

OpenBSD developers, users and sponsors attend trade shows and conferences, give papers, and organise "Birds Of a Feather" (BOF) sessions. This is an opportunity to find out more about OpenBSD or just meet like minded people.

Future events:

  • Defcon 2000. July 28-30, 2000. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    Some OpenBSD people will have a table there, and will be selling OpenBSD CDROMs and tshirts. Come stop by the booth.
    At least Theo, Kjell Wooding, some of the Monkeys, and James from deadly.org will be there. As well as our regular selection of shirts, the Monkeys will also have some of their own limited run OpenSSH shirts.

  • Usenix Security. August 14-17, 2000. Denver, Colorado, USA.

    Some OpenBSD developers will be there, at least one paper will be presented:

  • Past events:

    (Most recent events are at the end of the list.)

  • Usenix Annual Technical Conference. January 6-10, 1997. Anaheim, California, USA.

    Theo de Raadt held a BOF ("Birds Of a Feather", ie. a meeting of people interested in the same thing) about OpenBSD.

  • Defcon V. July 11-13, 1997. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    At this conference, the OpenBSD team sold 100 or so 2.1 release CDROMs.

    Since this is the primary security conference, many speakers said very good things about our stance on security... particularily people like the L0phT.

  • HOPE. August 1997. New York, New York, USA.

    The terminal room consisted primarily of Decstation running OpenBSD 2.1. Once again, the L0phT people had very good things to say about our security.

  • HIP. August 1997. Almere, Netherlands

    Niels held a talk about the problems of unencrypted TCP/IP connections, offering IPSEC as possible solution.

  • Usenix Security. January 26-29, 1998. San Antonio, Texas, USA

    At this conference, Theo presented an evening talk which basically turned into a list of fixed security problems and cautionary tales about subsystems in which future problems may be encountered (slides available).

    The terminal room PC's ran OpenBSD 2.2.

  • Usenix Annual Technical Conference. June 15-19, 1998. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

    At Usenix 1998 there was a strong OpenBSD presence both in the Freenix and normal tracks. Theo did a general talk about what the OpenBSD project offers. Angelos held a panel about IPSEC (which is quite an OpenBSD topic since IPSEC development at that time was so much further ahead in OpenBSD than anywhere else).

    The terminal room PC's ran OpenBSD 2.3. We sold many CDROMs. The first style of OpenBSD t-shirt also sold quite well.

  • BlackHat Sessions. July 29-30, 1998. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    Theo de Raadt presented a talk entitled "Auditing software for security" about the OpenBSD security auditing team's process and the lessons the team learned. The talk concentrated on how our process fixes bugs -- not just holes -- since one never knows when 5 bugs will act together to become a hole.

  • Defcon VI. July 31 - Aug 2, 1998. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    The router to the outside world was an OpenBSD 2.3 box. It was involved in a "capture the flag" competition in which an entire room of crackers attempted to break into it and machines running other operating systems. The OpenBSD box was not broken into.

    Almost 100 OpenBSD 2.3 CDROMs were sold (we ran out again). The primates at monkey.org brought 2.3 "wire-frame" OpenBSD t-shirts to the conference and sold almost 200 of them. The proceeds from the sales were donated to the OpenBSD project.

  • O'Reilly and Associates Open Source Developer Days. August 21, 1998. San Jose, California, USA.

    OpenBSD team members have been on-hand to discuss OpenBSD's role among the other free software projects available as well as sell CDs and t-shirts.

  • Reflections/Projections 1998 October 2-4, 1998. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA.

    Theo de Raadt spoke in a panel about Open/Free software with Eric Raymond and others.

  • NCEE '98. October 9,10 1998. Auburn, Maine, USA.

    An extensive after-action report was sent to advocacy@openbsd.org. While sales of shirts and CDROM's left much to be desired, we did have good opportunities to further project visibility and highlight its strengths.

  • IP-dagarna, October 29, 30 1998, Stockholm, Sweden. (in swedish)

    At this conference, entirely devoted to IP, Niklas Hallqvist from the OpenBSD team held a talk on the IKE (a.k.a ISAKMP/Oakley) key management protocol and experiences from the implementation of isakmpd, an IKE implementation funded by Ericsson Radio Systems and developed primarily for the OpenBSD IPSEC stack.

  • DISC - Seguridad en C'omputo 98: November 2-7, 1998. Mexico City.

    Theo de Raadt gave a talk about security auditing, sponsored by CORE SDI S.A., an Argentinian security auditing company who strongly believes in the future of OpenBSD. (Slides are available).

