/* $OpenBSD: s_server.c,v 1.48 2021/08/29 12:33:15 tb Exp $ */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) * All rights reserved. * * This package is an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. * * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-). * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ /* ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this * software must display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)" * * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * openssl-core@openssl.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written * permission of the OpenSSL Project. * * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young * (eay@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by Tim * Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). * */ /* ==================================================================== * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * ECC cipher suite support in OpenSSL originally developed by * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., and contributed to the OpenSSL project. */ /* ==================================================================== * Copyright 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. * * The portions of the attached software ("Contribution") is developed by * Nokia Corporation and is licensed pursuant to the OpenSSL open source * license. * * The Contribution, originally written by Mika Kousa and Pasi Eronen of * Nokia Corporation, consists of the "PSK" (Pre-Shared Key) ciphersuites * support (see RFC 4279) to OpenSSL. * * No patent licenses or other rights except those expressly stated in * the OpenSSL open source license shall be deemed granted or received * expressly, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. * * No assurances are provided by Nokia that the Contribution does not * infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any third * party or that the license provides you with all the necessary rights * to make use of the Contribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IN * ADDITION TO THE DISCLAIMERS INCLUDED IN THE LICENSE, NOKIA * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS BROUGHT BY YOU OR ANY * OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR * OTHERWISE. */ /* Until the key-gen callbacks are modified to use newer prototypes, we allow * deprecated functions for openssl-internal code */ #ifdef OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED #undef OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "apps.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH #include #endif #include #include "s_apps.h" #include "timeouts.h" static void s_server_init(void); static void sv_usage(void); static void print_stats(BIO *bp, SSL_CTX *ctx); static int sv_body(char *hostname, int s, unsigned char *context); static void close_accept_socket(void); static int init_ssl_connection(SSL *s); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH static DH *load_dh_param(const char *dhfile); #endif static int www_body(char *hostname, int s, unsigned char *context); static int generate_session_id(const SSL *ssl, unsigned char *id, unsigned int *id_len); static int ssl_servername_cb(SSL *s, int *ad, void *arg); static int cert_status_cb(SSL * s, void *arg); static int alpn_cb(SSL *s, const unsigned char **out, unsigned char *outlen, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inlen, void *arg); /* static int load_CA(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *file);*/ #define BUFSIZZ 16*1024 static int bufsize = BUFSIZZ; static int accept_socket = -1; #define TEST_CERT "server.pem" #define TEST_CERT2 "server2.pem" static int s_server_session_id_context = 1; /* anything will do */ static SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; static SSL_CTX *ctx2 = NULL; static BIO *bio_s_out = NULL; static int local_argc = 0; static char **local_argv; /* This is a context that we pass to callbacks */ typedef struct tlsextctx_st { char *servername; BIO *biodebug; int extension_error; } tlsextctx; /* Structure passed to cert status callback */ typedef struct tlsextstatusctx_st { /* Default responder to use */ char *host, *path, *port; int use_ssl; int timeout; BIO *err; int verbose; } tlsextstatusctx; /* This the context that we pass to alpn_cb */ typedef struct tlsextalpnctx_st { unsigned char *data; unsigned short len; } tlsextalpnctx; static struct { char *alpn_in; char *npn_in; /* Ignored. */ int bugs; char *CAfile; char *CApath; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS int cert_chain; #endif char *cert_file; char *cert_file2; int cert_format; char *cipher; unsigned char *context; int crlf; char *dcert_file; int dcert_format; int debug; char *dhfile; char *dkey_file; int dkey_format; char *dpassarg; int enable_timeouts; const char *errstr; char *groups_in; char *key_file; char *key_file2; int key_format; char *keymatexportlabel; int keymatexportlen; uint16_t max_version; uint16_t min_version; const SSL_METHOD *meth; int msg; int naccept; char *named_curve; int nbio; int nbio_test; int no_cache; int nocert; int no_dhe; int no_ecdhe; int no_tmp_rsa; /* No-op. */ int off; char *passarg; short port; int quiet; int server_verify; char *session_id_prefix; long socket_mtu; int socket_type; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRTP char *srtp_profiles; #endif int state; tlsextstatusctx tlscstatp; tlsextctx tlsextcbp; int tlsextdebug; int tlsextstatus; X509_VERIFY_PARAM *vpm; int www; } s_server_config; static int s_server_opt_context(char *arg) { s_server_config.context = (unsigned char *) arg; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_keymatexportlen(char *arg) { s_server_config.keymatexportlen = strtonum(arg, 1, INT_MAX, &s_server_config.errstr); if (s_server_config.errstr != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid argument %s: %s\n", arg, s_server_config.errstr); return (1); } return (0); } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS static int s_server_opt_mtu(char *arg) { s_server_config.socket_mtu = strtonum(arg, 0, LONG_MAX, &s_server_config.errstr); if (s_server_config.errstr != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid argument %s: %s\n", arg, s_server_config.errstr); return (1); } return (0); } #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_dtls(void) { s_server_config.meth = DTLS_server_method(); s_server_config.socket_type = SOCK_DGRAM; return (0); } #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS1 static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_dtls1(void) { s_server_config.meth = DTLS_server_method(); s_server_config.min_version = DTLS1_VERSION; s_server_config.max_version = DTLS1_VERSION; s_server_config.socket_type = SOCK_DGRAM; return (0); } #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS1_2 static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_dtls1_2(void) { s_server_config.meth = DTLS_server_method(); s_server_config.min_version = DTLS1_2_VERSION; s_server_config.max_version = DTLS1_2_VERSION; s_server_config.socket_type = SOCK_DGRAM; return (0); } #endif static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1(void) { s_server_config.min_version = TLS1_VERSION; s_server_config.max_version = TLS1_VERSION; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1_1(void) { s_server_config.min_version = TLS1_1_VERSION; s_server_config.max_version = TLS1_1_VERSION; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1_2(void) { s_server_config.min_version = TLS1_2_VERSION; s_server_config.max_version = TLS1_2_VERSION; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1_3(void) { s_server_config.min_version = TLS1_3_VERSION; s_server_config.max_version = TLS1_3_VERSION; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_nbio_test(void) { s_server_config.nbio = 1; s_server_config.nbio_test = 1; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_port(char *arg) { if (!extract_port(arg, &s_server_config.port)) return (1); return (0); } static int s_server_opt_status_timeout(char *arg) { s_server_config.tlsextstatus = 1; s_server_config.tlscstatp.timeout = strtonum(arg, 0, INT_MAX, &s_server_config.errstr); if (s_server_config.errstr != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid argument %s: %s\n", arg, s_server_config.errstr); return (1); } return (0); } static int s_server_opt_status_url(char *arg) { s_server_config.tlsextstatus = 1; if (!OCSP_parse_url(arg, &s_server_config.tlscstatp.host, &s_server_config.tlscstatp.port, &s_server_config.tlscstatp.path, &s_server_config.tlscstatp.use_ssl)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error parsing URL\n"); return (1); } return (0); } static int s_server_opt_status_verbose(void) { s_server_config.tlsextstatus = 1; s_server_config.tlscstatp.verbose = 1; return (0); } static int s_server_opt_verify(char *arg) { s_server_config.server_verify = SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE; verify_depth = strtonum(arg, 0, INT_MAX, &s_server_config.errstr); if (s_server_config.errstr != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid argument %s: %s\n", arg, s_server_config.errstr); return (1); } BIO_printf(bio_err, "verify depth is %d\n", verify_depth); return (0); } static int s_server_opt_verify_fail(char *arg) { s_server_config.server_verify = SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT | SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE; verify_depth = strtonum(arg, 0, INT_MAX, &s_server_config.errstr); if (s_server_config.errstr != