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tyop: english really is my native language believe it or not.

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OpenBSD/sparc64 runs on the 64bit Sun UltraSPARC machines.
The current port maintainer is Jason Wright
(<a href="mailto:jason@openbsd.org">jason@openbsd.org</a>).
Others are welcome to contribute.
<h3><font color="#0000e0"><strong>History:</strong></font></h3>

The orginal port was made for NetBSD by Eduardo Horvath and released for
the first time in January 1999.
The porting to OpenBSD started in August 2001 and in the end of September the
first binary snapshot was released. The porting was done mainly by Jason
Wright and Artur Grabowski and was done on both sbus and PCI machines so that
a decently wide range of hardware support was ready even before the system
could boot multiuser.

<h3><font color="#0000e0"><strong>Current status:</strong></font></h3>

Currently most of the hardware available to the developers boots multiuser and
supports enough of the on-board devices to be generally useable. No attempts
have been made for graphics console support yet, so only serial or prom
consoles are available. The same applies to support of more expansion hardware
for the PCI bus or the SBUS.

There hasn't yet been a need for a separate mailing list for OpenBSD/sparc64,
so the OpenBSD/sparc mailing list is being used.  To join the OpenBSD/sparc
mailing list, send a message with a body of "<b>subscribe sparc</b>" to <a

<h4>Projects (in no particular order):</h4>

 <li>X Window System support
 <li>Resolve stability issues on Blade100
 <li>Finish porting SBUS drivers from <a href="sparc.html">OpenBSD/sparc</a>
 <li>Improve architecture specific documentation

<h3><font color="#0000e0"><strong>Where to get it:</strong></font></h3>

There has not been any formal release of OpenBSD/sparc64 yet, but more-or-less
functional snapshots are made quite often and can be found at:
<a href="ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/sparc64/">

<h3><font color="#0000e0"><strong>Supported hardware:</strong></font></h3>

<h4>OpenBSD/sparc64 has been tested on the following SUN UltraSPARC models:</h4>
 <li>Ultra 1
 <li>Ultra 2 (untested)
 <li>Ultra 5
 <li>Ultra 10
 <li>Ultra 30
 <li>SPARCengineUltra AX
 <li>SPARCengineUltra AXi
 <li>SUNBlade 100 (with onboard ethernet issues)
 <li>Enterprise 250

<h4>The following models are not supported at the moment:</h4>
 <li>Ultra 60
 <li>Ultra 80
 <li>SUNBlade 1000
 <li>Enterprise 450
 <li>Enterprise 3000

<h4>Supported peripherals:</h4>
 <li><strong>SCSI Host Adapters</strong>
   <li>SBUS NCR53c9x adapters (esp)
   <li>SBUS 10/100Mbit SunSwift Ethernet+SCSI cards (esp)
   <li>SBUS Qlogic adapters (isp)
   <li>PCI NCR53c8xx adapters (siop)
 <li><strong>PCI IDE Controllers (pciide)</strong>
   <li>Acer Labs M5229
   <li>Command Technologies PCI0646
   <li>National Semiconductor PC87415
  Other PCI IDE adapters may work, but are untested.
 <li><strong>Ethernet Adapters</strong>
   <li>onboard SBUS AMD Lance Ethernet (le)
   <li>SBUS AMD Lance cards (le)
   <li>SBUS 10/100Mbit qec+be Sun FastEthernet 1.0 cards (qec/be)
   <li>SBUS Quad 10Mbit qec+qe Sun Quad Ethernet (qec/qe)
   <li>onboard SBUS and PCI HME Ethernet (hme)
   <li>SBUS 10/100Mbit hme Ethernet cards (hme)
   <li>SBUS 10/100Mbit SunSwift Ethernet+SCSI cards (hme)
   <li>SBUS Quad 10/100Mbit hme and qfe Quad Fast Ethernet cards (hme)
   <li>PCI Fast Ethernet (hme)
   <li>PCI Quad Fast Ethernet (hme)
   <li>PCI GEM Ethernet (gem) [Not fully supported]
 <li><strong>Sound devices</strong>
   <li>onboard SBUS CS4231 (audiocs)
   <li>onboard EBUS/PCI CS4231 (audioce)

<h4>Unsupported devices:</h4>
 <li>Framebuffers (these will work as prom console output, but no X Windows support yet).
 <li>Keyboards (these will work as prom console input, but no X Windows support yet).
 <li>Mice (No X Windows support yet)
 <li>SBUS and PCI cards other than those listed above.

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<small>$OpenBSD: sparc64.html,v 1.13 2001/10/16 02:22:37 jason Exp $</small>
