/**************************************************************** Copyright (C) AT&T and Lucent Technologies 1996 All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T or Lucent Technologies or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T AND LUCENT DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL AT&T OR LUCENT OR ANY OF THEIR ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************/ #define DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "awk.h" #include "awkgram.h" FILE *infile = NULL; char *file = ""; int recsize = RECSIZE; char *recdata; char *record; char *fields; Cell *fldtab; #define MAXFLD 200 int nfields = MAXFLD; /* can be set from commandline in main */ int donefld; /* 1 = implies rec broken into fields */ int donerec; /* 1 = record is valid (no flds have changed) */ int maxfld = 0; /* last used field */ int argno = 1; /* current input argument number */ extern Awkfloat *ARGC; void recinit(unsigned int n) { static Cell dollar0 = { OCELL, CFLD, "$0", /*recdata*/0, 0.0, REC|STR|DONTFREE }; static Cell dollar1 = { OCELL, CFLD, NULL, "", 0.0, FLD|STR|DONTFREE }; int i; record = recdata = (char *) malloc(n); fields = (char *) malloc(n); fldtab = (Cell *) malloc(nfields * sizeof(Cell)); if (recdata == NULL || fields == NULL || fldtab == NULL) ERROR "out of space for $0 and fields" FATAL; fldtab[0] = dollar0; fldtab[0].sval = recdata; for (i = 1; i < nfields; i++) fldtab[i] = dollar1; } void initgetrec(void) { int i; char *p; for (i = 1; i < *ARGC; i++) { if (!isclvar(p = getargv(i))) { /* find 1st real filename */ setsval(lookup("FILENAME", symtab), getargv(i)); return; } setclvar(p); /* a commandline assignment before filename */ argno++; } infile = stdin; /* no filenames, so use stdin */ } int getrec(char *buf) /* get next input record from whatever source */ { /* note: tests whether buf == record */ int c; static int firsttime = 1; if (firsttime) { firsttime = 0; initgetrec(); } dprintf( ("RS=<%s>, FS=<%s>, ARGC=%g, FILENAME=%s\n", *RS, *FS, *ARGC, *FILENAME) ); donefld = 0; donerec = 1; buf[0] = 0; while (argno < *ARGC || infile == stdin) { dprintf( ("argno=%d, file=|%s|\n", argno, file) ); if (infile == NULL) { /* have to open a new file */ file = getargv(argno); if (*file == '\0') { /* it's been zapped */ argno++; continue; } if (isclvar(file)) { /* a var=value arg */ setclvar(file); argno++; continue; } *FILENAME = file; dprintf( ("opening file %s\n", file) ); if (*file == '-' && *(file+1) == '\0') infile = stdin; else if ((infile = fopen((char *)file, "r")) == NULL) ERROR "can't open file %s", file FATAL; setfval(fnrloc, 0.0); } c = readrec(buf, recsize, infile); if (c != 0 || buf[0] != '\0') { /* normal record */ if (buf == record) { if (!(recloc->tval & DONTFREE)) xfree(recloc->sval); recloc->sval = record; recloc->tval = REC | STR | DONTFREE; if (isnumber(recloc->sval)) { recloc->fval = atof(recloc->sval); recloc->tval |= NUM; } } setfval(nrloc, nrloc->fval+1); setfval(fnrloc, fnrloc->fval+1); return 1; } /* EOF arrived on this file; set up next */ if (infile != stdin) fclose(infile); infile = NULL; argno++; } return 0; /* true end of file */ } void nextfile(void) { if (infile != stdin) fclose(infile); infile = NULL; argno++; } int readrec(char *buf, int bufsize, FILE *inf) /* read one