
Building an OpenBSD port

So you've just compiled your favorite software package on your OpenBSD machine and you want to share your effort by turning it into a standard port. What to do?

First look at the porting information on this page. Then check out the referenced documents, especially the OpenBSD porting checklist.

Test, then re-test, and finally test again!

Submit the port. Create a gzipped tarball of the port directory. You can then either place it on a public FTP or HTTP server, sending its address to ports@openbsd.org or send the port mime encoded to the same address. Pick whichever method works best for you.

Available Porting Information

OpenBSD Porting Policy

Other Helpful Hints

OpenBSD www@openbsd.org
$OpenBSD: porting.html,v 1.9 1998/08/12 22:13:02 marc Exp $