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "invalid argument %s: %s\n", arg, s_server_config.errstr); return (1); } BIO_printf(bio_err, "verify depth is %d, must return a certificate\n", verify_depth); return (0); } static int s_server_opt_verify_param(int argc, char **argv, int *argsused) { char **pargs = argv; int pargc = argc; int badarg = 0; if (!args_verify(&pargs, &pargc, &badarg, bio_err, &s_server_config.vpm)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unknown option %s\n", *argv); return (1); } if (badarg) return (1); *argsused = argc - pargc; return (0); } static const struct option s_server_options[] = { { .name = "4", .type = OPTION_DISCARD, }, { .name = "6", .type = OPTION_DISCARD, }, { .name = "accept", .argname = "port", .desc = "Port to accept on (default is 4433)", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_port, }, { .name = "alpn", .argname = "protocols", .desc = "Set the advertised protocols for the ALPN extension" " (comma-separated list)", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.alpn_in, }, { .name = "bugs", .desc = "Turn on SSL bug compatibility", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.bugs, }, { .name = "CAfile", .argname = "file", .desc = "PEM format file of CA certificates", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.CAfile, }, { .name = "CApath", .argname = "directory", .desc = "PEM format directory of CA certificates", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.CApath, }, { .name = "cert", .argname = "file", .desc = "Certificate file to use\n" "(default is " TEST_CERT ")", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.cert_file, }, { .name = "cert2", .argname = "file", .desc = "Certificate file to use for servername\n" "(default is " TEST_CERT2 ")", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.cert_file2, }, { .name = "certform", .argname = "fmt", .desc = "Certificate format (PEM or DER) PEM default", .type = OPTION_ARG_FORMAT, .opt.value = &s_server_config.cert_format, }, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS { .name = "chain", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.cert_chain, }, #endif { .name = "cipher", .argname = "list", .desc = "List of ciphers to enable (see `openssl ciphers`)", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.cipher, }, { .name = "context", .argname = "id", .desc = "Set session ID context", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_context, }, { .name = "crlf", .desc = "Convert LF from terminal into CRLF", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.crlf, }, { .name = "dcert", .argname = "file", .desc = "Second certificate file to use (usually for DSA)", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.dcert_file, }, { .name = "dcertform", .argname = "fmt", .desc = "Second certificate format (PEM or DER) PEM default", .type = OPTION_ARG_FORMAT, .opt.value = &s_server_config.dcert_format, }, { .name = "debug", .desc = "Print more output", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.debug, }, { .name = "dhparam", .argname = "file", .desc = "DH parameter file to use, in cert file if not specified", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.dhfile, }, { .name = "dkey", .argname = "file", .desc = "Second private key file to use (usually for DSA)", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.dkey_file, }, { .name = "dkeyform", .argname = "fmt", .desc = "Second key format (PEM or DER) PEM default", .type = OPTION_ARG_FORMAT, .opt.value = &s_server_config.dkey_format, }, { .name = "dpass", .argname = "arg", .desc = "Second private key file pass phrase source", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.dpassarg, }, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS { .name = "dtls", .desc = "Use any version of DTLS", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_dtls, }, #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS1 { .name = "dtls1", .desc = "Just use DTLSv1", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_dtls1, }, #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS1_2 { .name = "dtls1_2", .desc = "Just use DTLSv1.2", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_dtls1_2, }, #endif { .name = "groups", .argname = "list", .desc = "Specify EC groups (colon-separated list)", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.groups_in, }, { .name = "HTTP", .desc = "Respond to a 'GET / HTTP/1.0' with file ./", .type = OPTION_VALUE, .opt.value = &s_server_config.www, .value = 3, }, { .name = "id_prefix", .argname = "arg", .desc = "Generate SSL/TLS session IDs prefixed by 'arg'", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.session_id_prefix, }, { .name = "key", .argname = "file", .desc = "Private Key file to use, in cert file if\n" "not specified (default is " TEST_CERT ")", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.key_file, }, { .name = "key2", .argname = "file", .desc = "Private Key file to use for servername, in cert file if\n" "not specified (default is " TEST_CERT2 ")", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.key_file2, }, { .name = "keyform", .argname = "fmt", .desc = "Key format (PEM or DER) PEM default", .type = OPTION_ARG_FORMAT, .opt.value = &s_server_config.key_format, }, { .name = "keymatexport", .argname = "label", .desc = "Export keying material using label", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.keymatexportlabel, }, { .name = "keymatexportlen", .argname = "len", .desc = "Export len bytes of keying material (default 20)", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_keymatexportlen, }, { .name = "legacy_renegotiation", .type = OPTION_DISCARD, }, { .name = "msg", .desc = "Show protocol messages", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.msg, }, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS { .name = "mtu", .argname = "mtu", .desc = "Set link layer MTU", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_mtu, }, #endif { .name = "naccept", .argname = "num", .desc = "terminate after num connections", .type = OPTION_ARG_INT, .opt.value = &s_server_config.naccept }, { .name = "named_curve", .argname = "arg", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.named_curve, }, { .name = "nbio", .desc = "Run with non-blocking I/O", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.nbio, }, { .name = "nbio_test", .desc = "Test with the non-blocking test bio", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_nbio_test, }, { .name = "nextprotoneg", .argname = "arg", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.npn_in, /* Ignored. */ }, { .name = "no_cache", .desc = "Disable session cache", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.no_cache, }, { .name = "no_comp", .desc = "Disable SSL/TLS compression", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION, }, { .name = "no_dhe", .desc = "Disable ephemeral DH", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.no_dhe, }, { .name = "no_ecdhe", .desc = "Disable ephemeral ECDH", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.no_ecdhe, }, { .name = "no_ticket", .desc = "Disable use of RFC4507bis session tickets", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_TICKET, }, { .name = "no_ssl2", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2, }, { .name = "no_ssl3", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3, }, { .name = "no_tls1", .desc = "Just disable TLSv1", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1, }, { .name = "no_tls1_1", .desc = "Just disable TLSv1.1", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1, }, { .name = "no_tls1_2", .desc = "Just disable TLSv1.2", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2, }, { .name = "no_tls1_3", .desc = "Just disable TLSv1.3", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3, }, { .name = "no_tmp_rsa", .type = OPTION_DISCARD, }, { .name = "nocert", .desc = "Don't use any certificates (Anon-DH)", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.nocert, }, { .name = "pass", .argname = "arg", .desc = "Private key file pass phrase source", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.passarg, }, { .name = "port", .argname = "port", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_port, }, { .name = "quiet", .desc = "Inhibit printing of session and certificate information", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.quiet, }, { .name = "servername", .argname = "name", .desc = "Servername for HostName TLS extension", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.tlsextcbp.servername, }, { .name = "servername_fatal", .desc = "On mismatch send fatal alert (default warning alert)", .type = OPTION_VALUE, .opt.value = &s_server_config.tlsextcbp.extension_error, .value = SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL, }, { .name = "serverpref", .desc = "Use server's cipher preferences", .type = OPTION_VALUE_OR, .opt.value = &s_server_config.off, .value = SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE, }, { .name = "state", .desc = "Print the SSL states", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.state, }, { .name = "status", .desc = "Respond to certificate status requests", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.tlsextstatus, }, { .name = "status_timeout", .argname = "nsec", .desc = "Status request responder timeout", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_status_timeout, }, { .name = "status_url", .argname = "url", .desc = "Status request fallback URL", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_status_url, }, { .name = "status_verbose", .desc = "Enable status request verbose printout", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_status_verbose, }, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DTLS { .name = "timeout", .desc = "Enable timeouts", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.enable_timeouts, }, #endif { .name = "tls1", .desc = "Just talk TLSv1", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1, }, { .name = "tls1_1", .desc = "Just talk TLSv1.1", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1_1, }, { .name = "tls1_2", .desc = "Just talk TLSv1.2", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1_2, }, { .name = "tls1_3", .desc = "Just talk TLSv1.3", .type = OPTION_FUNC, .opt.func = s_server_opt_protocol_version_tls1_3, }, { .name = "tlsextdebug", .desc = "Hex dump of all TLS extensions received", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &s_server_config.tlsextdebug, }, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRTP { .name = "use_srtp", .argname = "profiles", .desc = "Offer SRTP key management with a colon-separated profile list", .type = OPTION_ARG, .opt.arg = &s_server_config.srtp_profiles, }, #endif { .name = "Verify", .argname = "depth", .desc = "Turn on peer certificate verification, must have a cert", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_verify_fail, }, { .name = "verify", .argname = "depth", .desc = "Turn on peer certificate verification", .type = OPTION_ARG_FUNC, .opt.argfunc = s_server_opt_verify, }, { .name = "verify_return_error", .desc = "Return verification error", .type = OPTION_FLAG, .opt.flag = &verify_return_error, }, { .name = "WWW", .desc = "Respond to a 'GET / HTTP/1.0' with file ./", .type = OPTION_VALUE, .opt.value = &s_server_config.www, .value = 2, }, { .name = "www", .desc = "Respond to a 'GET /' with a status page", .type = OPTION_VALUE, .opt.value = &s_server_config.www, .value = 1, }, { .name = NULL, .desc = "", .type = OPTION_ARGV_FUNC, .opt.argvfunc = s_server_opt_verify_param, }, { NULL }, }; static void s_server_init(void) { accept_socket = -1; s_server_config.cipher = NULL; s_server_config.server_verify = SSL_VERIFY_NONE; s_server_config.dcert_file = NULL; s_server_config.dkey_file = NULL; s_server_config.cert_file = TEST_CERT; s_server_config.key_file = NULL; s_server_config.cert_file2 = TEST_CERT2; s_server_config.key_file2 = NULL; ctx2 = NULL; s_server_config.nbio = 0; s_server_config.nbio_test = 0; ctx = NULL; s_server_config.www = 0; bio_s_out = NULL; s_server_config.debug = 0; s_server_config.msg = 0; s_server_config.quiet = 0; } static void sv_usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: s_server " "[-accept port] [-alpn protocols] [-bugs] [-CAfile file]\n" " [-CApath directory] [-cert file] [-cert2 file]\n" " [-certform der | pem] [-cipher cipherlist]\n" " [-context id] [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-crlf]\n" " [-dcert file] [-dcertform der | pem] [-debug]\n" " [-dhparam file] [-dkey file] [-dkeyform der | pem]\n" " [-dpass arg] [-dtls] [-dtls1] [-dtls1_2] [-groups list] [-HTTP]\n" " [-id_prefix arg] [-key keyfile] [-key2 keyfile]\n" " [-keyform der | pem] [-keymatexport label]\n" " [-keymatexportlen len] [-msg] [-mtu mtu] [-naccept num]\n" " [-named_curve arg] [-nbio] [-nbio_test] [-no_cache]\n" " [-no_dhe] [-no_ecdhe] [-no_ticket] [-no_tls1]\n" " [-no_tls1_1] [-no_tls1_2] [-no_tls1_3] [-no_tmp_rsa]\n" " [-nocert] [-pass arg] [-quiet] [-servername name]\n" " [-servername_fatal] [-serverpref] [-state] [-status]\n" " [-status_timeout nsec] [-status_url url]\n" " [-status_verbose] [-timeout] [-tls1] [-tls1_1]\n" " [-tls1_2] [-tls1_3] [-tlsextdebug] [-use_srtp profiles]\n" " [-Verify depth] [-verify depth] [-verify_return_error]\n" " [-WWW] [-www]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); options_usage(s_server_options); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } int s_server_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int badop = 0; int ret = 1; char *pass = NULL; char *dpass = NULL; X509 *s_cert = NULL, *s_dcert = NULL; EVP_PKEY *s_key = NULL, *s_dkey = NULL; EVP_PKEY *s_key2 = NULL; X509 *s_cert2 = NULL; tlsextalpnctx alpn_ctx = { NULL, 0 }; if (single_execution) { if (pledge("stdio rpath inet dns tty", NULL) == -1) { perror("pledge"); exit(1); } } memset(&s_server_config, 0, sizeof(s_server_config)); s_server_config.keymatexportlen = 20; s_server_config.meth = TLS_server_method(); s_server_config.naccept = -1; s_server_config.port = PORT; s_server_config.cert_file = TEST_CERT; s_server_config.cert_file2 = TEST_CERT2; s_server_config.cert_format = FORMAT_PEM; s_server_config.dcert_format = FORMAT_PEM; s_server_config.dkey_format = FORMAT_PEM; s_server_config.key_format = FORMAT_PEM; s_server_config.server_verify = SSL_VERIFY_NONE; s_server_config.socket_type = SOCK_STREAM; s_server_config.tlscstatp.timeout = -1; s_server_config.tlsextcbp.extension_error = SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_WARNING; local_argc = argc; local_argv = argv; s_server_init(); verify_depth = 0; if (options_parse(argc, argv, s_server_options, NULL, NULL) != 0) { badop = 1; goto bad; } if (badop) { bad: if (s_server_config.errstr == NULL) sv_usage(); goto end; } if (!app_passwd(bio_err, s_server_config.passarg, s_server_config.dpassarg, &pass, &dpass)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error getting password\n"); goto end; } if (s_server_config.key_file == NULL) s_server_config.key_file = s_server_config.cert_file; if (s_server_config.key_file2 == NULL) s_server_config.key_file2 = s_server_config.cert_file2; if (s_server_config.nocert == 0) { s_key = load_key(bio_err, s_server_config.key_file, s_server_config.key_format, 0, pass, "server certificate private key file"); if (!s_key) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } s_cert = load_cert(bio_err, s_server_config.cert_file, s_server_config.cert_format, NULL, "server certificate file"); if (!s_cert) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (s_server_config.tlsextcbp.servername) { s_key2 = load_key(bio_err, s_server_config.key_file2, s_server_config.key_format, 0, pass, "second server certificate private key file"); if (!s_key2) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } s_cert2 = load_cert(bio_err, s_server_config.cert_file2, s_server_config.cert_format, NULL, "second server certificate file"); if (!s_cert2) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } } alpn_ctx.data = NULL; if (s_server_config.alpn_in) { unsigned short len; alpn_ctx.data = next_protos_parse(&len, s_server_config.alpn_in); if (alpn_ctx.data == NULL) goto end; alpn_ctx.len = len; } if (s_server_config.dcert_file) { if (s_server_config.dkey_file == NULL) s_server_config.dkey_file = s_server_config.dcert_file; s_dkey = load_key(bio_err, s_server_config.dkey_file, s_server_config.dkey_format, 0, dpass, "second certificate private key file"); if (!s_dkey) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } s_dcert = load_cert(bio_err, s_server_config.dcert_file, s_server_config.dcert_format, NULL, "second server certificate file"); if (!s_dcert) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } if (bio_s_out == NULL) { if (s_server_config.quiet && !s_server_config.debug && !s_server_config.msg) { bio_s_out = BIO_new(BIO_s_null()); } else { if (bio_s_out == NULL) bio_s_out = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE); } } if (s_server_config.nocert) { s_server_config.cert_file = NULL; s_server_config.key_file = NULL; s_server_config.dcert_file = NULL; s_server_config.dkey_file = NULL; s_server_config.cert_file2 = NULL; s_server_config.key_file2 = NULL; } ctx = SSL_CTX_new(s_server_config.meth); if (ctx == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } SSL_CTX_clear_mode(ctx, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); if (!SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctx, s_server_config.min_version)) goto end; if (!SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(ctx, s_server_config.max_version)) goto end; if (s_server_config.session_id_prefix) { if (strlen(s_server_config.session_id_prefix) >= 32) BIO_printf(bio_err, "warning: id_prefix is too long, only one new session will be possible\n"); else if (strlen(s_server_config.session_id_prefix) >= 16) BIO_printf(bio_err, "warning: id_prefix is too long if you use SSLv2\n"); if (!SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id(ctx, generate_session_id)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error setting 'id_prefix'\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } BIO_printf(bio_err, "id_prefix '%s' set.\n", s_server_config.session_id_prefix); } SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(ctx, 1); if (s_server_config.bugs) SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_ALL); SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, s_server_config.off); if (s_server_config.state) SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx, apps_ssl_info_callback); if (s_server_config.no_cache) SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); else SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(ctx, 128); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRTP if (s_server_config.srtp_profiles != NULL) SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp(ctx, s_server_config.srtp_profiles); #endif if ((!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, s_server_config.CAfile, s_server_config.CApath)) || (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx))) { /* BIO_printf(bio_err,"X509_load_verify_locations\n"); */ ERR_print_errors(bio_err); /* goto end; */ } if (s_server_config.vpm) SSL_CTX_set1_param(ctx, s_server_config.vpm); if (s_cert2) { ctx2 = SSL_CTX_new(s_server_config.meth); if (ctx2 == NULL) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (!SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctx2, s_server_config.min_version)) goto end; if (!SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(ctx2, s_server_config.max_version)) goto end; SSL_CTX_clear_mode(ctx2, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); } if (ctx2) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Setting secondary ctx parameters\n"); if (s_server_config.session_id_prefix) { if (strlen(s_server_config.session_id_prefix) >= 32) BIO_printf(bio_err, "warning: id_prefix is too long, only one new session will be possible\n"); else if (strlen(s_server_config.session_id_prefix) >= 16) BIO_printf(bio_err, "warning: id_prefix is too long if you use SSLv2\n"); if (!SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id(ctx2, generate_session_id)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error setting 'id_prefix'\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } BIO_printf(bio_err, "id_prefix '%s' set.\n", s_server_config.session_id_prefix); } SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(ctx2, 1); if (s_server_config.bugs) SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx2, SSL_OP_ALL); SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx2, s_server_config.off); if (s_server_config.state) SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx2, apps_ssl_info_callback); if (s_server_config.no_cache) SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(ctx2, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); else SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(ctx2, 128); if ((!