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Annotation of www/lyrics.html, Revision 1.2

1.1       deraadt     1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN">
                      2: <html>
                      3: <head>
                      4: <title>OpenBSD release song lyrics</title>
                      5: <link rev=made href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>
                      6: <meta name="resource-type" content="document">
                      7: <meta name="description" content="the OpenBSD release song lyrics page">
                      8: <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,ordering">
                      9: <meta name="distribution" content="global">
                     10: <meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 2000-2002 by OpenBSD.">
                     11: </head>
                     13: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#23238E">
                     14: <img alt="[OpenBSD]" height="30" width="141" SRC="images/smalltitle.gif">
                     15: <p>
                     16: <h2><font color="#e00000">Release Songs</font><hr></h2>
                     18: <a name=30>
                     19: <a href="images/Rock.jpg"><img align=right src="images/Rock.jpg"></a>
                     20: <h3><font color="#00b000">3.0 Song: "E-Railed (OpenBSD Mix)"</font></h2>
1.2     ! deraadt    21: <a href="songs/song30.mp3">MP3 version of song (3 minutes, 2.9MB)</a>
1.1       deraadt    22: <p>
                     23: Don't tell anyone I'm free<br>
                     24: Don't tell anyone I'm free<br>
                     25: <p>
                     26: During these hostile and trying times and what-not<br>
                     27: OpenBSD may be your family's only line of defense<br>
                     28: <p>
                     29: I'm secure by default<br>
                     30: <p>
                     31: They that can give up liberty to obtain a little safety<br>
                     32: deserve neither liberty nor safety<br>
                     33: <p>
                     34: RELEASE TIME!!!!<br>
                     35: <p>
                     36: Stay of, stay off, stay off...<br>
                     37: I'm secure by default<br>
                     38: stay off, stay off, stay off<br>
                     39: <p>
                     40: <br>
                     41: <br>
                     42: <em>
                     43: By The Plaid Tongued Devils. Produced & Arranged by Ty Semaka & Wynn Gogol.
                     44: <br>
                     45: Written & Performed by Gordon Chipp Robb (bass line),
                     46: John McNiel (drums), Ty Semaka (vocals & lyrics), and Wynn Gogol, (programming).
                     47: <br>
                     48: Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Wynn Gogol of Workshop Recording Studios (Victoria BC).
                     49: <br>
                     50: Check out <a href="http://www.thedevils.com">http://www.thedevils.com</a>
                     51: </em>
                     53: <br>
                     54: <hr>
                     55: <a name=31>
                     56: <a href="images/Systemagic.jpg"><img align=right src="images/Systemagic.jpg"></a>
                     57: <h3><font color="#00b000">3.1 Song: "Systemagic"</font></h2>
1.2     ! deraadt    58: <a href="songs/song31.mp3">MP3 version of song (3 minutes, 2.9MB)</a>
1.1       deraadt    59: <p>
                     60: BSD fight buffer reign<br>
                     61: Flowing blood in circuit vein<br>
                     62: Quagmire, Hellfire, RAMhead Count<br>
                     63: Puffy rip attacker out<br>
                     64: <p>
                     65: Crackin' ze bathroom, Crackin' ze vault<br>
                     66: Tale of the script, HEY! Secure by default<br>
                     67: <p>
                     68: Can't fight the Systemagic<br>
                     69: &Uuml;ber tragic<br>
                     70: Can't fight the Systemagic<br>
                     71: <p>
                     72: Sexty second, black cat struck<br>
                     73: Breeding worm of crypto-suck<br>
                     74: Hot rod box unt hunting wake<br>
                     75: Vampire omellete, kitten cake<br>
                     76: <p>
                     77: Crackin' ze boardroom, Crackin' ze vault<br>
                     78: Rippin' ze bat, HEY! Secure by default<br>
                     79: <p>
                     80: Chorus
                     81: <p>
                     82: Cybersluts vit undead guts<br>
                     83: Transyl-viral coffin muck<br>
                     84: Penguin lurking under bed<br>
                     85: Puffy hoompa on your head<br>
                     86: <p>
                     87: Crackin' ze bedroom, Crackin' ze vault<br>
                     88: Crackin' ze whip, HEY! Secure by default<br>
                     89: Crackin' ze bedroom, Crackin' ze vault<br>
                     90: Crackin' ze whip, HEY! Secure by default<br>
                     91: <p>
                     92: Chorus<br>
                     93: <p>
                     94: <br>
                     95: <br>
                     96: <em>
                     97: Produced & by Ty Semaka, and Ian Knox.
                     98: Written, Arranged and Performed by Ty Semaka (vocals, lyrics), Ian Knox (bass,
                     99: drum programming), and Sean Desmond (guitar).
                    100: <br>
                    101: Recorded & Mixed at Ruffmix Audio Productions (Calgary) by Kelly Mihalicz.
                    102: <br>
                    103: Mastered by Jonathan Lewis.
                    104: </em>
                    106: <hr>
                    107: <a href=index.html><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif border=0 alt=OpenBSD></a>
                    108: <a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>
                    109: Public Discussion Forum about contents of these web pages: www@openbsd.org</a>
1.2     ! deraadt   110: <br><small>$OpenBSD: lyrics.html,v 1.1 2002/04/16 18:32:54 deraadt Exp $</small>
1.1       deraadt   111: </body>
                    112: </html>