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<h3><font color=#0000e0><i>Table of contents</i></font></h3>
 <li><a href="#history">Past history of the port</a>
 <li><a href="#status">Current status</a>
 <li><a href="#info">Where to get it</a>
 <li><a href="#hardware">Supported hardware list</a>
 <li><a href="#play">Where can you find hardware?</a>
 <li><a href="#pics">More 88k pictures</a>
 <li><a href="#projects">Project list</a>
 <li><a href="#dmesg">dmesg</a>

<a name=history>
<h3><font color=#0000e0><strong>History:</strong></font></h3>

The Motorola 88k processor is said to be the best RISC processor ever 
devised.  Its simplicity and elegance combine to make the mvme88k a 
hearty, robust platform. 
Nivas Madhur started the initial mvme88k port 
for the MVME187 card, but has since moved on to another employer.  
Steve Murphree, Jr. completed the port in November 1998.  The port has 
since had major changes including revamped autoconf and on-board SCSI 
driver.  New, greatly expanded VME bus support.  A working install 
process that correctly creates a Motorola VID block on the disks.
<a name=status>
<h3><font color=#0000e0><strong>Current Status:</strong></font></h3>

The people working the most on OpenBSD/mvme88k are:
Steve Murphree, Jr.  
More would be nice :)

Email may be sent to the maintainer of the OpenBSD/mvme88k port at
<a href="mailto:smurph@OpenBSD.org">smurph@OpenBSD.org</a>.  

There is a snapshot avaliable as of 2.4.  The port supports the MVME187 
Single Board Computer (SBC).  MVME188 multi-processor board support is 
currently "in the works."  Support for the MVME197 is planned, but time 
is needed to get things going.  The installation tools and process as 
of the 2.5 release actually work.  OpenBSD/mvme88k can be installed or 
upgraded via tape ramdisk images as well as network and diskless installs.

<a name=info>
<h3><font color=#0000e0><strong>Where to get it:</strong></font></h3>

<li><a href=ftp.html>Snapshots are made available from time to time.</a>
<li><a href=ftp://ftp3.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/2.5/mvme88k/INSTALL.mvme88k>Installation information for the 2.5 release of OpenBSD/mvme88k</a>

<a name=hardware>
<h3><font color=#0000e0><strong>Supported hardware list:</strong></font></h3>

<h4>OpenBSD/mvme88k runs on the following classes of machines:</h4>
 <li> MVME187: Motorola 88100 based Single Board Computer (SBC)

<h4>Supported devices</h4>

<li> Floppy drives:
   <li> SCSI floppy disk drives

<li> Serial ports:
   <li> tty00, tty01, tty02 and tty03 on-board Cirrus Lodgic serial ports (MVME187)
   <li> MVME332 8-port serial card

<li> Ethernet adapters:
   <li> on-board Intel Ethernet (MVME187)
   <li> MVME376 AMD Lance Ethernet. 

<li> SCSI controllers:
   <li> on-board "NCR" SCSI controller (MVME187)
   <li> MVME328 SCSI controller

<h4>OpenBSD/mvme88k does *not* run on these machines (yet):</h4>
 <li> MVME188: Support is being integrated into the source right now!
 <li> MVME197: I have a board, but no time yet.  Soon, maybe soon...

<h4>Unsupported Devices. There are many more...</h4>
 <li>Disk Controllers:
   <li> MVME327 SCSI controller
 <li>Ethernet Controllers:
   <li> MVME374 LANCE controller

 <li>WAN Controllers:
   <li> MVME333 WAN controller

<a name=play>
<h3><font color=#0000e0>Where can you find hardware?</font></h3>
 <li><a href="mailto:john@wad-s.com">John's Industrial Surplus.</a>.  
If you really want to play 88k, this is what I suggest:
 <li>MVME188 8000 series dual proc system.  It has a really cool chassis.
 <li>MVME187 SBC
 <li>NCD 88k X-Terminal.  It's a cool 88k X display.
John has all of this stuff.  Give him a shout and see what he can get for you.
<a name=projects>
<h3><font color=#0000e0>Project list:</font></h3>
 <li>Start work on MVME197 port.
 <li>Finnish work on MVME188 port.
 <li>Start work on device drivers for unsupported VME cards.


