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Annotation of www/tshirts.html, Revision 1.17

1.1       deraadt     1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN">
                      2: <html>
                      3: <head>
1.3       deraadt     4: <title>OpenBSD T-shirts</title>
1.1       deraadt     5: <link rev=made href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>
                      6: <meta name="resource-type" content="document">
                      7: <meta name="description" content="the OpenBSD ordering page">
                      8: <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,ordering">
                      9: <meta name="distribution" content="global">
1.2       deraadt    10: <meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1999 by OpenBSD.">
1.1       deraadt    11: </head>
                     13: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#23238E">
                     15: <img alt="[OpenBSD]" height=30 width=141 SRC="images/smalltitle.gif">
                     17: <br>
                     18: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Over the past few years, the project has made the
                     19: following T-Shirts:</font></h3>
                     20: <p>
                     22: <hr>
1.17    ! deraadt    23: <a href=#8>Number 8: The 2.6 Fishbowl shirt (<strong>NOT AVAILABLE YET</strong>)</a><br>
        !            24: <a href=#7>Number 7: The Crypto Globe shirt (<strong>NOT AVAILABLE YET</strong>)</a><br>
1.14      deraadt    25: <a href=#6>Number 6: The OpenBSD 2.5 shirt (<strong>AVAILABLE</strong>)</a><br>
1.12      deraadt    26: <a href=#5>Number 5: The OpenBSD/OpenBSE shirt (<strong>AVAILABLE</strong>)</a><br>
                     27: <a href=#4>Number 4: The Blowfish shirt (<strong>AVAILABLE</strong>)</a><br>
                     28: <a href=#3>Number 3: The Stitch Work shirt (<strong>SOLD OUT</strong>)</a><br>
1.14      deraadt    29: <a href=#2>Number 2: The Wire Frame shirt (<strong>AVAILABLE</strong>)</a><br>
1.12      deraadt    30: <a href=#1>Number 1: The Red Head shirt (<strong>SOLD OUT</strong>)</a><br>
1.1       deraadt    31: <hr>
                     33: <hr>
1.17    ! deraadt    34: <a name=8>
        !            35: <p>
        !            36: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 8: the 2.6 Fishbowl shirt (front and back)</font></h3><br>
        !            37: <a href=images/tshirt-8.jpg><img height=90 width=60 src=images/tshirt-8-s.gif></a> and
        !            38: <a href=images/tshirt-8b.jpg><img height=90 width=101 src=images/tshirt-8b-s.gif></a>.
        !            39: <p>
        !            40: This shirt is made out of a flat yellow material.<br>
        !            41: The images shown are not final.
        !            42: <p>
        !            43: <strong>NOT AVAILABLE YET</strong>: We are in production...
        !            44: <p>
        !            45:
        !            46: <hr>
        !            47: <a name=7>
        !            48: <p>
        !            49: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 7: the Crypto Globe shirt (front and back)</font></h3><br>
        !            50: <a href=images/tshirt-7.jpg><img height=90 width=60 src=images/tshirt-7-s.gif></a> and
        !            51: <a href=images/tshirt-7b.jpg><img height=90 width=101 src=images/tshirt-7b-s.gif></a>.
        !            52: <p>
        !            53: This shirt is made out of a blue double-die "tie die" material.<br>
        !            54: <p>
        !            55: <strong>NOT AVAILABLE YET</strong>: We are in production...
        !            56: <p>
        !            57:
        !            58: <hr>
1.12      deraadt    59: <a name=6>
1.8       deraadt    60: <p>
                     61: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 6: the OpenBSD 2.5 shirt (front and back)</font></h3><br>
1.13      deraadt    62: <a href=images/tshirt-6.jpg><img height=90 width=117 src=images/tshirt-6-s.gif></a> and
                     63: <a href=images/tshirt-6b.jpg><img height=90 width=60 src=images/tshirt-6b-s.gif></a>.
1.8       deraadt    64: <p>
1.11      deraadt    65: This shirt is made out of a fleck-gray material.
1.12      deraadt    66: <strong>These shirts can be bought on the web!</strong>
1.10      deraadt    67:     <a href=https://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order>secure order</a> or
                     68:     <a href=http://https.openbsd.org:80/cgi-bin/order>insecure order</a>.
1.8       deraadt    69: <p>
                     71: <hr>
1.12      deraadt    72: <a name=5>
1.1       deraadt    73: <p>
1.4       deraadt    74: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 5: the OpenBSD/OpenBSE shirt (front and back)</font></h3><br>
1.13      deraadt    75: <a href=images/tshirt-5.jpg><img height=90 width=56 src=images/tshirt-5-s.gif></a> and
                     76: <a href=images/tshirt-5b.jpg><img height=90 width=68 src=images/tshirt-5b-s.gif></a>.
1.1       deraadt    77: <p>
1.12      deraadt    78: This shirt is made of white material.
                     79: <strong>These shirts can be bought on the web!</strong>
1.4       deraadt    80:     <a href=https://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order>secure order</a> or
1.5       beck       81:     <a href=http://https.openbsd.org:80/cgi-bin/order>insecure order</a>.
