenBSD Porting Checklist</title>
1.1       marc       12:  </head>
1.20    ! turan      13:
        !            14: <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#23238E">
        !            15: <img height=30 width=141 src=images/smalltitle.gif alt="[OpenBSD]" >
        !            16:
        !            17: <h2><font color="#e00000">OpenBSD Porting Checklist</font></h2>
        !            18:
        !            19: This document describes how to make or upgrade a port.  It is a useful
        !            20: reminder of things to do.  This is not totally accurate nor perfect.
        !            21: Direct comments and questions to <a href="mailto:turan@openbsd.org">
        !            22: turan@openbsd.org </a>.
        !            23:
        !            24: <hr>
        !            25: <ol>
        !            26:
        !            27: <p><li>
        !            28: If you want to be a maintainer, subscribe to
        !            29: <a href="mailto:ports@openbsd.org"> ports@openbsd.org.</a>
        !            30: <ul><li>
        !            31: This is where all ports discussions take place.
        !            32: <li>
        !            33: Reading this list is important since many announcements go over this list.
        !            34: <li>
        !            35: You will find a lot of porting-savvy people here.  They can often give you
        !            36: good advice or test ports for you.
        !            37: </ul>
        !            38:
        !            39: <p><li>
        !            40: Check out a copy of the ports tree from cvs.
        !            41: You can find instructions to do this at
        !            42: <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html">
        !            43: http://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html</a>.
        !            44:
        !            45: <p><li>
        !            46: Pick a place to put your port and create the basic
        !            47: infrastructure there.  Use the template Makefile at
        !            48: <code>/usr/ports/infrastructure/templates/Makefile.template</code>.
        !            49: <ul><li>
        !            50: Create the directories <code>files, patches, pkg</code>.
        !            51: <li>
        !            52: Create these empty files <code>pkg/COMMENT, pkg/DESCR, pkg/PLIST</code>
        !            53: </ul>
        !            54:
        !            55: <p><li>
        !            56: Add the fetch portions of the Makefile.
        !            57: <ul><li>
        !            58: Fill in EXTRACT_SUFFIX if its anything besides .tar.gz.  Other examples are
        !            59: .tar.Z, or .tgz.
        !            60: <li>
        !            61: Fill in DISTNAME which is the name of the file minus the extract suffix.  E.g. if you have foo-1.0.tar.gz, DISTNAME is foo-1.0.
        !            62: <li>
        !            63: Fill in MASTER_SITES which is a URL to the directory where the distfile
        !            64: is kept.  E.g. ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/  <b>Don't forget
        !            65: the trailing slash.</b>  Try to have at least three distinct sites as well.
        !            66: Place the most easily accessible first as they are traversed in order.
        !            67: <li>
        !            68: Keep in mind that fetch references the file as
        !            69: ${MASTER_SITE}${DISTNAME}$EXTRACT_SUFFIX}.  All three are used.  Don't
        !            70: set DISTNAME to point to the file directly.
        !            71: <li>
        !            72: You can check to see if you have filled this values in correctly by typing
        !            73: <b>make fetch-all</b>
        !            74: </ul>
        !            75: <p>
        !            76: For more complex ports, you have more options and tools available to you:
        !            77: <ul><li>
        !            78: You also have the variable PATCHFILES available.  This is a list of vendor
        !            79: (not openbsd) patches to the port.  Common uses are things like security
        !            80: or reliability fixes.
        !            81: <li>
        !            82: If your ports are available over large public mirrors such as GNU, SunSite, or
        !            83: CPAN, we have already provided a list of sites for your use in
        !            84: /usr/ports/infrastructure/template/network.conf.template.
        !            85: Set MASTER_SITES to ${MASTER_SITE_GNU}, or ${MASTER_SITE_SUNSITE}, etc.
        !            86: To simplify this process, the construct %SUBDIR% is replaced by the variable
        !            87: MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR in your Makefile.
        !            88: <li>
        !            89: Ports normally correspond to given versions of software. Once they are retrieved, files are checksummed and compared to the recorded
        !            90: checksum in files/md5. So, to avoid confusion, DISTFILES and PATCHFILES should have clearly visible version numbers:
        !            91: don't retrieve foo-latest.tar.gz if it is a link to foo-1.0.5.tar.gz. If necessary, gently ask the original program author
        !            92: to make such distinctions clear.