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx2, s_server_config.CAfile, s_server_config.CApath)) || (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx2))) { ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } if (s_server_config.vpm) SSL_CTX_set1_param(ctx2, s_server_config.vpm); } if (alpn_ctx.data) SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb(ctx, alpn_cb, &alpn_ctx); if (s_server_config.groups_in != NULL) { if (SSL_CTX_set1_groups_list(ctx, s_server_config.groups_in) != 1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Failed to set groups '%s'\n", s_server_config.groups_in); goto end; } } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH if (!s_server_config.no_dhe) { DH *dh = NULL; if (s_server_config.dhfile) dh = load_dh_param(s_server_config.dhfile); else if (s_server_config.cert_file) dh = load_dh_param(s_server_config.cert_file); if (dh != NULL) BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Setting temp DH parameters\n"); else BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Using auto DH parameters\n"); (void) BIO_flush(bio_s_out); if (dh == NULL) SSL_CTX_set_dh_auto(ctx, 1); else if (!SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error setting temp DH parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); DH_free(dh); goto end; } if (ctx2) { if (!s_server_config.dhfile) { DH *dh2 = NULL; if (s_server_config.cert_file2 != NULL) dh2 = load_dh_param( s_server_config.cert_file2); if (dh2 != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Setting temp DH parameters\n"); (void) BIO_flush(bio_s_out); DH_free(dh); dh = dh2; } } if (dh == NULL) SSL_CTX_set_dh_auto(ctx2, 1); else if (!SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx2, dh)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "Error setting temp DH parameters\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); DH_free(dh); goto end; } } DH_free(dh); } #endif if (!s_server_config.no_ecdhe && s_server_config.named_curve != NULL) { EC_KEY *ecdh = NULL; int nid; if ((nid = OBJ_sn2nid(s_server_config.named_curve)) == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unknown curve name (%s)\n", s_server_config.named_curve); goto end; } if ((ecdh = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(nid)) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to create curve (%s)\n", s_server_config.named_curve); goto end; } BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Setting temp ECDH parameters\n"); (void) BIO_flush(bio_s_out); SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(ctx, ecdh); if (ctx2) SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(ctx2, ecdh); EC_KEY_free(ecdh); } if (!set_cert_key_stuff(ctx, s_cert, s_key)) goto end; if (ctx2 && !set_cert_key_stuff(ctx2, s_cert2, s_key2)) goto end; if (s_dcert != NULL) { if (!set_cert_key_stuff(ctx, s_dcert, s_dkey)) goto end; } if (s_server_config.cipher != NULL) { if (!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, s_server_config.cipher)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error setting cipher list\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } if (ctx2 && !SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx2, s_server_config.cipher)) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error setting cipher list\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto end; } } SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, s_server_config.server_verify, verify_callback); SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(ctx, (void *) &s_server_session_id_context, sizeof s_server_session_id_context); /* Set DTLS cookie generation and verification callbacks */ SSL_CTX_set_cookie_generate_cb(ctx, generate_cookie_callback); SSL_CTX_set_cookie_verify_cb(ctx, verify_cookie_callback); if (ctx2) { SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx2, s_server_config.server_verify, verify_callback); SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(ctx2, (void *) &s_server_session_id_context, sizeof s_server_session_id_context); s_server_config.tlsextcbp.biodebug = bio_s_out; SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(ctx2, ssl_servername_cb); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(ctx2, &s_server_config.tlsextcbp); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(ctx, ssl_servername_cb); SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(ctx, &s_server_config.tlsextcbp); } if (s_server_config.CAfile != NULL) { SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(ctx, SSL_load_client_CA_file(s_server_config.CAfile)); if (ctx2) SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(ctx2, SSL_load_client_CA_file(s_server_config.CAfile)); } BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ACCEPT\n"); (void) BIO_flush(bio_s_out); if (s_server_config.www) do_server(s_server_config.port, s_server_config.socket_type, &accept_socket, www_body, s_server_config.context, s_server_config.naccept); else do_server(s_server_config.port, s_server_config.socket_type, &accept_socket, sv_body, s_server_config.context, s_server_config.naccept); print_stats(bio_s_out, ctx); ret = 0; end: SSL_CTX_free(ctx); X509_free(s_cert); X509_free(s_dcert); EVP_PKEY_free(s_key); EVP_PKEY_free(s_dkey); free(pass); free(dpass); X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free(s_server_config.vpm); free(s_server_config.tlscstatp.host); free(s_server_config.tlscstatp.port); free(s_server_config.tlscstatp.path); SSL_CTX_free(ctx2); X509_free(s_cert2); EVP_PKEY_free(s_key2); free(alpn_ctx.data); if (bio_s_out != NULL) { BIO_free(bio_s_out); bio_s_out = NULL; } return (ret); } static void print_stats(BIO *bio, SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx) { BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld items in the session cache\n", SSL_CTX_sess_number(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld client connects (SSL_connect())\n", SSL_CTX_sess_connect(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld client renegotiates (SSL_connect())\n", SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld client connects that finished\n", SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld server accepts (SSL_accept())\n", SSL_CTX_sess_accept(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld server renegotiates (SSL_accept())\n", SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld server accepts that finished\n", SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld session cache hits\n", SSL_CTX_sess_hits(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld session cache misses\n", SSL_CTX_sess_misses(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld session cache timeouts\n", SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld callback cache hits\n", SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits(ssl_ctx)); BIO_printf(bio, "%4ld cache full overflows (%ld allowed)\n", SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full(ssl_ctx), SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(ssl_ctx)); } static int sv_body(char *hostname, int s, unsigned char *context) { char *buf = NULL; int ret = 1; int k, i; unsigned long l; SSL *con = NULL; BIO *sbio; struct timeval timeout; if ((buf = malloc(bufsize)) == NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "out of memory\n"); goto err; } if (s_server_config.nbio) { if (!s_server_config.quiet) BIO_printf(bio_err, "turning on non blocking io\n"); if (!BIO_socket_nbio(s, 1)) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } if (con == NULL) { con = SSL_new(ctx); if (s_server_config.tlsextdebug) { SSL_set_tlsext_debug_callback(con, tlsext_cb); SSL_set_tlsext_debug_arg(con, bio_s_out); } if (s_server_config.tlsextstatus) { SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb(ctx, cert_status_cb); s_server_config.tlscstatp.err = bio_err; SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_status_arg(ctx, &s_server_config.tlscstatp); } if (context) SSL_set_session_id_context(con, context, strlen((char *) context)); } SSL_clear(con); if (SSL_is_dtls(con)) { sbio = BIO_new_dgram(s, BIO_NOCLOSE); if (s_server_config.enable_timeouts) { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = DGRAM_RCV_TIMEOUT; BIO_ctrl(sbio, BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_RECV_TIMEOUT, 0, &timeout); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = DGRAM_SND_TIMEOUT; BIO_ctrl(sbio, BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_SEND_TIMEOUT, 0, &timeout); } if (s_server_config.socket_mtu > 28) { SSL_set_options(con, SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU); SSL_set_mtu(con, s_server_config.socket_mtu - 28); } else /* want to do MTU discovery */ BIO_ctrl(sbio, BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_MTU_DISCOVER, 0, NULL); /* turn on cookie exchange */ SSL_set_options(con, SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE); } else sbio = BIO_new_socket(s, BIO_NOCLOSE); if (s_server_config.nbio_test) { BIO *test; test = BIO_new(BIO_f_nbio_test()); sbio = BIO_push(test, sbio); } SSL_set_bio(con, sbio, sbio); SSL_set_accept_state(con); /* SSL_set_fd(con,s); */ if (s_server_config.debug) { SSL_set_debug(con, 1); BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(con), bio_dump_callback); BIO_set_callback_arg(SSL_get_rbio(con), (char *) bio_s_out); } if (s_server_config.msg) { SSL_set_msg_callback(con, msg_cb); SSL_set_msg_callback_arg(con, bio_s_out); } if (s_server_config.tlsextdebug) { SSL_set_tlsext_debug_callback(con, tlsext_cb); SSL_set_tlsext_debug_arg(con, bio_s_out); } for (;;) { int read_from_terminal; int read_from_sslcon; struct pollfd pfd[2]; int ptimeout; read_from_terminal = 0; read_from_sslcon = SSL_pending(con); if (!read_from_sslcon) { pfd[0].fd = fileno(stdin); pfd[0].events = POLLIN; pfd[1].fd = s; pfd[1].events = POLLIN; if (SSL_is_dtls(con) && DTLSv1_get_timeout(con, &timeout)) ptimeout = timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + timeout.tv_usec / 1000; else ptimeout = -1; i = poll(pfd, 2, ptimeout); if (SSL_is_dtls(con) && DTLSv1_handle_timeout(con) > 0) BIO_printf(bio_err, "TIMEOUT occured\n"); if (i <= 0) continue; if (pfd[0].revents) { if ((pfd[0].