  • LISA '98: 12th Systems Administration Conference December 6-11, 1998. Boston, Massachusetts.

    More than 10 OpenBSD team members showed up. By far, OpenBSD was the largest representative group from free software at the conference.

    Usenix donated us a table in the vendor area where we sold 2.4 CDROMs, 2.3 "wire-frame" t-shirts, and the new 2.4 embroidered "Because security matters..." t-shirts, polos, and sweaters.

    An OpenBSD BOF was held one evening, led by Theo de Raadt.

    The terminal room ran OpenBSD 2.4 on 45 machines. Obviously people's trust in OpenBSD has increased, since numerous people who have not used the Usenix terminal room (due to security problems that have come from such use in the past) before were seen using the machines.

    A PalmPilot schedule loader was at the membership booth, powered by OpenBSD.

  • IPsec/VPN Interoperability tests & seminar December 14, 1998. Stockholm, Sweden. (in swedish)
    OpenBSD was represented as one of about a dozen IPsec implementations who were tested for interoperability. The tests were successful, both for the technology in general, and for OpenBSD in specific. We managed to communicate encrypted with every vendor present, and to negotiate keys via IKE with everyone capable.

  • NordU99 -- The first EurOpen/USENIX Conference. February 9-12, 1999. Stockholm, Sweden.

    A couple of OpenBSD team members were there and some of the swedish user society as well. OpenBSD CDs were sold at a booth and at the end of a security talk, the project got applauded for its continuous strive of auditing security sensitive parts of the system.

  • 44th IETF meeting. March 15-19, 1999. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

    Some OpenBSD team members were at this conference, in particular our IPSEC developers.

  • 5th Annual Linux Expo. May 18-22, 1999. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

    Some OpenBSD team members were at this conference selling OpenBSD 2.5 CDs, OpenBSE T-shirts, as well as Blowfish T-shirts, which sold out very quickly at a table donated by the Expo. OpenBSD was the only BSD represented at the vendor exposition, and we had good chance to present a secure alternative to Linux.

  • Usenix Annual Technical Conference. June 6-11, 1999. Monterey, California, USA.

    Some OpenBSD developers presented papers in the Freenix track.

    The USENIX Association provided The OpenBSD Project with a grant to underwrite the production of CDs of OpenBSD 2.5. (We distributed the release for free to attendees of the USENIX Annual Conference in June.)

    Usenix team members were involved in the authoring and presentation of 4 OpenBSD-related papers:`

  • Defcon VII. July 9-11, 1999. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    At this conference, the OpenBSD team sold 100 or so 2.5 release CDROMs and a TON of tshirts.

  • 45th IETF meeting. July 12-16, 1999. Oslo, Norway

    A number of OpenBSD team members from all over the world were at this conference. In addition to attending the IPsec and DNS working groups (among others) we did IPsec/IKE interoperability testing together with the japanese KAME project. Also, Angelos D. Keromytis did a presentation on his work with keynote and isakmpd in OpenBSD.

  • Usenix Security. August 23-26, 1999. Washington, DC, USA.

    Many OpenBSD people from the east coast showed up and sold CDs and shirts. It was pretty clear from discussions that many people were very aware of OpenBSD, and that OpenBSD was being used in very significant security roles.

  • AUUG'99. September 8-11, 1999. Melbourne, Australia.

    Theo de Raadt gave two talks on "quality of software" related issues and participated on a panel about how open source projects are coordinated.

  • IPsec Interoperability tests September 27-30, 1999. Stockholm, Sweden. (in swedish)
    A dozen vendors, among them OpenBSD, tested more than 15 IPsec products, both gateways and hosts, for interoperability. The tests were successful as far as general IPsec and pre-shared key authentication went, OpenBSD interoperated with everyone, but due to time constraints we never got to test the certificate support appropriately. The results were presented later that fall at a conference in Stockholm.

  • Reflections/Projections 1999 October 8-10, 1999. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA.

    Theo de Raadt spoke at 10:00am on the 9th. Other OpenBSD developers from the east coast attended as well.

  • Linux & Open Source Software '99 October 21, 1999. Stockholm, Sweden. (in swedish)

    Niklas Hallqvist spoke on the topic of how to use IPsec for securing communications.

  • IP-dagarna 1999 October 27-28, 1999. Stockholm, Sweden. (in swedish)

    Håkan Olsson & Jakob Schlyter spoke at the DNSSEC session on the 27th.