        !            93: <li>
        !            94: If a given port needs more than about 5 DISTFILES + PATCHFILES to work, use DIST_SUBDIR to avoid cluttering
        !            95: /usr/ports/distfiles too much.
        !            96: <li>
        !            97: DIST_SUBDIR must not include version numbers. When the port is updated to a later version, some distfiles may not change, but will be
        !            98: refetched if DIST_SUBDIR is changed. Even if all distfiles change, it is easier for the user to track cruft.
        !            99: <li>
        !           100: All DISTFILES and PATCHFILES don't necessarily come from the same set of MASTER_SITES. Supplementary sites can be
        !           101: defined using the variables MASTER_SITES0 to MASTER_SITES9. Just write DISTFILES=foo-1.0.5.tar.gz:5 to
        !           102: retrieve foo-1.0.5.tar.gz from MASTER_SITES5.
        !           103: <li>
        !           104: Some ports don't always need to retrieve all files in all circumstances. For instance, some ports may have some compilation options, and
        !           105: associated files which are only required in such a case. Or they may need some files for some architectures only. In such a case, those
        !           106: supplementary optional files must be mentioned in the SUPDISTFILES variable. Targets such as makesum or
        !           107: mirror-distfiles will fetch those supplementary files that the casual user doesn't need.
        !           108: </ul>
1.1       marc      109:
1.20    ! turan     110: <p><li>
        !           111: Create a checksum in <i>files/md5</i> by typing <b>make makesum</b>.
        !           112: Then verify the checksum is correct by typing <b>make checksum</b>
        !           113: <ul><li>
        !           114: In some rare cases, files checksums can't be verified reliably. By all means, porters should try to find sites that are reliable. Communicating
        !           115: with the software author and the archive site maintainer at this stage is highly desirable. In the worst case, non-checksummable files can be
        !           116: mentioned in the IGNOREFILES variable.
        !           117: <li>
        !           118: All files in DISTFILES are usually processed during make extract. EXTRACT_ONLY may be used to limit extraction to a
        !           119: subset of files (possibly empty). The customary use of this variable is to customize extraction: for instance, if some DISTFILES need
        !           120: some special treatment, they will be removed from EXTRACT_ONLY and handled manually at post-extract stage.
        !           121: For historic reasons, make extract does set up the working directory first along with extracting files. Thus, providing a
        !           122: pre-extract or a do-extract target is highly unusual (and fairly suspicious behavior, indicative of a high degree of obfuscation
        !           123: in the port).
        !           124: <li>
        !           125: Patches that need specific treatment should be mentioned in DISTFILES, and removed from EXTRACT_ONLY, for historic reasons.
        !           126: </ul>
1.1       marc      127:
1.20    ! turan     128: <p><li>
        !           129: Extract the port with <b>make extract</b>.  Pay attention to where the base
        !           130: of the sources are.  Usually, its <i>work/DISTNAME</i> You may need to modify
        !           131: the Makefile's WRKDIST variable if it is different.
1.9       espie     132:
1.20    ! turan     133: <p><li>
        !           134: Read the installation documentation and note what you have to do to build
        !           135: the port and any special options that might be needed.
        !           136: <p><li>
        !           137: Now is also a good time to figure out what kind of licensing restrictions
        !           138: apply to your port.  Many are freely redistribution but then again, quite
        !           139: a few are not.  We need four questions answered to distribute ports
        !           140: properly.  These are the PERMIT_* values in the Makefile.
        !           141: <ul><li>
        !           142: PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM tells us if we can put the package on the cdrom.
        !           143: <li>
        !           144: PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP tells us if we can put the package on the ftp sites.
        !           145: <li>
        !           146: PERMIT_DISTFILES_CDROM tells us if we can mirror the distfiles on the cdrom.
        !           147: <li>
        !           148: PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP tells us if we can mirror the distfiles on the ftp sites.
