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Annotation of www/mvme88k.html, Revision 1.2

1.1       deraadt     1: <http>
                      2: <head>
                      3: <title>OpenBSD/mvme88k</title>
                      4: <h2>OpenBSD/mvme88k</h2>
                      6: <h3><hr>
                      7: <strong>History and Status:</strong></h3>
                      8: The code in the tree is intended for the Motorola 88K series of VME cards.
                      9: Theo is researching the history.  The initial code is from the CMU MACH
                     10: Luna88k development project, but it isn't clear who all the later people
                     11: were.  The mvme88k models have the basically the same IO devices and
                     12: layout as the MVME167, which is supported by the mvme68k port.
                     14: <p>
                     15: The mvme88k port does not currently work.  It is looking for people who
                     16: want to work on it.
                     18: <p>
                     19: Noone is currently working on this port to finish it, but Theo de Raadt
                     20: would love to hear from anyone who is interested in working together on
                     21: it.
                     23: <p>
                     24: <h3><hr>
                     25: <strong>Where to get it?</h3></strong>
                     26: There are no snapshots or releases yet.
                     28: <hr><a href=/><img src=icons/back.gif></a>
                     29: <a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>www@openbsd.org</a>
1.2     ! deraadt    30: <br><small>$OpenBSD$</small>