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Revision 1.12, Sun Feb 21 06:42:28 1999 UTC (25 years, 3 months ago) by smurph
Branch: MAIN
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mvme88k updates.

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<h3><strong>History and Status:</strong></h3>

Nivas Madhur started the initial MVME88k port for the MVME187 card, but has 
since moved on to another employer.  The port is now maintained by Steve 
Murphree.  There is a snapshot avaliable as of 2.4.  The port supports the 
MVME187 Single Board Computer (SBC), or anything with a 88100 processor.  
Supported devices include: onboard ethernet, onboard SCSI, and onboard serial.  
Support for the MVME197 is planned, but we need hardware to get things going.  
(see the <a href="want.html">"Wanted List"</a>.)

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<small>$OpenBSD: mvme88k.html,v 1.12 1999/02/21 06:42:28 smurph Exp $</small>