        !           149: </ul><p>
        !           150: Set these values to Yes if it is permitted or to a comment string stating why
        !           151: it is not.  Pay attention to any special conditions you may need to fulfill
        !           152: later on.  E.g. some ports require to install a copy of the license.  We
        !           153: recommend you place the license in <code>/usr/local/share/DISTNAME/</code>.
        !           154:
        !           155: <p><li>
        !           156: Add configuration options to Makefile and/or create the configuration script.
        !           157: <ul><li>
        !           158: You can add a port configuration script named `configure' to a directory
        !           159: named <code>scripts/</code>. This will be run before any configuration
        !           160: specified by GNU_CONFIGURE or HAS_CONFIGURE is run.
        !           161: <li>
        !           162: If GNU_CONFIGURE is used you may want to run ./configure --help
        !           163: to see what options are available.
        !           164: <li>
        !           165: Anything that you may want to override can be changed by adding the
        !           166: --option flags to the CONFIGURE_ARGS parameter in the Makefile.
        !           167: <li>
        !           168: Use CONFIGURE_ARGS+= to append to the variable.  CONFIGURE_ARGS= will
        !           169: overwrite it.
        !           170: </ul>
        !           171:
        !           172: <p><li>
        !           173: Try building the port with <b>make build</b>.
        !           174: <ul><li>
        !           175: If you're lucky, the port will go all the way through without errors.
        !           176: <li>
        !           177: If it exits with an error, you will need to generate patches for your port.
        !           178: Figure out what needs to be changed and make patch for it.
        !           179: <li>
        !           180: Patches must be relative to ${WRKDIST}.
        !           181: <li> The easiest way to reset the port and test your patches is
        !           182: <b>make clean patch</b>. This will delete the work directory, re-extract,
        !           183: and patch your port.
        !           184: </ul>
        !           185:
        !           186: <p><li>
        !           187: Begin and cycle of <b>make build</b>, generate a patch, and
        !           188: <b>make clean patch</b>.
        !           189: <ul><li>
        !           190: Patches go in the directory <i>patches/</i> and should be named patch-* with
        !           191: * being something meaningful.  We recommend you name your patches
        !           192: patch-FILENAME where FILENAME is the name of the file it is patching.
        !           193: <li>
        !           194: Applying PATCHFILES is the first half of the make patch stage. It can be
        !           195: invoked separately as make distpatch, which is a convenient target for
        !           196: porters. Ignore this if you haven't set it.
        !           197: <li>
        !           198: Only patch one source file per patchfile, please,
        !           199: <li>
        !           200: Use <b>diff -p -u</b> to generate patches,
        !           201: <li>
        !           202: All patches MUST be relative to ${WRKDIST},
        !           203: <li>
        !           204: Check that patches <strong>DON'T</strong> contain tags that cvs
        !           205: will replace.  If they do, your patches won't apply after you check
        !           206: them in.  You can check in your changes with -kk to avoid this.
        !           207: <li>
        !           208: Add a small explanation of the patch role in the patchfile before
        !           209: the patch itself, and an OpenBSD CVS tag <code>&#36;OpenBSD&#36;</code>.
        !           210: <li>
        !           211: <b>Please</b> feed your patches back to the author of that piece of software.
        !           212: </ul>
        !           213:
        !           214: <p><li>
        !           215: Try setting <code>SEPARATE_BUILD</code><br>
        !           216: <ul><li>
        !           217: If the port can build with object files outside its source tree,
        !           218: this is cleaner (many programs using <code>GNU_CONFIGURE</code> can),
        !           219: and may help people who mount their ports tree on several arches.
        !           220: <li>
        !           221: This can also spare you some effort, as you will possibly be able to
        !           222: restart the cycle at <code>configure</code> most of the time.
        !           223: </ul>
        !           224:
        !           225: <p><li>
        !           226: Peruse the output (if any) and tweak any options in the Makefile.
        !           227: To repeat issue the command `<b>make clean configure</b>'.
        !           228: <p>
        !           229: Note: make sure host dependent files go in <i>/etc</i> or
        !           230: <i>/etc/&lt;name&gt;</i>, but <b>NEVER REPLACE OR MODIFY</b> existing files
        !           231: in <i>/etc</i>.  Best to have install place
        !           232: in <i>/usr/local/share/&lt;name&gt;</i> and then copy to
        !           233: <i>/etc</i> or <i>/etc/&lt;name&gt;</i> only if the files do not exist.
