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Annotation of www/errata26.html, Revision 1.10

1.1       deraadt     1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN">
                      2: <html>
                      3: <head>
                      4: <title>OpenBSD 2.6 errata</title>
                      5: <link rev=made href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>
                      6: <meta name="resource-type" content="document">
                      7: <meta name="description" content="the OpenBSD CD errata page">
                      8: <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,cd,errata">
                      9: <meta name="distribution" content="global">
                     10: <meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1997-1998 by OpenBSD.">
                     11: </head>
                     13: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#23238E">
                     15: <img alt="[OpenBSD]" height=30 width=141 SRC="images/smalltitle.gif">
                     16: <h2><font color=#0000e0>
                     17: This is the OpenBSD 2.6 release errata &amp; patch list:
                     19: </font></h2>
                     21: <hr>
1.9       jason      22: <a href=stable.html>For OpenBSD patch branch information, please refer here.</a><br>
1.1       deraadt    23: <a href=errata21.html>For 2.1 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                     24: <a href=errata22.html>For 2.2 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                     25: <a href=errata23.html>For 2.3 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                     26: <a href=errata24.html>For 2.4 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                     27: <a href=errata25.html>For 2.5 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                     28: <a href=errata.html>For 2.7 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                     29: <hr>
                     31: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6.tar.gz>
                     32: You can also fetch a tar.gz file containing all the following patches</a>.
                     33: This file is updated once a day.
1.10    ! ericj      35: <p>
        !            36: For more detailed information on install patches to OpenBSD, please
        !            37: consult the <a href="./faq/faq10.html#10.14">OpenBSD FAQ</a>.
        !            38:
1.1       deraadt    39: <hr>
                     41: <dl>
                     42: <a name=all></a>
                     43: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>All architectures</font></h3>
                     44: <ul>
1.7       deraadt    45: <a name=semconfig></a>
                     46: <li><font color=#009000><strong>024: SECURITY FIX: May 26, 2000</strong></font><br>
                     47: Kernel contained an undocumented system call used to lock semaphore operations
                     48: while they were being sampled by the ipcs(1) command.  This locking could be
1.8       deraadt    49: used as a local denial of service attack which would block the exiting of
                     50: processes which had semaphore resources allocated. Processes not using
                     51: semaphores are not affected, so the actual effect is very minimal.<br>
1.7       deraadt    52: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/024_sysv_sem.patch>
                     53: A jumbo patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                     54: <p>
1.4       kjell      55: <a name=ipf></a>
                     56: <li><font color=#009000><strong>023: SECURITY FIX: May 25, 2000</strong></font><br>
1.5       deraadt    57: A misuse of
                     58: <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=ipf&sektion=8">ipf(8)</a>
1.4       kjell      59: <i>keep-state</i> rules can result in firewall rules being
1.5       deraadt    60: bypassed.
                     61: This patch also includes fixes for an unaligned timestamp issue,
1.4       kjell      62: and reliability fixes for ipmon and the in-kernel ftp proxy.<br>
                     63: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/023_ipf.patch>
                     64: A jumbo patch exists</a>, which remedies this problem, and updates ipf
                     65: to version 3.3.16.
                     66: <p>
1.2       deraadt    67: <a name=xlockmore></a>
                     68: <li><font color=#009000><strong>022: SECURITY FIX: May 25, 2000</strong></font><br>
                     69: xlockmore has a localhost attack against it which allows recovery of the encrypted
                     70: hash of the root password.  The damage to systems using DES passwords from this
                     71: attack is pretty heavy, but to systems with a well-chosen root password under
                     72: blowfish encoding
                     73: (see <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=crypt&sektion=3">
                     74: crypt(3)</a>)
                     75: the impact is much reduced.<br>
                     76: (Aside:  We do not consider this a localhost root hole in the default install,
                     77: since we have not seen a fast blowfish cracker yet ;-)<br>
1.3       deraadt    78: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/022_xlockmore.patch>
1.6       deraadt    79: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem. This is the 2nd patch designed to solve this problem.</a>
1.2       deraadt    80: <p>
1.1       deraadt    81: <a name=rzsz></a>
                     82: <li><font color=#009000><strong>021: RZSZ SNOOPING: Jan 31, 2000</strong></font><br>
                     83: The rzsz port was removed from the ports collection, as it collects and
                     84: sends user information to a designated email address, effectively spying on
                     85: you.  <em>It is recommended that you remove this package if you installed
                     86: it</em>.
