
Soft Updates

Over the last two years Kirk McKusick has been working on something called "soft updates". This is based on an idea proposed by Greg Ganger and Yale Patt that imposing a partial ordering on the buffer cache operations would permit the requirement for syncronous writing of directory entries to be removed from the FFS code. Thus, a large performance increase of disk writing performance.

NOTE: This code only works in OpenBSD -current. It does NOT work in OpenBSD 2.2! Don't even waste your time downloading it if you are not running OpenBSD -current.

The source code for doing this is not yet free. You should read the copyright notices on the files carefully. Current versions of the files are available. Note that using this archive (which is updated often) with a system more than 3 days old might cause you serious grief. You've been warned.

Please direct all problem reports with as MUCH information as possible (kernel coredumps, tracebacks, etc) to Costa. Do not waste his time with any other questions or incomplete problem reports.