        !           234: If the files exist, display a message that says such-and-such files need
        !           235: to be modified.  This also guarantees that the files will be included in
        !           236: the package since everything under <i>/usr/local</i> is included in the PLIST
        !           237:
        !           238: <p>
        !           239: The OpenBSD file locations are:
        !           240: <pre>
1.1       marc      241:    user executables:                   /usr/local/bin
                    242:    system admin executables:           /usr/local/sbin
                    243:    program executables:                        /usr/local/libexec
                    244:    libraries                           /usr/local/lib
1.14      rohee     245:    architecture dependent data         /usr/local/lib/&lt;name&gt;
1.1       marc      246:    installed include files:            /usr/local/include or
1.14      rohee     247:                                        /usr/local/include/&lt;name&gt;
                    248:    single-machine data:                        /etc or /etc/&lt;name&gt;
1.1       marc      249:    local state:                                /var/run
                    250:    GNU info files:                     /usr/local/info
                    251:    man pages:                          /usr/local/man/...
1.14      rohee     252:    read-only architecture-independent: /usr/local/share/&lt;name&gt;
                    253:    misc documentation:                 /usr/local/share/doc/&lt;name&gt;
1.20    ! turan     254: </pre>
1.9       espie     255:
1.20    ! turan     256: <p><li>
        !           257: Begin a cycle of makes until the port is ready.  Patch (see above)
        !           258: clean, and make until the port is generated.  Get rid of all warnings
        !           259: if possible, especially security related warnings.
        !           260: <p><li>
        !           261: Control SEPARATE_BUILD semantics.
        !           262: You have to do this only if the port builds with
        !           263: SEPARATE_BUILD defined.
        !           264: Ideally, the port should no longer modify any file in
        !           265: ${WRKSRC} after <b>make patch</b>.
        !           266: You can check this by making sure you don't have any write access
        !           267: to ${WRKSRC}. Then you can set
        !           268: SEPARATE_BUILD=concurrent: someone can use the same
        !           269: source tree to build on distinct arches simultaneously.
        !           270: Otherwise, set <code>SEPARATE_BUILD=simple</code>: building on
        !           271: distinct arches simultaneously may meet with problems, as some
        !           272: source files may be regenerated at awkward moments.
1.9       espie     273:
1.20    ! turan     274: <p><li>
        !           275: Edit <i>pkg/DESCR</i>, <i>pkg/COMMENT</i>, <i>pkg/PLIST</i>.
        !           276: <ul>
        !           277: <li>
        !           278: COMMENT is a <strong>SHORT</strong> one-line description of the port
        !           279: (max. 60 characters). Do NOT include the package name (or version number
        !           280: of the software) in the comment. Do NOT start with an uppercase letter
        !           281: unless semantically significant, do NOT end with a period.
        !           282: <li>
        !           283: DESCR is a longer description of the port. One to a few paragraphs
        !           284: concisely explaining what the port does is sufficient.
        !           285: <li>
        !           286: PLIST is kept empty at this point.
        !           287: </ul>
        !           288:
        !           289: <p><li>
        !           290: Install the application with <b>make install</b>
        !           291: <p>
        !           292: If the port installs dynamic libraries, check their symbol tables
        !           293: with <code>nm</code>, as some mistaken software strips dynamic libraries,
        !           294: which may lead to weird failures later.
        !           295:
        !           296: <p><li>
        !           297: <strong>Check port for security holes again</strong>. This is
        !           298: especially important for network and setuid programs. See
        !           299: <a href="porting.html#security">our security recommendations</a>
        !           300: for that. Log interesting stuff and fixes in the
        !           301: <code>pkg/SECURITY</code> file.  This file
        !           302: should list audited potential problems, along with relevant patches,
        !           303: so that another person can see at first glance what has been done.
        !           304: Example:
1.14      rohee     305: <pre>
                    306:       &#36;OpenBSD&#36;
1.9       espie     307:
                    308:       ${WRKDIR}/receiver.c
                    309:          call to mktemp (wrapper function do_mktemp) does seem to be correct.
