
Building an OpenBSD port

So you've just compiled your favorite software package on your OpenBSD machine and you want to share your effort by turning it into a standard port. What to do?

The most important thing to do is to communicate. Ask people on ports@openbsd.org if they are working on the same port. Tell the original software author about it, including problems you may find. If licensing information appears incorrect tell him. If you had to jump through loops to make the port build, tell him what he can fix. If they are only developing on Linux and feel like ignoring the rest of the Unix world, try to make them change their view.

COMMUNICATION makes the difference between a successful port and a port that will slowly be abandoned by everyone.

First look at the porting information on this page. Then check out the referenced documents, especially the OpenBSD porting checklist.

Test, then re-test, and finally test again!

OpenBSD now fully supports updates. This means that quite a few issues must be taken into account.

Submit the port. Create a gzipped tarball of the port directory. You can then either place it on a public FTP or HTTP server, sending its address to ports@openbsd.org or send the port mime encoded to the same address. Pick whichever method works best for you.

Porting some new software takes time. Maintaining it over time is harder. It is quite okay to port software, and let other people handle it afterwards. It is also okay to help other people update and maintain other ports, as long as you communicate to avoid doing the same things twice.

In the OpenBSD culture, MAINTAINERship is not a status item, but a responsibility. We have CVS and comments to give credit to the person who did the work. A port MAINTAINER is something else: a person who assumes responsibility for the working of the port, and is willing to spend some time ensuring it works as best as can be.

Index of Porting Documentation

Available Porting Information

OpenBSD Porting Policy

Security Recommendations

There are many security problems to worry about. If you are not absolutely sure of what you are doing please request help from the ports mailing list.

Generic Porting Hints

Other Helpful Hints

OpenBSD www@openbsd.org
$OpenBSD: porting.html,v 1.58 2009/01/27 13:19:14 sthen Exp $