                     87: <p>
                     88: <a name=syslog></a>
                     89: <li><font color=#009000><strong>020: LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT: Jan 26, 2000</strong></font><br>
                     90: syslog(3) would not try to reopen the socket, thus, nightly newsyslog(8)
                     91: would cause syslogd(8) to not see new messages.
                     92: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/020_syslog.patch>
                     93: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                     94: <p>
                     95: <a name=nsphy></a>
                     96: <li><font color=#009000><strong>019: DRIVER IMPROVEMENT: Jan 20, 2000</strong></font><br>
                     97: Intel fxp cards with National Semiconductor PHYs (nsphy) have trouble
                     98: negotiating and maintaining 100Mb link integrity.<br>
                     99: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/019_nsphy.patch>
                    100: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    101: <p>
                    102: <a name=procfs></a>
                    103: <li><font color=#009000><strong>018: SECURITY FIX: Jan 20, 2000</strong></font><br>
                    104: Systems running with procfs enabled and mounted are vulnerable
                    105: to having the stderr output of setuid processes directed onto
                    106: a pre-seeked descriptor onto the stack in their own procfs memory.<br>
                    107: Note that procfs is not mounted by default in OpenBSD.<br>
                    108: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/018_procfs.patch>
                    109: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    110: <p>
                    111: <a name=aty2k></a>
                    112: <li><font color=#009000><strong>015: Y2K FIX: Jan 9, 2000</strong></font><br>
                    113: The at(1) command was unable to parse some kinds of dates.<br>
                    114: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/015_aty2k.patch>
                    115: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    116: <p>
                    117: <a name=addusery2k></a>
                    118: <li><font color=#009000><strong>013: Y2K FIX: Jan 3, 2000</strong></font><br>
                    119: A minor problem in the logging support for the adduser(8) command.<br>
                    120: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/013_addusery2k.patch>
                    121: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    122: <p>
                    123: <a name=3c900b></a>
                    124: <li><font color=#009000><strong>012: DRIVER IMPROVEMENT: Jan 3, 2000</strong></font><br>
                    125: The 3C900B-TPO fails to select the correct media type (it never sees or
                    126: sends packets).<br>
                    127: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/012_3c900b.patch>
                    128: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    129: <p>
                    130: <a name=poll></a>
                    131: <li><font color=#009000><strong>011: SECURITY FIX: Dec 4, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    132: Various bugs in poll(2) may cause a kernel crash.<br>
                    133: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/011_poll.patch>
                    134: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    135: <p>
                    136: <a name=sendmail></a>
                    137: <li><font color=#009000><strong>010: SECURITY FIX: Dec 4, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    138: Sendmail had a race in aliases file handling, which this patch fixes.<br>
                    139: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/010_sendmail.patch>
                    140: A source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    141: <p>
                    142: <a name=atapijumbo></a>
                    143: <li><font color=#009000><strong>009: DRIVER IMPROVEMENTS: Dec 4, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    144: Various improvements have been made to the IDE/ATAPI subsystem since
                    145: the 2.6 release shipped.<br>
                    146: Some of these improvements make some recalcitrant devices work much better.
