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Annotation of www/plus.html, Revision 1.1073

1.863     naddy       1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
1.14      deraadt     2: <html>
                      3: <head>
1.1045    david       4: <title>OpenBSD -current changes</title>
1.728     horacio     5: <link rev="made" href="mailto:www@openbsd.org">
1.14      deraadt     6: <meta name="resource-type" content="document">
1.1045    david       7: <meta name="description" content="OpenBSD -current changes">
1.1044    deraadt     8: <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,changes">
1.14      deraadt     9: <meta name="distribution" content="global">
1.1046    jsg        10: <meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1996-2007 by OpenBSD.">
1.14      deraadt    11: </head>
1.728     horacio    13: <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#23238e">
1.14      deraadt    14:
1.828     jsyn       15: <a href="index.html"><img alt="[OpenBSD]" height="30" width="141" src="images/smalltitle.gif" border="0"></a>
1.64      downsj     16: <p>
1.1044    deraadt    17: <h2><font color="#e00000">OpenBSD -current changelog</font></h2>
1.863     naddy      18: <hr>
1.14      deraadt    19:
                     20: <p>
1.823     jsyn       21: This is a partial list of the major machine-independent changes
1.602     aaron      22: (i.e., these are the changes people ask about most often).  Port
1.29      deraadt    23: specific changes have also been made, and are sometimes mentioned
1.728     horacio    24: in the pages for the specific <a href="plat.html">platforms</a>.
1.14      deraadt    25:
1.17      deraadt    26: <p>
1.998     espie      27: There is a separate <a href="portsplus/index.html">list of Changes to the ports collection</a>.
1.725     naddy      28:
                     29: <p>
1.863     naddy      30: Note: <font color="#e00000">Problems for which patches exist are marked in red</font>.
1.185     deraadt    31:
                     32: <p>
1.186     deraadt    33: <h3>
1.846     deraadt    34: For changes in other releases, click below:<br>
                     35: <a href="plus20.html">2.0</a>,
                     36: <a href="plus21.html">2.1</a>,
                     37: <a href="plus22.html">2.2</a>,
                     38: <a href="plus23.html">2.3</a>,
                     39: <a href="plus24.html">2.4</a>,
                     40: <a href="plus25.html">2.5</a>,
                     41: <a href="plus26.html">2.6</a>,
                     42: <a href="plus27.html">2.7</a>,
                     43: <a href="plus28.html">2.8</a>,
                     44: <a href="plus29.html">2.9</a>,
                     45: <a href="plus30.html">3.0</a>,
                     46: <a href="plus31.html">3.1</a>,
1.868     deraadt    47: <a href="plus32.html">3.2</a>,
1.889     david      48: <a href="plus33.html">3.3</a>,
1.916     david      49: <a href="plus34.html">3.4</a>,
1.935     miod       50: <a href="plus35.html">3.5</a>,
1.941     deraadt    51: <a href="plus36.html">3.6</a>,
1.963     deraadt    52: <a href="plus37.html">3.7</a>,
1.999     deraadt    53: <a href="plus38.html">3.8</a>,
1.1028    deraadt    54: <a href="plus39.html">3.9</a>,
1.1044    deraadt    55: <a href="plus40.html">4.0</a>,
1.1069    deraadt    56: <a href="plus41.html">4.1</a>,
                     57: <a href="plus42.html">4.2</a>.
1.422     deraadt    58: <br>
1.186     deraadt    59: </h3>
                     61: <p>
1.1069    deraadt    62: <h3><font color="#0000e0">Changes made between OpenBSD 4.2 and OpenBSD 4.3</font></h3><p>
1.847     deraadt    63: <p>
1.422     deraadt    65: <ul>
1.1073  ! jj         66: <!-- 2007/08/27 -->
        !            67: <!-- 2007/08/26 -->
        !            68: <!-- 2007/08/25 -->
        !            69: <li>Fix for sparc64 dmesg when printing more than 2G of memory.
        !            70: <li>Update <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=xterm&sektion=1&format=html">xterm(1)</a> version to 229.
        !            71: <li>Move xenocara expat to 2.0.1.
        !            72: <!-- 2007/08/24 -->
        !            73: <li>Fix a bug leading to infinite recursion in the <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=perl&sektion=1&format=html">perl(1)</a> <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=AutoLoader&sektion=3p&apropos=0">AutoLoader(3p)</a>.
        !            74: <li>Add new configuration directive to <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=httpd&sektion=8&format=html">httpd(8)</a>, RLimitNOFILE to set the number of open file descriptors.
1.1070    jj         75: <!-- 2007/08/23 -->
1.1073  ! jj         76: <li>Initial support for onboard Fast-Wide scsi on the 735 and 755 hppa machines in <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=siop&sektion=4&format=html">siop(4)</a>.
