

OpenBSD/amiga used to run on the Amiga machines manufactured by Commodore. It used to require a Motorola 68020 or better processor, with an external Motorola 68851 PMMU in case of a 68020. This left out models 500, 600 and 1000 which can not receive accelerator boards.

The OpenBSD/amiga port was discontinued after the 3.2 release.

The source code is still available in the CVS Attic, and code can be found in NetBSD as well.

Table of contents


The OpenBSD/amiga was initially derived from NetBSD/amiga in 1995, and used to loosely track the NetBSD changes until 1998. Niklas Hallqvist also wrote a new interrupt remapping system, improving average performance, revamped the installation media, and ported the ISA bus support to a big-endian platform, for GoldenGate II and CrossLink cards.

After a few years, due to the lack of users, this port was slowly left in oblivion, although releases were still being made. Eventually, it was decided to stop supporting it and remove the code from the tree.

Supported hardware:

Supported models

PowerPC-based accelerator cards are not supported.

Supported peripherals

Getting and installing OpenBSD/amiga:

The last supported OpenBSD/amiga release was OpenBSD 3.2.