                    147: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/009_atapi.patch><br>
                    148: Revision 1 of this jumbo source code patch exists.</a><br>
                    149: <p>
                    150: <a name=sslUSA></a>
                    151: <li><font color=#009000><strong>016: SECURITY FIX: Dec 2, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    152: A buffer overflow in the RSAREF code included in the
                    153: USA version of the libssl package (called <strong>sslUSA</strong>, is
                    154: possibly exploitable in isakmpd if SSL/RSA features
                    155: are enabled or used.<br>
                    156: <a href=http://www.openssh.com>OpenSSH</a> and httpd (with -DSSL) are not
                    157: vulnerable.<br>
                    158: <strong>NOTE: International users using the ssl26 package are not affected.</strong>
                    159: <p>
                    160: To check what package you are using, use
                    161: <pre>
                    162: <b>#</b> pkg_info sslUSA26
                    163: </pre>
                    164: The patched library says:<br>
                    165: "ssl26.1 USA-only non-commercial crypto libs incl. SSL &amp; RSA"
                    166: <p>
                    167: Non-commercial USA users who installed the ssl package before December 3
                    168: should upgrade their <strong>sslUSA26</strong> package using:<br>
                    169: <pre>
                    170: <b>#</b> pkg_delete sslUSA26
                    171: <b>#</b> pkg_add -v sslUSA26.tar.gz
                    172: </pre>
                    173: Using the new <strong>sslUSA26.tar.gz</strong> files which have been placed
                    174: on the FTP mirrors.<br>
                    175: <a href=advisories/sslUSA>For more information, see the advisory</a>.<br>
                    176: <strong>NOTE: this problem turned out to not be unexploitable in OpenSSH.</strong>
                    177: <p>
                    178: <a name=fortran></a>
                    179: <li><font color=#009000><strong>017: FUNCTIONALITY ADDITION: Nov 14, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    180: Fortran doesn't work right.  The file /usr/include/g2c.h is missing in the
                    181: release.<br>
                    182: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/008_fortran.patch>
                    183: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a><br>
                    184: The patch fixes the source tree and describes how to properly add
                    185: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/g2c.h>
                    186: the include file</a> to your system.
                    187: <p>
                    188: <a name=sshjumbo></a>
                    189: <li><font color=#009000><strong>005: FUNCTIONALITY ADDITION: Nov 11, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    190: Various OpenSSH improvements have been made since the 2.6 release shipped.<br>
                    191: To resolve the various (non-security related) features which users may want,
                    192: we are making a jumbo patch available.  <strong>This is now at VERSION FOUR.</strong><br>
                    193: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/005_sshjumbo.patch>
                    194: Revision 4 of this jumbo source code patch exists.</a><br>
                    195: <strong>NOTE: /etc/sshd_config and /etc/ssh_config may need changes.</strong>
                    196: <p>
                    197: <a name=m4></a>
                    198: <li><font color=#009000><strong>003: FUNCTIONALITY FIX: Nov 10, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    199: m4 is quite broken in the 2.6 release.<br>
                    200: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/003_m4.patch>
                    201: The 3rd version of the source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    202: <p>
                    203: <a name=ifmedia></a>
                    204: <li><font color=#009000><strong>002: SECURITY FIX: Nov 9, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    205: Any user can change interface media configurations.<br>
                    206: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/002_ifmedia.patch>
                    207: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    208: <p>
                    209: <a name=newsyslog></a>
                    210: <li><font color=#009000><strong>001: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 8, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    211: A race condition in newsyslog(8) can cause errors in log file rotation.<br>
                    212: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/common/001_newsyslog.patch>
                    213: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    214: <p>
                    215: </ul>
                    216: <p>
                    217: <a name=i386></a>
                    218: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>i386</font></h3>
                    219: <ul>
                    220: <li>No problems identified yet.