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL))) continue; read_from_terminal = 1; } if (pfd[1].revents) { if ((pfd[1].revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL))) continue; read_from_sslcon = 1; } } if (read_from_terminal) { if (s_server_config.crlf) { int j, lf_num; i = read(fileno(stdin), buf, bufsize / 2); lf_num = 0; /* both loops are skipped when i <= 0 */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if (buf[j] == '\n') lf_num++; for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { buf[j + lf_num] = buf[j]; if (buf[j] == '\n') { lf_num--; i++; buf[j + lf_num] = '\r'; } } assert(lf_num == 0); } else i = read(fileno(stdin), buf, bufsize); if (!s_server_config.quiet) { if ((i <= 0) || (buf[0] == 'Q')) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "DONE\n"); shutdown(s, SHUT_RD); close(s); close_accept_socket(); ret = -11; goto err; } if ((i <= 0) || (buf[0] == 'q')) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "DONE\n"); if (!SSL_is_dtls(con)) { shutdown(s, SHUT_RD); close(s); } /* * close_accept_socket(); ret= -11; */ goto err; } if ((buf[0] == 'r') && ((buf[1] == '\n') || (buf[1] == '\r'))) { SSL_renegotiate(con); i = SSL_do_handshake(con); printf("SSL_do_handshake -> %d\n", i); i = 0; /* 13; */ continue; /* * RE-NEGOTIATE\n"); */ } if ((buf[0] == 'R') && ((buf[1] == '\n') || (buf[1] == '\r'))) { SSL_set_verify(con, SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE, NULL); SSL_renegotiate(con); i = SSL_do_handshake(con); printf("SSL_do_handshake -> %d\n", i); i = 0; /* 13; */ continue; /* * RE-NEGOTIATE asking for client * cert\n"); */ } if (buf[0] == 'P') { static const char *str = "Lets print some clear text\n"; BIO_write(SSL_get_wbio(con), str, strlen(str)); } if (buf[0] == 'S') { print_stats(bio_s_out, SSL_get_SSL_CTX(con)); } } l = k = 0; for (;;) { /* should do a select for the write */ #ifdef RENEG { static count = 0; if (++count == 100) { count = 0; SSL_renegotiate(con); } } #endif k = SSL_write(con, &(buf[l]), (unsigned int) i); switch (SSL_get_error(con, k)) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Write BLOCK\n"); break; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ERROR\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); ret = 1; goto err; /* break; */ case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "DONE\n"); ret = 1; goto err; } if (k <= 0) continue; l += k; i -= k; if (i <= 0) break; } } if (read_from_sslcon) { if (!SSL_is_init_finished(con)) { i = init_ssl_connection(con); if (i < 0) { ret = 0; goto err; } else if (i == 0) { ret = 1; goto err; } } else { again: i = SSL_read(con, (char *) buf, bufsize); switch (SSL_get_error(con, i)) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: { int len, n; for (len = 0; len < i;) { do { n = write(fileno(stdout), buf + len, i - len); } while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (n == -1) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ERROR\n"); goto err; } len += n; } } if (SSL_pending(con)) goto again; break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Read BLOCK\n"); break; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ERROR\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); ret = 1; goto err; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "DONE\n"); ret = 1; goto err; } } } } err: if (con != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "shutting down SSL\n"); SSL_set_shutdown(con, SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN | SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN); SSL_free(con); } BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "CONNECTION CLOSED\n"); freezero(buf, bufsize); if (ret >= 0) BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ACCEPT\n"); return (ret); } static void close_accept_socket(void) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "shutdown accept socket\n"); if (accept_socket >= 0) { shutdown(accept_socket, SHUT_RDWR); close(accept_socket); } } static int init_ssl_connection(SSL *con) { int i; const char *str; X509 *peer; long verify_error; char buf[BUFSIZ]; unsigned char *exportedkeymat; i = SSL_accept(con); if (i <= 0) { if (BIO_sock_should_retry(i)) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "DELAY\n"); return (1); } BIO_printf(bio_err, "ERROR\n"); verify_error = SSL_get_verify_result(con); if (verify_error != X509_V_OK) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "verify error:%s\n", X509_verify_cert_error_string(verify_error)); } else ERR_print_errors(bio_err); return (0); } PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION(bio_s_out, SSL_get_session(con)); peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(con); if (peer != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Client certificate\n"); PEM_write_bio_X509(bio_s_out, peer); X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(peer), buf, sizeof buf); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "subject=%s\n", buf); X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(peer), buf, sizeof buf); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "issuer=%s\n", buf); X509_free(peer); } if (SSL_get_shared_ciphers(con, buf, sizeof buf) != NULL) BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Shared ciphers:%s\n", buf); str = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(SSL_get_current_cipher(con)); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "CIPHER is %s\n", (str != NULL) ? str : "(NONE)"); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRTP { SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *srtp_profile = SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile(con); if (srtp_profile) BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "SRTP Extension negotiated, profile=%s\n", srtp_profile->name); } #endif if (SSL_cache_hit(con)) BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Reused session-id\n"); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Secure Renegotiation IS%s supported\n", SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support(con) ? "" : " NOT"); if (s_server_config.keymatexportlabel != NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "Keying material exporter:\n"); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, " Label: '%s'\n", s_server_config.keymatexportlabel); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, " Length: %i bytes\n", s_server_config.keymatexportlen); exportedkeymat = malloc(s_server_config.keymatexportlen); if (exportedkeymat != NULL) { if (!SSL_export_keying_material(con, exportedkeymat, s_server_config.keymatexportlen, s_server_config.keymatexportlabel, strlen(s_server_config.keymatexportlabel), NULL, 0, 0)) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, " Error\n"); } else { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, " Keying material: "); for (i = 0; i < s_server_config.keymatexportlen; i++) BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "%02X", exportedkeymat[i]); BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "\n"); } free(exportedkeymat); } } return (1); } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH static DH * load_dh_param(const char *dhfile) { DH *ret = NULL; BIO *bio; if ((bio = BIO_new_file(dhfile, "r")) == NULL) goto err; ret = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL); err: BIO_free(bio); return (ret); } #endif static int www_body(char *hostname, int s, unsigned char *context) { char *buf = NULL; int ret = 1; int i, j, k, dot; SSL *con; const SSL_CIPHER *c; BIO *io, *ssl_bio, *sbio; buf = malloc(bufsize); if (buf == NULL) return (0); io = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer()); ssl_bio = BIO_new(BIO_f_ssl()); if ((io == NULL) || (ssl_bio == NULL)) goto err; if (s_server_config.nbio) { if (!s_server_config.quiet) BIO_printf(bio_err, "turning on non blocking io\n"); if (!BIO_socket_nbio(s, 1)) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } /* lets make the output buffer a reasonable size */ if (!BIO_set_write_buffer_size(io, bufsize)) goto err; if ((con = SSL_new(ctx)) == NULL) goto err; if (s_server_config.tlsextdebug) { SSL_set_tlsext_debug_callback(con, tlsext_cb); SSL_set_tlsext_debug_arg(con, bio_s_out); } if (context) SSL_set_session_id_context(con, context, strlen((char *) context)); sbio = BIO_new_socket(s, BIO_NOCLOSE); if (s_server_config.nbio_test) { BIO *test; test = BIO_new(BIO_f_nbio_test()); sbio = BIO_push(test, sbio); } SSL_set_bio(con, sbio, sbio); SSL_set_accept_state(con); /* SSL_set_fd(con,s); */ BIO_set_ssl(ssl_bio, con, BIO_CLOSE); BIO_push(io, ssl_bio); if (s_server_config.debug) { SSL_set_debug(con, 1); BIO_set_callback(SSL_get_rbio(con), bio_dump_callback); BIO_set_callback_arg(SSL_get_rbio(con), (char *) bio_s_out); } if (s_server_config.msg) { SSL_set_msg_callback(con, msg_cb); SSL_set_msg_callback_arg(con, bio_s_out); } for (;;) { i = BIO_gets(io, buf, bufsize - 1); if (i < 0) { /* error */ if (!BIO_should_retry(io)) { if (!s_server_config.quiet) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); goto err; } else { if (s_server_config.debug) { BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "read R BLOCK\n"); sleep(1); } continue; } } else if (i == 0) { /* end of input */ ret = 1; goto end; } /* else we have data */ if (((s_server_config.www == 1) && (strncmp("GET ", buf, 4) == 0)) || ((s_server_config.www == 2) && (strncmp("GET /stats ", buf, 11) == 0))) { char *p; X509 *peer; STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *sk; static const char *space = " "; BIO_puts(io, "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); BIO_puts(io, "\n"); BIO_puts(io, "
/*			BIO_puts(io,SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION));*/
			BIO_puts(io, "\n");
			for (i = 0; i < local_argc; i++) {
				BIO_puts(io, local_argv[i]);
				BIO_write(io, " ", 1);
			BIO_puts(io, "\n");