                    311:       The server makes extensive use of strlcpy/strlcat/snprintf.
1.20    ! turan     312: </pre>
        !           313:
        !           314: <p><li>
        !           315: Create pkg/PLIST.  After the install is complete use the developer's command,
        !           316: <b>make plist</b> which makes the file PLIST-auto in the <i>pkg</i> directory.
        !           317: This file is a candidate packing list.
        !           318: <p>
        !           319: Beware! The files are found by timestamp.  This means it does NOT:
        !           320: <ul>
        !           321: <li>
        !           322: list any files installed with `tar' as their timestamp
        !           323: will not change and thus won't be found by `find'
        !           324: <li>
        !           325: Update the <code>info/dir</code> file if .info files are added.
        !           326: Also, be sure that the <code>info/dir</code> is not part of the PLIST.
        !           327: <li>
        !           328: Try to do anything special with links or symbolic links.  A
        !           329: cursory test of tar shows it does the right thing with links
        !           330: and symbolic links so I don't see why we need to special case
        !           331: anything in the packing list.  But still...
        !           332: </ul>
        !           333: <p>
        !           334: Peruse `PLIST-auto' and verify that everything was installed and
        !           335: that it was installed in the proper locations.  Anything not installed
        !           336: can be added to a port Makefile `post-install' rule.
        !           337: <p>
        !           338: Move `PLIST-auto' to `PLIST'
        !           339:
        !           340: <p>
        !           341: Ports that install shared libraries will need two versions of the PLIST file.
        !           342: <ul>
        !           343: <li>
        !           344: PLIST describes the files installed on those architectures that support
        !           345: shared libraries.
        !           346: <li>
        !           347: PLIST.noshared describes the files installed on architectures that do not
        !           348: support shared libs.
        !           349: <li>
        !           350: Typically, PLIST.noshared is a copy of PLIST less references to any
        !           351: shared libraries.
        !           352: </ul>
        !           353:
        !           354: <p><li>
        !           355: Keep repeating uninstall and reinstall until perfect.<br>
        !           356: <em>Perfect</em> is when everything installs and uninstalls
        !           357: in its proper location.  `pkg_delete &lt;pkg_name&gt;' is
        !           358: used to uninstall.  `sudo make reinstall' is used to reinstall.  See the
        !           359: `pkg_create' man page for other commands that may be added
        !           360: to PLIST to ensure all is cleaned up.  After an uninstall the command
        !           361: <p><code>find /usr/local -newer work/.install_started -print</code>
        !           362: <p>should only list standard directory names.
        !           363:
        !           364: <p><li>
        !           365: Test the packaging:<br>
        !           366: After the port installs correctly issue the command
        !           367: <code>make package</code> to create a package.  To test the
        !           368: package first do a <code>pkg_delete</code> and then do a
        !           369: <code>pkg_add</code>   The results after an add should EXACTLY
        !           370: match the results after a `make install'.
1.9       espie     371:
1.20    ! turan     372: <p><li>
        !           373: Mail <a href="mailto:ports@openbsd.org">ports@openbsd.org</a> with a short
        !           374: note asking for comments and testing.  Attach the port to this email and
        !           375: sent it out.  If you don't get any comments, send email to
        !           376: <a href="turan@openbsd.org">turan@openbsd.org</a> and I will pick it for you.
        !           377: <p>
        !           378: Try to get others to test it on a variety of platforms for you.
        !           379: <ul><li>
        !           380: The DEC Alpha is good  because it has only static libraries and because
        !           381: sizeof(int) != sizeof(long)
        !           382: <li>
        !           383: Sun SPARC is good because it is very common and because its byte order is
        !           384: the reverse of i386; if you developed on SPARC, of course, you'd want it
        !           385: tested on i386).
        !           386: <p>
        !           387: </ul>
        !           388:
        !           389: <p><li>
        !           390: Incorporate any feedback you get. Test it again on your platform.
        !           391: Get those who gave you feedback to test it again from your new port.
        !           392:
        !           393: <p><li>
        !           394: Finally, include it in the "ports" tree.