record into buf */ { int sep, c; char *rr; int nrr; if ((sep = **RS) == 0) { sep = '\n'; while ((c=getc(inf)) == '\n' && c != EOF) /* skip leading \n's */ ; if (c != EOF) ungetc(c, inf); } for (rr = buf, nrr = bufsize; ; ) { for (; (c=getc(inf)) != sep && c != EOF; *rr++ = c) if (--nrr < 0) ERROR "input record `%.30s...' too long; try -mr n", buf FATAL; if (**RS == sep || c == EOF) break; if ((c = getc(inf)) == '\n' || c == EOF) /* 2 in a row */ break; *rr++ = '\n'; *rr++ = c; } if (rr > buf + bufsize) ERROR "input record `%.30s...' too long; try -mr n", buf FATAL; *rr = 0; dprintf( ("readrec saw <%s>, returns %d\n", buf, c == EOF && rr == buf ? 0 : 1) ); return c == EOF && rr == buf ? 0 : 1; } char *getargv(int n) /* get ARGV[n] */ { Cell *x; char *s, temp[10]; extern Array *ARGVtab; sprintf(temp, "%d", n); x = setsymtab(temp, "", 0.0, STR, ARGVtab); s = getsval(x); dprintf( ("getargv(%d) returns |%s|\n", n, s) ); return s; } void setclvar(char *s) /* set var=value from s */ { char *p; Cell *q; for (p=s; *p != '='; p++) ; *p++ = 0; p = qstring(p, '\0'); q = setsymtab(s, p, 0.0, STR, symtab); setsval(q, p); if (isnumber(q->sval)) { q->fval = atof(q->sval); q->tval |= NUM; } dprintf( ("command line set %s to |%s|\n", s, p) ); } void fldbld(void) /* create fields from current record */ { char *r, *fr, sep; Cell *p; int i; if (donefld) return; if (!(recloc->tval & STR)) getsval(recloc); r = recloc->sval; fr = fields; i = 0; /* number of fields accumulated here */ if (strlen(*FS) > 1) { /* it's a regular expression */ i = refldbld(r, *FS); } else if ((sep = **FS) == ' ') { /* default whitespace */ for (i = 0; ; ) { while (*r == ' ' || *r == '\t' || *r == '\n') r++; if (*r == 0) break; i++; if (i >= nfields) break; if (!(fldtab[i].tval & DONTFREE)) xfree(fldtab[i].sval); fldtab[i].sval = fr; fldtab[i].tval = FLD | STR | DONTFREE; do *fr++ = *r++; while (*r != ' ' && *r != '\t' && *r != '\n' && *r != '\0'); *fr++ = 0; } *fr = 0; } else if ((sep = **FS) == 0) { /* new: FS="" => 1 char/field */ for (i = 0; *r != 0; r++) { char buf[2]; i++; if (i >= nfields) break; if (!(fldtab[i].tval & DONTFREE)) xfree(fldtab[i].sval); buf[0] = *r; buf[1] = 0; fldtab[i].sval = tostring(buf); fldtab[i].tval = FLD | STR; } *fr = 0; } else if (*r != 0) { /* if 0, it's a null field */ for (;;) { i++; if (i >= nfields) break; if (!(fldtab[i].tval & DONTFREE)) xfree(fldtab[i].sval); fldtab[i].sval = fr; fldtab[i].tval = FLD | STR | DONTFREE; while (*r != sep && *r != '\n' && *r != '\0') /* \n is always a separator */ *fr++ = *r++; *fr++ = 0; if (*r++ == 0) break; } *fr = 0; } if (i >= nfields) ERROR "record `%.30s...' has too many fields; try -mf n", record FATAL; /* clean out junk from previous record */ cleanfld(i, maxfld); maxfld = i; donefld = 1; for (p = fldtab+1; p <= fldtab+maxfld; p++) { if(isnumber(p->sval)) { p->fval = atof(p->sval); p->tval |= NUM; } } setfval(nfloc, (Awkfloat) maxfld); if (dbg) for (p = fldtab; p <= fldtab+maxfld; p++) printf("field %d: |%s|\n", p-fldtab, p->sval); } void cleanfld(int n1, int n2) /* clean out fields n1..n2 inclusive */ { static char *nullstat = ""; Cell *p, *q; for (p = &fldtab[n2], q = &fldtab[n1]; p > q; p--) { if (!