			    "Secure Renegotiation IS%s supported\n",
			    SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support(con) ?
			    "" : " NOT");

			 * The following is evil and should not really be
			 * done
			    "Ciphers supported in s_server binary\n");
			sk = SSL_get_ciphers(con);
			j = sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(sk);
			for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
				c = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(sk, i);
				BIO_printf(io, "%-11s:%-25s",
				if ((((i + 1) % 2) == 0) && (i + 1 != j))
					BIO_puts(io, "\n");
			BIO_puts(io, "\n");
			p = SSL_get_shared_ciphers(con, buf, bufsize);
			if (p != NULL) {
				    "---\nCiphers common between both SSL end points:\n");
				j = i = 0;
				while (*p) {
					if (*p == ':') {
						BIO_write(io, space, 26 - j);
						j = 0;
						    ((i % 3) ?  " " : "\n"), 1);
					} else {
						BIO_write(io, p, 1);
				BIO_puts(io, "\n");
			BIO_printf(io, (SSL_cache_hit(con)
				? "---\nReused, "
				: "---\nNew, "));
			c = SSL_get_current_cipher(con);
			BIO_printf(io, "%s, Cipher is %s\n",
			SSL_SESSION_print(io, SSL_get_session(con));
			BIO_printf(io, "---\n");
			print_stats(io, SSL_get_SSL_CTX(con));
			BIO_printf(io, "---\n");
			peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(con);
			if (peer != NULL) {
				BIO_printf(io, "Client certificate\n");
				X509_print(io, peer);
				PEM_write_bio_X509(io, peer);
			} else
				    "no client certificate available\n");
			BIO_puts(io, "\r\n\r\n");
		} else if ((s_server_config.www == 2 ||
		    s_server_config.www == 3) &&
		    (strncmp("GET /", buf, 5) == 0)) {
			BIO *file;
			char *p, *e;
			static const char *text = "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";