        !           395: <p>
        !           396: If you do not have CVS access, ask someone on
        !           397: <a href="ports@openbsd.org">ports@openbsd.org</a> to commit it.  Don't forget
        !           398: about me, <a href="turan@openbsd.org">turan@openbsd.org</a> if no one
        !           399: picks it up.
1.9       espie     400:
1.20    ! turan     401: <p><li>
        !           402: If you are a developer with CVS access, check it in.
        !           403: We normally use "import" for a new port,
        !           404: rather than adding a zillion (or a dozen) files individually.
        !           405: Import uses "vendor branch" version numbers like, but don't worry
        !           406: about that! :-) If you make changes to a specific file (edit, then
        !           407: cvs commit), it will be 1.2, and that will be used.
        !           408: <p>
        !           409: In short, import is typically used when a port is created.
        !           410: From that point on cvs add and cvs rm are typically used to add or remove
        !           411: files, and the normal edit->commit cycle for changes.
        !           412: You might use something like this:
        !           413: <pre>
1.4       ian       414: cd kaffe1
                    415: make clean     # you really really don't want to check in all of work!
                    416: cvs -d cvs.openbsd.org:/cvs import -m 'kaffe port' ports/lang/kaffe1 \
                    417:        <I>YourName</I> <I>YourName_YYYY-MMM-DD</I>
1.20    ! turan     418: </pre>
        !           419: <ul><li>
        !           420: -d cvs.openbsd.org:/cvs says where cvs lives. This can be omitted if you
        !           421: have a CVS_ROOT environment variable defined.
        !           422: <li>
        !           423: -m 'kaffe port' is your login message.  Change it to whatever you like
        !           424: <li>
        !           425: ports/lang/kaffe1 is the path relative to /cvs where the port lives
        !           426: <li>
        !           427: <i>YourName</i> (replaced with your login name) is the "vendor tag".
        !           428: You imported it so you are the vendor.
        !           429: <li>
        !           430: <i>YourName_YYYY-MMM-DD</i> (e.g., ian_2000-Jan-01)
        !           431: is the 'vendor release tag'.  This is as good as any.
        !           432: </ul>
        !           433: As a real example, here is the output of checking in the Kaffe1 port,
        !           434: which one of us did on September 8, 1998:
        !           435: <pre>
1.4       ian       436: $ cd kaffe1
                    437: $ make clean >/dev/null
                    438: $ cvs import -m 'kaffe1.0(==JDK1.1) port' ports/lang/kaffe1 ian ian_1998-Sep-08
                    439: ian@cvs.openbsd.org's password: (not shown, obviously)
                    440: I ports/lang/kaffe1/CVS
                    441: I ports/lang/kaffe1/files/CVS
                    442: I ports/lang/kaffe1/pkg/CVS
                    443: N ports/lang/kaffe1/Makefile
                    444: cvs server: Importing /cvs/ports/lang/kaffe1/files
                    445: N ports/lang/kaffe1/files/md5
                    446: cvs server: Importing /cvs/ports/lang/kaffe1/pkg
                    447: N ports/lang/kaffe1/pkg/COMMENT
                    448: N ports/lang/kaffe1/pkg/DESCR
                    449: N ports/lang/kaffe1/pkg/PLIST
                    451: No conflicts created by this import
                    452: $
1.20    ! turan     453: </pre>
        !           454:
        !           455: <p><li>
        !           456: Last but not least, add a one-line entry for the new port
        !           457: in its parent directory's makefile, i.e., for ports/lang/kaffe1,
        !           458: add it to ports/lang/Makefile.
        !           459:
        !           460: <p><li>
        !           461: Maintain the port!  As time goes by, problems may arise, or new versions
        !           462: of the software may be released. You should strive to keep your port up
        !           463: to date.  In other words - iterate, test, test, iterate, ...
        !           464: </ul>
        !           465:
        !           466: Thank you for supporting the OpenBSD "ports" process!
        !           467: <hr>
        !           468: <a href="porting.html"><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif
        !           469:  border=0 alt=Porting></a>
        !           470: <a href="mailto:www@openbsd.org">www@openbsd.org</a>
        !           471: <br><small>$OpenBSD: checklist.html,v 1.19 2000/02/14 01:35:31 espie Exp $</small>
        !           472: </body>
1.1       marc      473: </html>