How to use smartcards with OpenSSH? OpenSSH contains experimental support for authentication using Cyberflex smartcards and TODOS card readers. To enable this you need to: (1) enable SMARTCARD support in OpenSSH: $ vi /usr/src/usr.bin/ssh/ and uncomment CFLAGS+= -DSMARTCARD LDADD+= -lsectok (2) load the Java Cardlet to the Cyberflex card and set card passphrase: $ sectok sectok> login -d sectok> junload Ssh.bin sectok> jload /usr/libdata/ssh/Ssh.bin sectok> setpass Enter new AUT0 passphrase: Re-enter passphrase: sectok> quit Do not forget the passphrase. There is no way to recover if you do. IMPORTANT WARNING: If you attempt to login with the wrong passphrase three times in a row, you will destroy your card. If you have loaded an older version of Ssh.bin on your card previously, you must unload it and load the new one. (3) load a RSA key to the card: please don't use your production RSA keys, since with the current version of sectok/ssh-keygen the private key file is still readable $ ssh-keygen -f /path/to/rsakey -U 1 (where 1 is the reader number, you can also try 0) In spite of the name, this does not generate a key. It just loads an already existing key on to the card. (4) tell the ssh client to use the card reader: $ ssh -I 1 otherhost (5) or tell the agent (don't forget to restart) to use the smartcard: $ ssh-add -s 1 -markus, Tue Jul 17 23:54:51 CEST 2001