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Revision 1.1, Sat Feb 19 18:16:34 2000 UTC (24 years, 3 months ago) by niklas
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Talk about the SMP project

<title>The OpenBSD SMP project</title>
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<h2>OpenBSD SMP</h2>

<h3><strong>History and Status:</strong></h3>

SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessor) support is not yet in OpenBSD, but there
exists a project, started in February 2000, to bring said support to at
least the <a href=i386.html>i386</a> and <a href=sparc.html>sparc</a>


We have created a src/sys branch in <a href=anoncvs.html>CVS</a>, called
<b>SMP</b> where the development is happening.  In order to check it out, do:
$ <b>cvs update -rSMP src/sys</b>

There also exists a mailinglist, <i>smp@openbsd.org</i>, for the purpose
of discussing the SMP support.  Look <a href=mail.html>here</a> for a
description on how to subscribe to our mailinglists.

We plan to put up links good documents here whenever we find them:
<li><a href=http://developer.intel.com/design/intarch/MANUALS/24201601.pdf>
MultiProcessor Specification</a> by Intel.

<a href=index.html><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif border=0 alt=OpenBSD></a> 
<a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>www@openbsd.org</a>
<small>$OpenBSD: smp.html,v 1.1 2000/02/19 18:16:34 niklas Exp $</small>