        !            77: <li>Remove need for hardcoded address of <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sti&sektion=4&format=html">sti(4)</a> on hppa. Makes C180 models work.
        !            78: <li>Add compatibility in X11 with the new XInput API.
        !            79: <li>Continued development of the <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=nxe&sektion=4&format=html">nxe(4)</a> driver.
        !            80: <li>Make <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=pf&sektion=4&format=html">pf(4)</a> allow RST packets with th_seq equal to seqlo +-1. Reduces amount of 'loose state' messages.
        !            81: <li>Make <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=banner&sektion=1&format=html">banner(1)</a> check the result code from <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=fgets&sektion=3&format=html">fgets(3)</a> and do a proper newline strip.
1.1070    jj         82: <!-- 2007/08/22 -->
1.1071    jj         83: <li>Make <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=ssh&sektion=1&format=html">ssh(1)</a> execute commands with $SHELL instead of /bin/sh.
1.1070    jj         84: <li>Support for "Banner=none" in <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sshd_config&sektion=5&format=html">sshd_config(5)</a>.
                     85: <li>Fix high-power charging on <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=uberry&sektion=4&format=html">uberry(4)</a> devices.
                     86: <li>Fix in <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=wpi&sektion=4&format=html">wpi(4)</a> RX code path which could block incoming traffic, only seen when running without WEP.
                     87: <li>Enable Xft support in <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=xdm&sektion=1&format=html">xdm(1)</a>.
                     88: <li>Update the time zone data files and libc time zone code to 2007g.
1.1072    jj         89: <li>Make sure <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=com&sektion=4&format=html">com(4)</a> source compiles with KGDB enabled.
1.1070    jj         90: <!-- 2007/08/21 -->
                     91: <li>Fix in OpenSSL for CVE-2007-3108.
                     92: <li>Add a -s option to <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sort&sektion=1&format=html">sort(1)</a> in order to make the radix sort a stable sort.
                     93: <li>Make sure <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=bbc&arch=sparc64&sektion=4&format=html">bbc(4)</a> on sparc64 does not repeat the device name on attach failure.
                     94: <li>Fix for sparc64 <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=gdb&sektion=1&format=html">gdb(1)</a>.
                     95: <li>Make sure <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=pf&sektion=4&format=html">pf(4)</a> does not access th_flags when it isn't available.
1.422     deraadt    96: </ul>
                     97: <p>
1.203     deraadt    98:
1.95      deraadt    99: This list mentions mostly platform-independent changes.  For a list of changes
                    100: made in a particular platform, please check the page for that platform.  If you
                    101: find them not listed there, the changes are either (1) not being documented or
                    102: (2) are documented here.<br><br>
1.14      deraadt   103:
                    104: <hr>
1.424     deraadt   105: <p>
                    106: <h3>
1.846     deraadt   107: For changes in other releases, click below:<br>
                    108: <a href="plus20.html">2.0</a>,
                    109: <a href="plus21.html">2.1</a>,
                    110: <a href="plus22.html">2.2</a>,
                    111: <a href="plus23.html">2.3</a>,
                    112: <a href="plus24.html">2.4</a>,
                    113: <a href="plus25.html">2.5</a>,
                    114: <a href="plus26.html">2.6</a>,
                    115: <a href="plus27.html">2.7</a>,
                    116: <a href="plus28.html">2.8</a>,
                    117: <a href="plus29.html">2.9</a>,
                    118: <a href="plus30.html">3.0</a>,
                    119: <a href="plus31.html">3.1</a>,
1.868     deraadt   120: <a href="plus32.html">3.2</a>,
1.889     david     121: <a href="plus33.html">3.3</a>,
1.916     david     122: <a href="plus34.html">3.4</a>,
1.935     miod      123: <a href="plus35.html">3.5</a>,
1.941     deraadt   124: <a href="plus36.html">3.6</a>,
1.1044    deraadt   125: <a href="plus37.html">3.7</a>,
1.999     deraadt   126: <a href="plus38.html">3.8</a>,
1.1028    deraadt   127: <a href="plus39.html">3.9</a>,
1.1044    deraadt   128: <a href="plus40.html">4.0</a>,
1.1069    deraadt   129: <a href="plus41.html">4.1</a>,
                    130: <a href="plus42.html">4.2</a>.
1.424     deraadt   131: <br>
                    132: </h3>
                    134: <hr>
1.1016    pvalchev  135: <a href="index.html"><img height=24 width=24 src="back.gif" border=0 alt="OpenBSD"></a>
1.729     horacio   136: <a href="mailto:www@openbsd.org">www@openbsd.org</a>
1.1073  ! jj        137: <br><small>$OpenBSD: plus.html,v 1.1072 2007/08/28 13:55:43 jj Exp $</small>
1.14      deraadt   138:
                    139: </body>
                    140: </html>