<a name=pics>
<h3><font color=#0000e0>mvme88k pictures:</font></h3>
The picture at the top of this page is a MVME 900 Series Chassis with a MVME187 
33 Mhz, 32 Megabyte RAM SBC board, 4 MVME332XT serial baords and an 
ARCHIVE 250 MB QIC Tape unit.  Its hostname is m187.  It is the primary build 
machine for the OpenBSD/mvme88k port.
 <li><a href="images/mvme187-2.jpg">MVME187 Series 900 (rear view)</a>
 <li><a href="images/mvme187-3.jpg">MVME187 Series 900 (rear view w/terminal)</a>
 <li><a href="images/mvme187-4.jpg">MVME187 Series 900 (rear view close up)</a>
 <li><a href="images/mvme188-2.jpg">MVME188 Dual proc board</a>
 <li>More to come...


<a name=dmesg>
<h3><font color=#0000e0>mvme88k dmesg:</font></h3>
Check out the cool VME bus devices!  Err, also check out how many builds 
it took to get them working...
OpenBSD 2.5 (XT) #404: Wed May 26 02:11:50 CDT 1999

Model: Motorola MVME187 25Mhz
real mem  = 33550336
avail mem = 29126656
using 409 buffers containing 1675264 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root) machine type MVME187
pcctwo0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfff00000: rev 0
setting interrupt ack vectors.
clock0 at pcctwo0 ipl 5
nvram0 at pcctwo0 offset 0xc0000: MK48T08 len 8192
cl0 at pcctwo0 offset 0x45000 ipl 3 console 
siop0 at pcctwo0 offset 0x47000 ipl 2: version 0 target 7
scsibus0 at siop0: 8 targets
siop0: target 0 now synchronous, period=100ns, offset=8
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: &lt;COMPAQPC, DSP3053LS, 442C&gt; SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0: 511MB, 3117 cyl, 4 head, 83 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 1046532 sec total
vme0 at pcctwo0 offset 0x40000: system controller
vme0: using BUG parameters
vme0: 1phys 0x40000000-0xefff0000 to VME 0x40000000-0xefff0000
vme0: 2phys 0xff000000-0xff7f0000 to VME 0xff000000-0xff7f0000
vme0: 3phys 0x02000000-0x3fff0000 to VME 0x02000000-0x3fff0000
vme0: 4phys 0x00000000-0x00000000 to VME 0x00000000-0x00000000
vme0: vme to cpu irq level 1:1
vmes0 at vme0
ve0 at vmes0 addr 0xffff1200 vaddr 0xef000200 vec 0x74 ipl 3
ve0: address 00:00:77:83:9f:a6
ve0: 128 receive buffers, 32 transmit buffers
vs0 at vmes0 addr 0xffff9000 vaddr 0xef041000 vec 0x80 ipl 2: target 7
scsibus1 at vs0: 8 targets
sd1 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: &lt;FUJITSU, M2624F-512, M405&gt; SCSI1 0/direct fixed
sd1: 496MB, 1429 cyl, 11 head, 64 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 1015812 sec total
cd0 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 0: &lt;NEC, CD-ROM DRIVE:500, 1.2&gt; SCSI1 5/cdrom removable
vmel0 at vme0
ie0 at pcctwo0 offset 0x46000 ipl 3: address 08:00:3e:21:33:57
boot device: sd0
root on sd0a
rootdev=0x400 rrootdev=0x800 rawdev=0x802


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<small>$OpenBSD: mvme88k.html,v 1.18 1999/07/22 02:51:57 smurph Exp $</small>
