
Books about BSD

User Guides

"Berkeley UNIX" (now known as "BSD", for Berkeley System Distribution) is so widely known that there is no need to list the basic "how-to" books about it here - there are too many to list! Some of the user guides cover exclusively the System V version, or some specific implementation such as Solaris, Linux, or whatever, while others try to be general. There are some that cover Berkeley UNIX.

Books about the System

The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System Marshal Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels, John S. Quarterman Addison-Wesley: 1996. ISBN 0-201-54979-4.
At 549 pages plus index. this must be considered comprehensive. McKusick, Bostic and Karels are well known as prime movers at Berkeley CSRG (Computer Systems Research Group) during the 4.3/4.4BSD period. This book covers the 4.4 and 4.4-Lite releases, and discusses everything you wanted to know about how the system operates. Not 100% applicable, but probably the closest there is to an overall system internals manual for OpenBSD.
The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix Operating System Samuel J. Leffler, Marshall Kirk McKusick
An earlier book from many of the same good folk at CSRG. Slightly dated, but gives an overall feel for the beast if you can find it real cheap at a garage sale.
The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix Operating System : Answer Book Samuel J. Leffler, Marshall Kirk McKusick 1991
Answers to the "exercises for the reader" in the 4.3 version of the book.
Virtual Memory System Source Code Secrets: The 386BSD Operating System Reference L. W. Jolitz, William Jolitz 1997
The Jolitzs built the first port of BSD to the PC-386 architecture, and deserve a lot of credit for making BSD portable to this low-cost architecture. The earliest versions, called "386bsd", were described in articles in Dr. Dobbs Journal. This book goes beyond the articles, and provides a comprehensive annotated collection of source code. Not all of it applies to modern versions of OpenBSD, of course, but you can still learn a lot from it.
4.4 BSD System Manager's Manual (SMM) O'Reilly, 1994
Details on what you need to run a BSD system. Quite a bit of this material is relevant to OpenBSD. Unfortunately it and the remaining books from O'Reilly are currently listed as out of print.
4.4 BSD Programmer's Reference Manual (PRM) O'Reilly, 1994
This is a printed version of the Programmer's Manual. You have the online man pages, which are specific to OpenBSD, instead.
4.4 BSD User's Reference Manual (URM) O'Reilly, 1994
Man pages for users. Same note as above; use the man command.
BSD-Lite 4.4 CD-ROM Companion: International Edition UC Berkeley Staff, Computer Systems Research Group; O'Reilly, 1994
This neat little package contains a CD-ROM with just the unbundled portions of 4.4BSD-Lite-1, which not only is obsolete, but is not a complete, bootable system. Buy an OpenBSD CD-ROM instead!
Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition with Source Code, Peer-to-Peer ommunications, 1996. ISBN 1-57398-013-7.
Although the UNIX described in this book is to BSD as a Model T Ford is to a 70's Mustang or Thunderbird, UNIX inventor Ken Thompson claims that "After 20 years, this is still the best exposition of the workings of a 'real' operating system." Originally circulated in illicit photocopies, this is the book that most first- and second-generation UNIX hackers cut their code-teeth on. Recommended as a good introduction to how a timesharing OS works, if you've not been inside one before. Substantially shorter than the McKusick book above.

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