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Annotation of www/support.html, Revision 1.2

1.1       ian         1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
                      2: <HTML>
                      3: <HEAD>
                      4:    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
                      5:    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="The vi editor from UNIX">
                      6:    <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Ian Darwin">
                      7:    <TITLE>OpenBSD Support and Consulting</TITLE>
                      8: </HEAD>
                      9: <BODY BGCOLOR="White">
                     10: <H1>OpenBSD Support and Consulting</H1>
                     11: <P>OpenBSD has attracted a critical mass of developers, support
                     12: organizations, and consultants such that it is now safe to commit to using
                     13: OpenBSD in your projects.
                     14: The following individuals and organizations have indicated that they are
                     15: able to provide support as indicated. However, the OpenBSD Project does
                     16: not necessarily endorse any of these. Please contact each site directly.
                     17: </P>
                     18: <P>These entries are arranged geographically, so that you can find
                     19: a consultant near you.
                     20: <P>Since many of our consultants also work on our sister OS FreeBSD,
                     21: we have used the same format. The format is quite rigid; if you want
                     22: to submit your own entry please use
                     23: <A HREF="support-template.txt">this template</A> (do not just
                     24: copy and paste plain text from your browser!).
                     25: When you think it's ready, mail it to me,
                     26: <a href="mailto:ian@darwinsys.com">ian@darwinsys.com</A>.
                     27: <H3>Australia</H3>
                     28: <UL>
                     29: To be added.
                     30: </UL>
                     31: <H3>Canada</H3>
                     32: <UL>
                     33: <LI>
                     34:  Canada;
                     35:  Ontario;
                     36:  Palgrave;
                     37:  R R # 1;
                     38:  Consultant ;
                     39:  Ian Darwin ;
                     40:  +1 905-729-3002 ;
                     41:  +1 416-352-5070 ;
                     42:  NONE ;
                     43:  NONE ;
                     44:  <a href="mailto:ian@darwinsys.com">ian@darwinsys.com</A> ;
                     45:  <a href="http://www.darwinsys.com/openbsd.html/">http://www.darwinsys.com/openbsd/</A> ;
                     46:  Author of "Checking C Programs with Lint" and two Java courses from
                     47:  <A href="http://www.learningtree.com/">Learning Tree International</A>.
                     48:  OpenBSD installation, configuration, firewall setup.
                     49:  Software development in C and Java. ;
                     50: </UL>
                     51: <H3>Germany</H3>
                     52: <UL>
                     53: <LI>To be added.
                     54: </UL>
                     55: <H3>United States of America</H3>
                     56: <UL>
1.2     ! jkatz      57: <LI>
        !            58:  USA ;
        !            59:  California ;
        !            60:  Mountain View ;
        !            61:  650 Castro St. Ste 120-345 ;
        !            62:  CPIO Networks ;
        !            63:  Jonathan Katz ;
        !            64:  800-331-CPIO ;
        !            65:  NONE ;
        !            66:  NONE ;
        !            67:  NONE ;
        !            68:  <a href="mailto:jkatz@cpio.net">jkatz@cpio.net</A> ;
        !            69:  <a href="http://www.cpio.net/">http://www.cpio.net/</A> ;
        !            70:  Offers Complete 24 hour Technical support for OpenBSD. OpenBSD installation,
        !            71:  configuration, and firewall setup. Unix and Network Security audits,
        !            72:  Computer Security training, and on-site consulting services.
1.1       ian        73: </UL>
                     74: <HR>
                     75: <H3>Related Links</H3>
                     76: <P>There are similar sets of support people for most of the other
                     77: free UNIX-like systems, in particular
                     78: <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/freebsd/consultants.html">FreeBSD</A>.
                     79: The <A HREF="http://www.netbsd.org">NetBSD</A> list is still being set up.
                     80: <HR>
                     81: <ADDRESS><A HREF="mailto:in@OpenBSD.org">Ian Darwin</A></ADDRESS>
                     82: <P>
1.2     ! jkatz      83: $Id: support.html,v 1.1 1998/08/06 02:32:55 ian Exp $
1.1       ian        84: </BODY>
                     85: </HTML>