			/* skip the '/' */
			p = &(buf[5]);

			dot = 1;
			for (e = p; *e != '\0'; e++) {
				if (e[0] == ' ')

				switch (dot) {
				case 1:
					dot = (e[0] == '.') ? 2 : 0;
				case 2:
					dot = (e[0] == '.') ? 3 : 0;
				case 3:
					dot = (e[0] == '/' || e[0] == '\\') ?
					    -1 : 0;
				if (dot == 0)
					dot = (e[0] == '/' || e[0] == '\\') ?
					    1 : 0;
			dot = (dot == 3) || (dot == -1);  /* filename contains
							   * ".." component */

			if (*e == '\0') {
				BIO_puts(io, text);
				    "'%s' is an invalid file name\r\n", p);
			*e = '\0';

			if (dot) {
				BIO_puts(io, text);
				    "'%s' contains '..' reference\r\n", p);
			if (*p == '/') {
				BIO_puts(io, text);
				    "'%s' is an invalid path\r\n", p);
			/* if a directory, do the index thang */
			if (app_isdir(p) > 0) {
				BIO_puts(io, text);
				BIO_printf(io, "'%s' is a directory\r\n", p);
			if ((file = BIO_new_file(p, "r")) == NULL) {
				BIO_puts(io, text);
				BIO_printf(io, "Error opening '%s'\r\n", p);
			if (!s_server_config.quiet)
				BIO_printf(bio_err, "FILE:%s\n", p);

			if (s_server_config.www == 2) {
				i = strlen(p);
				if (((i > 5) && (strcmp(&(p[i - 5]), ".html") == 0)) ||
				    ((i > 4) && (strcmp(&(p[i - 4]), ".php") == 0)) ||
				    ((i > 4) && (strcmp(&(p[i - 4]), ".htm") == 0)))
					BIO_puts(io, "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
					BIO_puts(io, "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");
			/* send the file */
			for (;;) {
				i = BIO_read(file, buf, bufsize);
				if (i <= 0)

