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Annotation of www/mail.html, Revision 1.24

1.1       deraadt     1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN">
                      2: <html>
                      3: <head>
1.2       deraadt     4: <title>OpenBSD Mailing lists</title>
1.22      wvdputte    5: <link rev="made" href= "mailto:www@openbsd.org">
                      6: <meta name= "resource-type" content= "document">
                      7: <meta name= "description"   content= "the main OpenBSD page">
                      8: <meta name= "keywords"      content= "openbsd,mail">
                      9: <meta name= "distribution"  content= "global">
                     10: <meta name= "copyright"     content= "This document copyright 1996-1999 by OpenBSD.">
1.1       deraadt    11: </head>
1.7       downsj     13: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#23238E">
1.1       deraadt    14:
1.16      pauls      15: <img alt="[OpenBSD]" height=30 width=141 SRC="images/smalltitle.gif">
1.7       downsj     16:
                     17: <p>
1.1       deraadt    18: <h3>Mailing Lists:</h3>
                     19: Some mailing lists are used for the development and use of OpenBSD.
                     20: In each case, send mail to
                     21: <a href=mailto:majordomo@OpenBSD.org>majordomo@OpenBSD.org</a>
                     22: with a message body of "<strong>subscribe mailing-list-name</strong>".
1.15      d          24: There is a minimal set of mailing lists intentionally; among
1.1       deraadt    25: other benefits such as more communication it reduces cross-posting.
                     26: There are no private mailing lists.
                     27: <p>
                     28: These are the mailing lists:
                     29: <dl>
                     30: <dt><strong>announce</strong>
                     31: <dd>important announcements. Since this is a low volume list
                     32: it is excellent for people who just want to follow important events.
                     33: <dt><strong>tech</strong>
                     34: <dd>technical discussions
                     35: <dt><strong>misc</strong>
                     36: <dd>user questions and answers
1.5       graichen   37: <dt><strong>bugs</strong>
                     38: <dd>bugs as sent in via sendbug(1) and discussion about them
1.1       deraadt    39: <dt><strong>source-changes</strong>
                     40: <dd>automated mailout of CVS source tree changes
1.11      deraadt    41: <dt><strong>ports</strong>
1.14      downsj     42: <dd>discussions about the use of the 'ports' source tree
1.17      art        43: <dt><strong>advocacy</strong>
                     44: <dd>discussions about promoting the use of OpenBSD
1.1       deraadt    45: </dl>
                     47: <p>
                     48: For further assistance, send a message body of "<strong>help</strong>"
                     49: to <a href=mailto:majordomo@OpenBSD.org>majordomo@OpenBSD.org</a>
1.13      deraadt    50: and you will receive a reply outlining all your options.  Your domain
                     51: <strong>MUST</strong> resolve properly or the mail will not go through!
1.1       deraadt    52: </p>
                     54: <p>
1.18      deraadt    55: <a href=http://www.openbsd.ics.nara-wu.ac.jp/wakakusa>
1.21      aaron      56: A separate Japanese-language mailing list related to OpenBSD is also available
                     57: separately.</a>
1.18      deraadt    58:
                     59: <p>
1.24    ! deraadt    60: A separate Polish-language mailing list related to OpenBSD is also available
        !            61: separately.  To subscribe, send mail to OpenBSD-request@hack.pl
        !            62:
        !            63: <p>
1.1       deraadt    64: <h3>Mailing List Archives:</h3>
1.19      deraadt    65: <ul>
1.22      wvdputte   66: <li><a href=http://www.sigmasoft.com/~openbsd/>USA</a><!-- down? -->
1.19      deraadt    67: <li><a href=http://www.tryc.on.ca/obsd-lists.html>Canada</a>
1.22      wvdputte   68: <!-- this one is down
1.20      deraadt    69: <li><a href=http://www.calyx.nl/~openbsd>Dutch</a>
1.22      wvdputte   70:  -->
1.23      wvdputte   71: <!-- this one is down
1.22      wvdputte   72: <li><a href=http://www.monkey.org/cgi-bin/wilma>USA Monkey.org</a> Searchable archive
1.23      wvdputte   73:  -->
1.19      deraadt    74: </ul>
1.1       deraadt    75: </p>
                     77: <hr>
1.16      pauls      78: <a href=index.html><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif border=0 alt=OpenBSD></a>
1.1       deraadt    79: <a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>www@openbsd.org</a>
1.24    ! deraadt    80: <br><small>$OpenBSD: mail.html,v 1.23 1999/05/23 22:12:38 wvdputte Exp $</small>
1.1       deraadt    81:
                     82: </body>
                     83: </html>