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File: [local] / www / Attic / support-template.txt (download)

Revision 1.1, Thu Aug 6 02:32:55 1998 UTC (25 years, 10 months ago) by ian
Branch: MAIN

Added support.html (not yet linked into tree) and support-template.txt,
to become a list of consultants willing to support OpenBSD.

 Country ;
 Province|State ;
 City|Town ;
 Mailing Address ;
 Firm|Consultant ;
 Name ;
 FAX ;
 <a href="mailto:user@company.com">user@company.com</A> ;
 <a href="http://www.company.com/">http://www.company.com/</A> ;
 Comment, such as, Author of "The OpenBSD Bible" and other works on OpenBSD.