#ifdef RENEG
				total_bytes += i;
				fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", i);
				if (total_bytes > 3 * 1024) {
					total_bytes = 0;
					fprintf(stderr, "RENEGOTIATE\n");

				for (j = 0; j < i;) {
#ifdef RENEG
						static count = 0;
						if (++count == 13) {
					k = BIO_write(io, &(buf[j]), i - j);
					if (k <= 0) {
						if (!BIO_should_retry(io))
							goto write_error;
						else {
							    "rwrite W BLOCK\n");
					} else {
						j += k;

	for (;;) {
		i = (int) BIO_flush(io);
		if (i <= 0) {
			if (!BIO_should_retry(io))
		} else
	/* make sure we re-use sessions */


	if (ret >= 0)
		BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ACCEPT\n");

/*	if (ssl_bio != NULL) BIO_free(ssl_bio);*/
	return (ret);

static int
generate_session_id(const SSL *ssl, unsigned char *id, unsigned int *id_len)
	unsigned int count = 0;
	do {
		arc4random_buf(id, *id_len);
		 * Prefix the session_id with the required prefix. NB: If our
		 * prefix is too long, clip it - but there will be worse
		 * effects anyway, eg. the server could only possibly create
		 * 1 session ID (ie. the prefix!) so all future session
		 * negotiations will fail due to conflicts.
		memcpy(id, s_server_config.session_id_prefix,
		    (strlen(s_server_config.session_id_prefix) < *id_len) ?
		    strlen(s_server_config.session_id_prefix) : *id_len);
	while (SSL_has_matching_session_id(ssl, id, *id_len) &&
	    (++count < MAX_SESSION_ID_ATTEMPTS));
		return 0;
	return 1;

static int
ssl_servername_cb(SSL *s, int *ad, void *arg)
	tlsextctx *p = (tlsextctx *) arg;
	const char *servername = SSL_get_servername(s,

	if (servername && p->biodebug)
		BIO_printf(p->biodebug, "Hostname in TLS extension: \"%s\"\n",

	if (!p->servername)

	if (servername) {
		if (strcmp(servername, p->servername))
			return p->extension_error;
		if (ctx2) {
			BIO_printf(p->biodebug, "Switching server context.\n");
			SSL_set_SSL_CTX(s, ctx2);

/* Certificate Status callback. This is called when a client includes a
 * certificate status request extension.
 * This is a simplified version. It examines certificates each time and
 * makes one OCSP responder query for each request.
 * A full version would store details such as the OCSP certificate IDs and
 * minimise the number of OCSP responses by caching them until they were
 * considered "expired".

static int
cert_status_cb(SSL *s, void *arg)
	tlsextstatusctx *srctx = arg;
	BIO *err = srctx->err;
	char *host = NULL, *port = NULL, *path = NULL;
	int use_ssl;
	unsigned char *rspder = NULL;
	int rspderlen;
	X509 *x = NULL;
	X509_STORE_CTX inctx;
	X509_OBJECT obj;
	int i;

	if (srctx->verbose)
		BIO_puts(err, "cert_status: callback called\n");
	/* Build up OCSP query from server certificate */
	x = SSL_get_certificate(s);
	aia = X509_get1_ocsp(x);
	if (aia) {
		if (!OCSP_parse_url(sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(aia, 0),
			&host, &port, &path, &use_ssl)) {
			BIO_puts(err, "cert_status: can't parse AIA URL\n");
			goto err;
		if (srctx->verbose)
			BIO_printf(err, "cert_status: AIA URL: %s\n",
			    sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(aia, 0));
	} else {
		if (!srctx->host) {
			    "cert_status: no AIA and no default responder URL\n");
			goto done;
		host = srctx->host;
		path = srctx->path;
		port = srctx->port;
		use_ssl = srctx->use_ssl;

	if (!X509_STORE_CTX_init(&inctx,
		goto err;
	if (X509_STORE_get_by_subject(&inctx, X509_LU_X509,
		X509_get_issuer_name(x), &obj) <= 0) {
		    "cert_status: Can't retrieve issuer certificate.\n");
		goto done;
	req = OCSP_REQUEST_new();
	if (!req)
		goto err;
	id = OCSP_cert_to_id(NULL, x, obj.data.x509);
	if (!id)
		goto err;
	if (!OCSP_request_add0_id(req, id))
		goto err;
	id = NULL;
	/* Add any extensions to the request */
	SSL_get_tlsext_status_exts(s, &exts);
	for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_EXTENSION_num(exts); i++) {
		X509_EXTENSION *ext = sk_X509_EXTENSION_value(exts, i);
		if (!OCSP_REQUEST_add_ext(req, ext, -1))
			goto err;
	resp = process_responder(err, req, host, path, port, use_ssl, NULL,
	if (!resp) {
		BIO_puts(err, "cert_status: error querying responder\n");
		goto done;
	rspderlen = i2d_OCSP_RESPONSE(resp, &rspder);
	if (rspderlen <= 0)
		goto err;
	SSL_set_tlsext_status_ocsp_resp(s, rspder, rspderlen);
	if (srctx->verbose) {
		BIO_puts(err, "cert_status: ocsp response sent:\n");
		OCSP_RESPONSE_print(err, resp, 2);
	if (ret != SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK)
	if (aia) {
	if (id)
	if (req)
	if (resp)
	return ret;
	goto done;

static int
alpn_cb(SSL *s, const unsigned char **out, unsigned char *outlen,
    const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inlen, void *arg)
	tlsextalpnctx *alpn_ctx = arg;

	if (!s_server_config.quiet) {
		/* We can assume that in is syntactically valid. */
		unsigned i;

		    "ALPN protocols advertised by the client: ");
		for (i = 0; i < inlen; ) {
			if (i)
				BIO_write(bio_s_out, ", ", 2);
			BIO_write(bio_s_out, &in[i + 1], in[i]);
			i += in[i] + 1;
		BIO_write(bio_s_out, "\n", 1);

	if (SSL_select_next_proto((unsigned char**)out, outlen, alpn_ctx->data,
	    alpn_ctx->len, in, inlen) != OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED)

	if (!s_server_config.quiet) {
		BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ALPN protocols selected: ");
		BIO_write(bio_s_out, *out, *outlen);
		BIO_write(bio_s_out, "\n", 1);

	return (SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK);