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fix spelling mistakes. no "functional" change. from Raf Czlonka

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Pruning and Polishing:<br>
Keeping OpenBSD Modern
Ted Unangst &lt;tedu@openbsd.org>
AsiaBSDCon 2015
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Owing to its historic roots as a derivative of the original Berkeley Systems
Distribution (BSD), OpenBSD includes a great deal of old code. Many files bear
copyright notices from the year 1980, and in some cases, even older. Although
not explicitly stated as a project goal, keeping OpenBSD modern is an
important part of satisfying other goals, such as portability and correctness.
To that end, something must be done about all the legacy code that we have
inherited. Actually, two somethings, <i>pruning</i> and <i>polishing</i>. In this paper,
I'll explain what I mean by these terms, how the OpenBSD Project goes about
pruning and polishing, and lessons learned in the process.
Simply put, pruning is deleting code. I use the term pruning to encompass
more than just the simple act of deleting code, but also the process of
identifying which code should be. Some legacy code is useful; some is not.
Opinions vary as to the costs associated with keeping legacy code. At the low
end, there is the argument that if it's not in the way, there's no harm. At
the high end, Knight Capital went bankrupt after losing $400 million in 45
minutes after eight year old deactivated code was accidentally reactivated.
Realistically, typical costs are in most cases closer to the low end.
Merely having old code in the source tree does imply that it is potentially in
the way. The old code is still fetched during source checkouts, and if
enabled, still takes time to compile. These costs are minimal in isolation,
but when multiplied by the frequency with such activities take place, take their
More importantly, many developer operations take place across the entire tree.
For instance, as will be discussed further in the polishing section, a
developer may run a tree wide grep for a particular programming idiom that has
recently been determined to be harmful. Each result must be inspected and corrected.
While theoretically possible to ignore, at least temporarily, results in legacy
code, that is in itself another decision that must be made. Additionally,
postponement mostly serves to obfuscate when a task is completed. It is
important that the question, Are we done?, have a definitive answer.
Examples of tree wide changes include changing internal kernel interfaces. One
example is the introduction of <i>ALTQ</i>, which added a new macro <em>IFQ_ENQUEUE</em> in
parallel with the existing macro <em>IF_ENQUEUE</em>. More recently, <em>ether_input</em> has
been replaced by <em>if_input</em>. Completing such changes requires modifying every
network driver. But with hundreds of drivers to modify, more frequently what
happens is that some drivers, those for which developers have access to
hardware, receive updates while drivers for older hardware that has fallen out
of use remain untouched. This leads to a fragmented API in the kernel, where
old and new APIs exist side by side. Multiple APIs is a common and well tested
transition strategy, but as the transition drags on and on, the existence of
the old API becomes a source of confusion. Network drivers are often ported
from FreeBSD or NetBSD, which may continue using the traditional API. When
such code is ported to OpenBSD, it continues to work, but fails to take
advantage of the new API. In this way, the continued existence of old code
hampers the introduction of new code.
A second example are the <em>simplelock</em> locks once prevalent in the kernel. These
locks, which were really macros which expanded to nothing, were introduced
long before the kernel was actually capable of multiprocessor operation in a
case of premature optimism. When SMP support was finally added, intervening
code changes meant that many of the lock and unlock operations were
incorrectly placed. In other cases, new developers were not always aware that
the locks were empty macros and would attempt to use them in code which
required functioning locks. Considerable developer effort was expended moving
the locks around and trying to maintain the comments describing the necessary
locking protocols in code which had never been tested. Arguments in favor of
keeping the simplelocks were that they served as a guide to where real locks
should one day be introduced. However, it was becoming increasing clear over
time that any attempt at correct locking would be better off ignoring the
simplelocks and starting fresh from first principles. Finally, the simplelocks
were deleted entirely from the tree.
Determining what code can safely be deleted is an important part of the
pruning process. The obvious approach would be to ask a representative group,
such as the user mailing list, if anybody is using the code in question. This
frequently results in false positives, however. Any question about whether
anyone is using a particular ISA network adapter will reveal that somebody has
a 486 with such an adapter in it in their garage. It hasn't been turned on in
three years, but now that the question has been asked, maybe they think they
will. In general, the people who do not have to actually maintain ancient
drivers appear much more optimistic about their future utility. (Also, human
memory is far from infallible, and it frequently turns out the 486 in the
garage did not have the adapter in question. After all these years, who can
remember whether their 3COM ISA adapter was supported by <i>ec</i>, <i>ef</i>, 
<i>eg</i>, <i>el</i>, or <i>ep</i>?)
A better approach is to confer with a smaller group of developers,
particularly those interested in maintaining support for older systems, and
ask them about the current availability of such hardware. A quick search of
the second hand market, such as eBay, can also help identify whether such
support is likely to be useful in the future. Low end testing has been helpful
in many instances, so the goal is not to relegate all 486 era hardware to the
scrap heap. Rather, it is to identify the 486 era hardware that is available
to the vintage enthusiast seeking to assemble a working system today.
Failing hardware may even cause entire architectures to become unsupported.
Long before flooding in Thailand resulted in a shortage of multi-terabyte
drives, the OpenBSD project suffered from a shortage of adequate 50-pin SCSI
drives. Interest in m68k platforms was already waning due to a lack of
upstream toolchain support and the limited performance of the platform, but
after all the known working systems suffered hard drive failures, it was
finally time to retire the port and send its code to the attic.
Userland code is also subject to pruning. In the early days of BSD, the CSRG
was a small group of developers with similar needs. If a program were useful
to them, it would be included in the source tree as a matter of course. Thirty
years later, however, the typical OpenBSD user does not need to reformat
Fortran source code for printing.
In some cases, the removed functionality may still be useful, but has been
subsumed by better features elsewhere. <i>TCP wrappers</i> was still included long
after most users probably migrated to <i>pf</i> for network access control. Wrappers
had also fallen out of favor with new developers. So for example, while one
could use <em>hosts.deny</em> with <i>sshd</i>, it wouldn't work with <i>nginx</i>.
Where possible, such inconsistencies should be avoided. pf works consistently with more
servers, and so TCP wrappers were removed.
In other cases, the removed program has fallen victim to changing project
priorities. In the early years of the project, the ports tree was not as fully
developed, making it more difficult to assemble third party software. The set
of programs that constituted a complete unix system was also smaller. In the
90s, an OpenBSD server with <i>sendmail</i> and <i>popa3d </i>was all that a small company
or ISP may need to provide email access. In the decades since, the <em>POP</em>
protocol has faded in popularity compared to <em>IMAP</em> and more recently webmail.
The necessary components and dependencies are too great to provide a simple
out of the box experience, however. Reevaluation of situation revealed that
OpenBSD was, by contemporary standards, no longer a complete mail server
solution, but merely a complete POP mail server solution. As the POP server
niche shrank, it was no longer compelling for OpenBSD to continue to provide
POP service, and the popa3d daemon was removed.
Note that removing a program from base doesn't entirely end its availability.
Many removed programs find an afterlife in the ports tree.
Occasionally the delete first, ask questions later technique has caused
problems. One notable example is the <i>rmail</i> program. A remnant of the long gone
UUCP support, it was deleted without notice under the assumption that nobody
could possibly be using it. Immediately after deletion, however, an OpenBSD
developer remarked that he did in fact use rmail (but without UUCP) as part of
his usual email fetching pipeline. Nevertheless, it was determined that ports
was a better home for rmail, but some disruption and stress could have been
avoided with advance notice.
Keeping the code that's left up to date with modern development practices is
an important part of OpenBSD's mission to deliver a quality operating system.
While 80s developers were certainly aware of security vulnerabilities, the
danger of many programming constructs was not fully realized at the time. As
time passes, categories of vulnerability wax and wane in popularity. In
response, OpenBSD developers adapt their code style to avoid unsafe idioms and
prefer safer ones, and to replace dangerous functions with safer variants.
The <em>strlcpy</em> and <em>strlcat</em> functions were introduced early in the OpenBSD Project's history
in response to perhaps the most prominent of C's vulnerabilities. High
priority code such as ssh was reworked to use these functions first, followed
by a broader audit. The OpenBSD base tree, minus certain third party
components, has now been completely free from plain <em>strcpy</em> and <em>strcat</em> calls
for several years.