1.1       deraadt    82: <p>
1.14      deraadt    83: Front of shirt contains the original OpenBSD "Open the Daemon"
1.15      deraadt    84: picture.  The back picture resulted after one of our developers
1.14      deraadt    85: told his mother that he was working on OpenBSD -- she misunderstood
                     86: and thought he meant BSE -- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (ie. Mad
                     87: Cows Disease).
1.1       deraadt    88: <p>
                     90: <hr>
1.12      deraadt    91: <a name=4>
1.1       deraadt    92: <p>
                     93: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 4: The Blowfish shirt (front and back)</font></h3><br>
1.16      deraadt    94: <a href=images/tshirt-4.gif><img height=90 width=103 src=images/tshirt-4-s.gif></a>.
1.1       deraadt    95: <p>
1.12      deraadt    96: This shirt is made of white material.
                     97: <strong>These shirts can be bought on the web!</strong>
1.3       deraadt    98:     <a href=https://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order>secure order</a> or
1.5       beck       99:     <a href=http://https.openbsd.org:80/cgi-bin/order>insecure order</a>.
1.1       deraadt   100: <p>
1.14      deraadt   101: Front of shirt contains a picture of the Blowfish, and a vague reference
1.1       deraadt   102: to how using the blowfish cipher for the OpenBSD password hash makes
1.14      deraadt   103: our password mechanism more secure (blowfish, not babblefish).  People
                    104: won't be able to crack your passwords anymore..
1.12      deraadt   105: Back of shirt contains the complete source code for our version of
                    106: the Blowfish algorithm (written in Germany).
1.1       deraadt   107: <a href=crypto.html>For more information see our cryptography page...</a>
                    108: <p>
1.4       deraadt   110: <hr>
1.12      deraadt   111: <a name=3>
1.4       deraadt   112: <p>
                    113: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 3: The Stitch Work shirt (front only)</font></h3><br>
1.13      deraadt   114: <a href=images/tshirt-3.jpg><img height=90 width=112 src=images/tshirt-3-s.gif></a>.
1.4       deraadt   115: <p>
1.12      deraadt   116: These shirts had a OpenBSD-style daemon stitched into the right chest area.
1.17    ! deraadt   117: The shirts were made out of really nice green cloth.<p>
1.4       deraadt   118: <strong>SOLD OUT</strong>: There are no more left. If there is high
1.14      deraadt   119: demand, we may make some again.
1.4       deraadt   120: <p>
1.1       deraadt   121:
                    122: <hr>
1.12      deraadt   123: <a name=2>
1.4       deraadt   124: <p>
                    125: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 2: The wire-frame shirt (front only)</font></h3><br>
1.13      deraadt   126: <a href=images/tshirt-2.jpg><img height=90 width=84 src=images/tshirt-2-s.gif></a>.
1.4       deraadt   127: <p>
1.10      deraadt   128: <strong>THESE SHIRTS CAN BE BOUGHT ON THE WEB!</strong>
                    129:     <a href=https://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order>secure order</a> or
                    130:     <a href=http://https.openbsd.org:80/cgi-bin/order>insecure order</a>.
1.4       deraadt   131: <p>
                    132: The wireframe image on the shirt has an incredible feeling texture.
1.14      deraadt   133: Shirts are available in navy blue, camo green, and black.
1.1       deraadt   134: <p>
1.4       deraadt   135: These shirts were sold at <a href=events.html#defcon98>
1.14      deraadt   136: Defcon VI. July 31 - Aug 2, 1998. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA</a>,
                    137: <a href=events.html#lisaboston98>
                    138: LISA '98, December 6-11, 1998. Boston, Massachusetts</a>, and
                    139: the Reflections/Projections conference in Urbana, IL, USA.
1.1       deraadt   140: <p>
1.4       deraadt   141:
1.6       deraadt   142: <hr>
1.12      deraadt   143: <a name=1>
1.4       deraadt   144: <p>
                    145: <h3><font color=#0000e0>Number 1: The Red Head shirt (front only)</font></h3>
1.13      deraadt   146: <a href=images/tshirt-1.jpg><img height=90 width=85 src=images/tshirt-1-s.gif></a>.
1.1       deraadt   147: <p>
1.12      deraadt   148: These white shirts were sold at <a href=events.html#usenix-neworleans>
1.14      deraadt   149: Usenix in New Orleans, June 15-19, 1998.</a>
1.4       deraadt   150: <strong>SOLD OUT</strong>: There are no more left. If there is
1.14      deraadt   151: high demand, we may make some again.
1.1       deraadt   152: <p>
                    154: <hr>
                    155: <a href=index.html><img height=24 width=24 src=back.gif border=0 alt=OpenBSD></a>
                    156: <a href=mailto:www@openbsd.org>www@openbsd.org</a>
1.17    ! deraadt   157: <br><small>$OpenBSD: tshirts.html,v 1.16 1999/05/25 21:20:09 deraadt Exp $</small>
1.1       deraadt   158:
                    159: </body>
                    160: </html>