(p->tval & DONTFREE)) xfree(p->sval); p->tval = FLD | STR | DONTFREE; p->sval = nullstat; } } void newfld(int n) /* add field n (after end) */ { if (n >= nfields) ERROR "creating too many fields (%d); try -mf n", n FATAL; cleanfld(maxfld, n); maxfld = n; setfval(nfloc, (Awkfloat) n); } int refldbld(char *rec, char *fs) /* build fields from reg expr in FS */ { char *fr; int i, tempstat; fa *pfa; fr = fields; *fr = '\0'; if (*rec == '\0') return 0; pfa = makedfa(fs, 1); dprintf( ("into refldbld, rec = <%s>, pat = <%s>\n", rec, fs) ); tempstat = pfa->initstat; for (i = 1; i < nfields; i++) { if (!(fldtab[i].tval & DONTFREE)) xfree(fldtab[i].sval); fldtab[i].tval = FLD | STR | DONTFREE; fldtab[i].sval = fr; dprintf( ("refldbld: i=%d\n", i) ); if (nematch(pfa, rec)) { pfa->initstat = 2; /* horrible coupling */ dprintf( ("match %s (%d chars)\n", patbeg, patlen) ); strncpy(fr, rec, patbeg-rec); fr += patbeg - rec + 1; *(fr-1) = '\0'; rec = patbeg + patlen; } else { dprintf( ("no match %s\n", rec) ); strcpy(fr, rec); pfa->initstat = tempstat; break; } } return i; } void recbld(void) /* create $0 from $1..$NF if necessary */ { int i; char *r, *p; static char *rec = 0; if (donerec == 1) return; if (rec == 0) { rec = (char *) malloc(recsize); if (rec == 0) ERROR "out of space building $0, record size %d", recsize FATAL; } r = rec; for (i = 1; i <= *NF; i++) { p = getsval(&fldtab[i]); while (r < rec+recsize-1 && (*r = *p++)) r++; if (i < *NF) for (p = *OFS; r < rec+recsize-1 && (*r = *p++); ) r++; } if (r > rec + recsize - 1) ERROR "built giant record `%.30s...'; try -mr n", record FATAL; *r = '\0'; dprintf( ("in recbld FS=%o, recloc=%p\n", **FS, recloc) ); recloc->tval = REC | STR | DONTFREE; recloc->sval = record = rec; dprintf( ("in recbld FS=%o, recloc=%p\n", **FS, recloc) ); dprintf( ("recbld = |%s|\n", record) ); donerec = 1; } Cell *fieldadr(int n) { if (n < 0 || n >= nfields) ERROR "trying to access field %d; try -mf n", n FATAL; return(&fldtab[n]); } int errorflag = 0; char errbuf[200]; void yyerror(char *s) { extern char *cmdname, *curfname; static int been_here = 0; if (been_here++ > 2) return; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", cmdname, s); fprintf(stderr, " at source line %d", lineno); if (curfname != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " in function %s", curfname); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); errorflag = 2; eprint(); } void fpecatch(int n) { ERROR "floating point exception %d", n FATAL; } extern int bracecnt, brackcnt, parencnt; void bracecheck(void) { int c; static int beenhere = 0; if (beenhere++) return; while ((c = lex_input()) != EOF && c != '\0') bclass(c); bcheck2(bracecnt, '{', '}'); bcheck2(brackcnt, '[', ']'); bcheck2(parencnt, '(', ')'); } void bcheck2(int n, int c1, int c2) { if (n == 1) fprintf(stderr, "\tmissing %c\n", c2); else if (n > 1) fprintf(stderr, "\t%d missing %c's\n", n, c2); else if (n == -1) fprintf(stderr, "\textra %c\n", c2); else if (n < -1) fprintf(stderr, "\t%d extra %c's\n", -n, c2); } void error(int f, char *s) { extern Node *curnode; extern char *cmdname; fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", cmdname); fprintf(stderr, "%s", s); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (compile_time != 2 && NR && *NR > 0) { fprintf(stderr, " input record number %d", (int) (*FNR)); if (strcmp(*FILENAME, "-") != 0) fprintf(stderr, ", file %s", *FILENAME); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (compile_time != 2 && curnode) fprintf(stderr, " source line number %d\n", curnode->lineno); else if (compile_time != 2 && lineno) fprintf(stderr, " source line number %d\n", lineno); eprint(); if (f) { if (dbg > 1) /* core dump if serious debugging on */ abort(); exit(2); } } void eprint(void) /* try to print context around error */ { #if 0 char *p, *q; int c; static int been_here = 0; extern char ebuf[], *ep; if (compile_time == 2 || compile_time == 0 || been_here++ > 0) return; p = ep - 1; if (p > ebuf && *p == '\n') p--; for ( ; p > ebuf && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0'; p--) ; while (*p == '\n') p++; fprintf(stderr, " context is\n\t"); for (q=ep-1; q>=p && *q!=' ' && *q!='\t' && *q!='\n'; q--) ; for ( ; p < q; p++) if (*p) putc(*p, stderr); fprintf(stderr, " >>> "); for ( ; p < ep; p++) if (*p) putc(*p, stderr); fprintf(stderr, " <<< "); if (*ep) while ((c = input()) != '\n' && c != '\0' && c != EOF) { putc(c, stderr); bclass(c); } putc('\n', stderr); ep = ebuf; #endif } void bclass(int c) { switch (c) { case '{': bracecnt++; break; case '}': bracecnt--; break; case '[': brackcnt++; break; case ']': brackcnt--; break; case '(': parencnt++; break; case ')': parencnt--; break; } } double errcheck(double x, char *s) { extern int errno; if (errno == EDOM) { errno = 0; ERROR "%s argument out of domain", s WARNING; x = 1; } else if (errno == ERANGE) { errno = 0; ERROR "%s result out of range", s WARNING; x = 1; } return x; } int isclvar(char *s) /* is s of form var=something ? */ { char *os = s; if (!isalpha(*s) && *s != '_') return 0; for ( ; *s; s++) if (!(isalnum(*s) || *s == '_')) break; return *s == '=' && s > os && *(s+1) != '='; } #define MAXEXPON 38 /* maximum exponent for fp number. should be IEEE */ int isnumber(char *s) /* should be done by a library function */ { int d1, d2; int point; char *es; d1 = d2 = point = 0; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n') s++; if (*s == '\0') return(0); /* empty stuff isn't a number */ if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') s++; if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.') return(0); if (isdigit(*s)) { do { d1++; s++; } while (isdigit(*s)); } if (*s == '.') { point++; s++; } if (isdigit(*s)) { d2++; do { s++; } while (isdigit(*s)); } if (!(d1 || (point && d2))) return(0); if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') { s++; if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') s++; if (!isdigit(*s)) return(0); es = s; do { s++; } while (isdigit(*s)); if (s - es > 2) return(0); else if (s - es == 2 && (int)(10 * (*es-'0') + *(es+1)-'0') >= MAXEXPON) return(0); } while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n') s++; if (*s == '\0') return(1); else return(0); } #if 0 /* THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT THAT'S NOT DONE. */ /* strtod ought to provide a better test of what's */ /* a valid number, but it doesn't work according to */ /* the standard on any machine near me! */ #include isnumber(char *s) { double r; char *ep; errno = 0; r = strtod(s, &ep); if (r == HUGE_VAL || errno == ERANGE) return 0; while (*ep == ' ' || *ep == '\t' || *ep == '\n') ep++; if (*ep == '\0') return 1; else return 0; } #endif