The <em>strtonum</em> function was introduced after it was observed that many userland
programs handled numeric command line arguments poorly. The predominant
function, <em>atoi</em>, will happily accept garbage leading to unexpected results when
a simple typo is processed. The standard replacement function, <em>strtol</em>, makes
it possible to perform error checking, however the tedium of doing so meant
that it was rarely used in practice. Developers would prefer to close their
eyes and use atoi than write out all the necessary code for proper strtol use.
There are now approximately 550 calls to strtonum in OpenBSD.
Although integer overflows can occur in many contexts, they are particularly
likely to occur and particularly devastating when associated with memory
allocation. Correct overflow checking in C is made difficult by the fact that
many naive attempts will result in undefined behavior, rendering them moot and
subject to compiler optimizer elimination. Initially, the OpenBSD policy was
to identify and replace problematic allocations with the standard <em>calloc</em>
function. Unfortunately, this function incurred the additional cost of zeroing
memory unnecessarily and also lacked the flexibility needed to replace
realloc. A new function, <em>reallocarray</em>, was introduced that solves both
problems. Originally introduced to assist in checking overflows in LibreSSL,
it's usage quickly spread throughout the tree, and there are now approximately
650 reallocarray calls in the tree, plus an additional 250 mallocarray calls
in the kernel.
Another polishing effort is refactoring of header files. Over time, header
files inevitably accumulate more and more declarations, often becoming
entangled in circular dependencies. Eventually the set of header files
necessary to compile a file can no longer be inferred from the source, and
developers simply copy and paste known working sets of headers from one file to
another. The immediate downside of this is that even minor changes to any
header require rebuilding the entire kernel. The long term downside is that
once entangled, source files only become more tightly bound, making it harder
to reverse the trend. There are no simple procedures here, but judicious use
of forward declarations and opaque types can reduce the coupling between
A side effect of the polishing effort is homogenization. The original BSD
code base had only a few authors, and thanks to the KNF style guidelines,
a very consistent look and feel throughout. Over time, new code is added from
various sources, which is not always entirely consistent. However, the
polishing effort smooths out many of those differences, restoring consistency.
Consistency throughout the code enables existing developers and newcomers
alike to quickly familiarize themselves with any part of the tree and begin
The games directory deserves special mention. It's filled with some of the
oldest code in OpenBSD, and unlike most of the source tree, was collected from
a variety of sources outside the original CSRG. As a result, the code in games
has an eclectic mix of styles. Many of the games programs are of questionable
utility. It would seem this directory would be the ideal target for some
relentless pruning, but it's not. The games directory is instead something of
a proving ground for polishing techniques.
The variation in style in games means it is more representative of code outside
OpenBSD, such as that found in the ports tree. But unlike the ports tree it
is still under full OpenBSD control. And so, for example, when Theo undertook
a project to eradicate deterministic <em>random </em>from libc, the games directory was
one of the first places he looked. Nearly all calls to random in main source
tree had long since been converted to use <em>arc4random</em>. Some games, however,
save random seeds in game save files and want to restore them later, making
them useful tests for the new <em>srand_deterministic</em> function.
Hopefully the reader has gained some insight into the OpenBSD development process,
especially with regard to the pruning and polishing process. Keeping the
source code modern helps us to deliver quality releases, and also makes
hacking fun.
<a href="http://dougseven.com/2014/04/17/knightmare-a-devops-cautionary-tale/">
Knightmare: A DevOps Cautionary Tale
<a href="http://www.sudo.ws/todd/papers/strlcpy.html">
strlcpy and strlcat - consistent, safe, string copy and concatenation
<a href="http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/the-design-of-strtonum">
the design of strtonum
<a href="http://lteo.net/blog/2014/10/28/reallocarray-in-openbsd-integer-overflow-detection-for-free/">
reallocarray() in OpenBSD: Integer Overflow Detection for Free
<a href="http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/random-in-the-wild">
random in the wild