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Revision 1.46, Tue Jun 28 18:39:15 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by saad
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.45: +37 -28 lines

- undo my fat fingers change and fix the copyright
- wrapping
- add a statement about Steelix CVS not being public. hinted at by xsa@,
note to translators: you only need to translate the last 3/4 lines

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<h2><font color="#e00000">Translation of the OpenBSD


<h3><font color="#0000e0">Index</font></h3>
<li><a href="#WHAT">What is it?</a></li>
<li><a href="#WHO">Who is doing this?</a></li>
<li><a href="#HOW">How does it work?</a></li>
<li><a href="#WANT">Want to contribute?</a></li>


<h3><font color="#0000e0"><a name="WHAT">What is it?</a></font></h3>

The OpenBSD project strives to maintain many high <a href="goals.html">
standards</a>, one of them is to supply users with excellent
documentation, in the form of man pages and web pages.

Now we want to take this one step further and supply users with
translated versions of certain key docs into their native language.

The first step will be translating the most important web pages into
common languages. Next step will be adding INSTALL docs and introductory
man pages.

<h3><font color="#0000e0"><a name="WHO">Who is doing this?</a></font></h3>

As with all OpenBSD activity, this work is done by volunteers.

<h4>Actively maintained</h4>

<p><table border="1">
  <td align="center"><a href="de/">de</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:jufi@openbsd.org">Jan-Uwe Finck</a>,
    <a href="mailto:paldium@steelix.kd85.com">Tobias St&ouml;ckmann</a>, and
    <a href="mailto:sarman@t-online.de">Thomas W. Horna</a>
  <td align="center"><a href="fr/">fr</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:saad@openbsd.org">Saâd Kadhi</a>,
    <a href="mailto:guillaume.arcas@free.fr">Guillaume Arcas</a>,
    <a href="mailto:ajacoutot@lphp.org">Antoine Jacoutot</a>,
    <a href="mailto:aanriot@openbsd.org">Alexandre Anriot</a>,
    <a href="mailto:christophe.plasschaert@wanadoo.fr">Christophe Plasschaert</a>, and 
    <a href="mailto:svincent@idems.fr">Sebastien Vincent</a>
    <a href="http://steelix.kd85.com/translation/fr-translation.html">here</a>
    for more information)
  <td align="center"><a href="ja/">ja</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:tueda@steelix.kd85.com">UEDA Tatsuya</a>,
    <a href="mailto:toshi@steelix.kd85.com">Toshihiko UEKI</a>, and
    <a href="mailto:euske@steelix.kd85.com">Yusuke Shinyama</a>
  <td align="center"><a href="nl/">nl</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:smestdag@steelix.kd85.com">Steven Mestdagh</a>
  <td align="center"><a href="pt/">pt</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:eduardo@thrx.org">Eduardo Alvarenga</a> and
    <a href="mailto:dsantos@hydroxyl.org">Douglas Santos</a>
    (click <a href="http://open.bsd.com.br/translation.html">here</a>
    for more information)

<h4>Partially maintained</h4>
<p><table border="1">
  <td align="center"><a href="hu/">hu</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:ishida@mars.elte.hu">Ishida</a> and
    <a href="mailto:yo2lux@vplink.net">Zoltan Kiraly</a>
  <td align="center"><a href="it/">it</a></td>
    <a href="mailto:danix_@users.sourceforge.net">Daniele Mazzocchio</a> and
    <a href="mailto:melix_@users.sourceforge.net">Melina Proto</a>
  <td align="center">sh</td>
  <a href="mailto:sarman@t-online.de">Thomas W. Horna</a>
  <td align="center"><a href="zh-cn/">zh-cn</a></td>
  <td>Chinese (GB2312, Chinese simplified)</td>
    <a href="mailto:guochunzhong@lycos.com">Zhong Guochun</a>
  <td align="center"><a href="zh-tw/">zh-tw</a></td>
  <td>Chinese (BIG5, Chinese traditional)</td>
    <a href="mailto:sjhuang@freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw">Sheng Jih Huang</a> 


<p><table border="1">
  <td width="40" align="center"><a href="cs/">cs</a></td>
  <td width="100">Czech</td>
  <td width="450">&nbsp;</td>
  <td width="40" align="center"><a href="es/">es</a></td>
  <td width="100">Spanish</td>
  <td width="450">&nbsp;</td>
  <td width="40" align="center"><a href="ko/">ko</a></td>
  <td width="100">Korean</td>
  <td width="450">&nbsp;</td>
  <td width="40" align="center"><a href="pl/">pl</a></td>
  <td width="100">Polish</td>
  <td width="450">&nbsp;</td>
  <td width="40" align="center"><a href="ru/">ru</a></td>
  <td width="100">Russian</td>
  <td width="450">&nbsp;</td>
        <td width="40" align="center"><a href="se/">se</a></td>
        <td width="100">Swedish</td>
        <td width="450">&nbsp;</td>

Everything is coordinated by 
<a href="mailto:saad@openbsd.org">Saâd Kadhi</a>,
<a href="mailto:wvdputte@openbsd.org">Wim Vandeputte</a>, and
<a href="mailto:jufi@openbsd.org">Jan-Uwe Finck</a>.

<h3><font color="#0000e0"><a name="HOW">How does it work?</a></font></h3>

The website consists of multiple subdirectories which we will call
sections, for each language there is an extra subdirectory in each
section if a translation exists. This subdirectory has a name that is
the two-letter
<a href="http://lcweb.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/englangn.html">ISO 639-1 language code</a>, 
like 'es' for Spanish or 'de' for German. In that directory, we find
files with the same names as their original [en] version, only
translated in the correct language.

For example:


If <strong>www/es/index.html</strong> links to a translated page
<strong>goals.html</strong>, it points to
<strong>www/es/goals.html</strong>. If <strong>security.html</strong> is
not (yet) translated, it should link to
<strong>../security.html</strong>, and points to

We will also maintain in each translated and original [en] file a series
of links to the translated pages. These links should be sorted! You can
find these in the left top of index page, for example:
<a href="de/index.html">[de]</a>
<a href="index.html">[en]</a>
<a href="es/index.html">[es]</a>
<a href="fr/index.html">[fr]</a>
<a href="ja/index.html">[ja]</a>
<a href="nl/index.html">[nl]</a>

All the contributors have a CVS account on a dedicated CVS server <a
href="http://steelix.kd85.com">steelix.kd85.com</a>. After the pages are
finished and up to date, they are synchronized with the main OpenBSD CVS

<strong>Note:</strong> the CVS repository hosted by
<i>steelix.kd85.com</i> is not public. One must have a CVS account on
this server to access the repository.

The current status of the translation work can be tracked online via the
<a href="http://steelix.kd85.com/translation/status.html">OpenBSD
Translation Status</a> page which is generated hourly.

More detailed documentation about the translation procedures is
available from <a href="translation-explained.html">Contributing to the
OpenBSD translation effort</a>.

<h3><font color="#0000e0"><a name="WANT">Want to contribute?</a></font></h3>

Follow the instructions on the
<a href="translation-explained.html">Contributing to the OpenBSD
translation effort</a> page.

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<small>$OpenBSD: translation.html,v 1.46 2005/06/28 18:39:15 saad Exp $</small>