                    221: </ul>
                    222: <p>
                    223: <a name=mac68k></a>
                    224: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>mac68k</font></h3>
                    225: <ul>
                    226: <a name=m68k_locore></a>
                    227: <a name=mac68k_locore></a>
                    228: <li><font color=#009000><strong>007: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 12, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    229: All m68k kernels can possibly be crashed by a user.<br>
                    230: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/m68k/007_locore.patch>
                    231: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    232: <p>
                    233: </ul>
                    234: <p>
                    235: <a name=sparc></a>
                    236: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>sparc</font></h3>
                    237: <ul>
                    238: <a name=eepromy2k></a>
                    239: <li><font color=#009000><strong>014: Y2K FIX: Jan 3, 2000</strong></font><br>
                    240: A minor problem; the sparc eeprom(8) command is not Y2K compliant.<br>
                    241: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/sparc/014_eepromy2k.patch>
                    242: Revision 2 of the source code patch exists, which remedies this problem.</a>
                    243: <p>
                    244: <a name=sparc_locore></a>
                    245: <li><font color=#009000><strong>004: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 12, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    246: The sparc kernel can be crashed by a user.<br>
                    247: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/sparc/004_locore.patch>
                    248: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    249: <p>
                    250: </ul>
                    251: <p>
                    252: <a name=amiga></a>
                    253: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>amiga</font></h3>
                    254: <ul>
                    255: <a name=amiga_locore></a>
                    256: <li><font color=#009000><strong>007: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 12, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    257: All m68k kernels can possibly be crashed by a user.<br>
                    258: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/m68k/007_locore.patch>
                    259: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    260: <p>
                    261: </ul>
                    262: <p>
                    263: <a name=pmax></a>
                    264: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>pmax</font></h3>
                    265: <ul>
                    266: <li>No problems identified yet.
                    267: </ul>
                    268: <p>
                    269: <a name=arc></a>
                    270: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>arc</font></h3>
                    271: <ul>
                    272: <li>No problems identified yet.
                    273: </ul>
                    274: <p>
                    275: <a name=alpha></a>
                    276: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>alpha</font></h3>
                    277: <ul>
                    278: <a name=alpha_locore></a>
                    279: <li><font color=#009000><strong>006: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 13, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    280: The alpha kernel can possibly be crashed by a user.<br>
                    281: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/alpha/006_locore.patch>
                    282: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    283: <p>
                    284: </ul>
                    285: <p>
                    286: <a name=hp300></a>
                    287: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>hp300</font></h3>
                    288: <ul>
                    289: <a name=hp300_locore></a>
                    290: <li><font color=#009000><strong>007: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 12, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    291: All m68k kernels can possibly be crashed by a user.<br>
                    292: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/m68k/007_locore.patch>
                    293: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    294: <p>
                    295: </ul>
                    296: <p>
                    297: <a name=mvme68k></a>
                    298: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>mvme68k</font></h3>
                    299: <ul>
                    300: <a name=mvme68k_locore></a>
                    301: <li><font color=#009000><strong>007: RELIABILITY FIX: Nov 12, 1999</strong></font><br>
                    302: All m68k kernels can possibly be crashed by a user.<br>
                    303: <a href=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/2.6/m68k/007_locore.patch>
                    304: A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.</a>
                    305: <p>
                    306: </ul>
                    307: <p>
                    308: <a name=powerpc></a>
                    309: <li><h3><font color=#e00000>powerpc</font></h3>
                    310: <ul>
                    311: <li>No problems identified yet.
                    312: </ul>
                    314: </dl>
                    315: <br>
                    317: <hr>
1.9       jason     318: <a href=stable.html>For OpenBSD patch branch information, please refer here.</a><br>
1.1       deraadt   319: <a href=errata21.html>For 2.1 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                    320: <a href=errata22.html>For 2.2 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                    321: <a href=errata23.html>For 2.3 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                    322: <a href=errata24.html>For 2.4 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                    323: <a href=errata25.html>For 2.5 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                    324: <a href=errata.html>For 2.7 errata, please refer here</a>.<br>
                    325: <hr>
                    327: <a href=index.html><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif border=0 alt=OpenBSD></a>
                    328: <a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>www@openbsd.org</a>
1.10    ! ericj     329: <br><small>$OpenBSD: errata26.html,v 1.9 2000/05/28 19:02:34 jason Exp $</small>
1.1       deraadt   330:
                    331: </body>
                    332: </html>