  • 13th Systems Administration Conference (LISA 99) November 7-12, 1999 Seattle, Washington, USA

    Bob Beck presented a paper about the U of A's nifty OpenBSD based solution to the problem of public Ethernet jacks in the technical sessions starting at 11:00 AM on the 11th.
    There were many other OpenBSD people at this conference as well, as well as a booth selling CDROMs and t-shirts. His paper is available at:

  • The Bazaar. December 14-16, 1999. New York, New York, USA.

    Wes Sonnenreich and Tom Yates presented a tutorial on building firewalls with OpenBSD. BoF of open source BSDs took place. 2.6 release CDROMs and t-shirts were sold. Emphatic interest has been shown by representatives from press, international government and military institutions.

  • BSD BOF session, LinuxWorld Expo, New York (USA), Thursday February 3, 2000, 5:30-8:30PM.

    Representatives from OpenBSD, BSDi, and FreeBSD hosted a "Birds Of a Feather" session at the New York LinuxWorld Expo.
    There were installation CD-ROMs, free food, and even free Daemon Horns!

  • NordU 2000 -- The second EurOpen/USENIX Conference. February 8-11, 2000. Malmo, Sweden.

    About 15 OpenBSD team members attented. OpenBSD CDs and shirts were sold at a booth donated by the conference.
    As well, Theo de Raadt gave an invited talk on Wednesday morning about why software quality/security suffers, and what we can do to improve it.

  • Linux Business Expo / COMDEX Spring 2000, April 19, 2000, Chicago, IL, USA.

    Louis Bertrand represented OpenBSD at a BSD BOF with FreeBSD/BDSI, NetBSD and Apple (Darwin is BSD-derived). The BOF was attended by about 75 people, many of whom were new to *BSD. It was an opportunity to explore future cooperation among the various BSD groups and companies.

  • CanSecWest. May 10-12, 2000. Robson Conference Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Theo de Raadt spoke about why programmers keep making the same stupid mistakes, what types of efforts might improve this, and how this all relates to auditing efforts. Rain Forest Puppy, Ron Gula (Network Security Wizards), Ken Williams (E&Y), March Roesch (snort/HiverWorld), and Fyodor (nmap) were among the other speakers at this event. (On a personal note; at this conference Theo realized that three leading Network Intrusion Detection System companies use OpenBSD as their base operating system: Hiverworld, Network Security Wizards, and NFR).

  • CONVERGENCE 2000. May 18, 2000. Convention Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

    Theo de Raadt participated in a panel discussion about the pros and cons to using Open Source software in various business environments. The local users also handed out OpenSSH and OpenBSD posters, and were absolutely surprised and amazed by the number of Calgary companies quietly using OpenBSD.

  • OpenBSD : The Open Source Secure Operating System. June 17, 2000, 14:00. Manchester, UK.

    Sam Smith gave a rundown of features coming in OpenBSD 2.7 and OpenSSH 2.1.

  • OpenBSD Crypto 2000 conference. June 15 - 20, 2000, Calgary, AB, Canada.

    Repeating the tradition of a similar meeting held last year, many OpenBSD developers from around the world converged on Calgary for a weekend long hack-and-drink session. As before, the event was invitation only. Many significant things got done, including ipv6 + ipsec running over hardware crypto devices.

  • Usenix Annual Technical Conference. June 18-23, 2000. San Diego, California, USA.

    Almost 20 OpenBSD developers showed up for the 25th anniversary of Usenix. We had a vendor booth, as well as a number of papers being presented. Conference attendees had the opportunity to test drive the new release, OpenBSD 2.7, on the 30 workstations in the terminal room. For the first time ever, the terminal room and wavelan networks also had a IPv6 connection, and some users even discovered so by themselves over. Theo also held a BoF on the Wednesday evening, after which the developers had almost too much singing in foreign languages with the help of helium.

  • LinuxTag 2000, June 29-July 2, 2000. Stuttgart, Germany.

    There was a BSD booth where we had the first OpenBSD 2.7 CDs for Europe and the new blue stitchwork Blowfish Polo shirt.
    Christian Weisgerber gave a talk on BSD.

  • O'Reilly Open Source Conference 2000, July 17-20, 2000. Monterey, California, USA.

    Ian Darwin presented a tutorial on Secure Internet Servers/Firewalls with OpenBSD, and bravely manned the OpenBSD booth for the remainder of the show. Kjell Wooding took part in a panel discussion on the Future of the BSDs, and spoke about Secure By Default. Both sessions were well attended, and at least one Linux sysadmin was seen racing for a keyboard, scared look in his eyes, after the security talk.

  • OpenBSD www@openbsd.org
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