
The OpenBSD 2.3 Release:

The most recent OpenBSD release is 2.3. The files are available on a number of FTP and AFS mirror servers. For the 2.3 release, look in the 2.3/ directory on whichever server you choose. For more detailed information, see the release README.

Binary Snapshots:

Binary snapshots will be made available from time to time on the ftp mirrors. A snapshot is a release build done by a developer as a test of the system. These snapshot builds might work OK or... they might not. The snapshots are made available for people who have specifically requested a build based on more recent sources. The snapshots are available on each of the FTP servers in the directory snapshots. If you plan to use a snapshot, you should read the general description about OpenBSD snapshots.

NOTE: you cannot fetch binaries directly from cvs.OpenBSD.org or OpenBSD.org but must use a mirror site. The main OpenBSD machines are only on a small network pipe in Canada, and that bandwidth is used primarily by the developers.


This is a list of currently known ftp servers:

  • Canada: ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp1.ca.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == http://www.ualberta.ca/FTP/OpenBSD == ftp://lager.ucs.ualberta.ca/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (Transfer Stats)

  • Canada: ftp://ftp2.ca.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://obsd.compmore.net/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Kanata, Ontario, Canada.

  • Canada: ftp://ftp.styx.org/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  • Switzerland: ftp://ftp.eu.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://web.eunet.ch/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Switzerland.

  • USA: ftp://ftp1.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://openbsd.eecs.umich.edu/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Michigan, USA.

  • USA: ftp://ftp3.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://openbsd.cs.colorado.edu/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Boulder, Colorado, western USA.

  • USA: ftp://ftp4.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://openbsd.eecs.umich.edu/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Michigan, USA.

  • USA: ftp://ftp.msoe.edu/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Wisconsin, USA.

  • USA: ftp://ftp5.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://alpha1.ctaz.com/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Arizona, western USA. (Currently DOWN!)

  • USA: ftp://ftp6.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == http://www.geek-girl.com/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.geek-girl.com/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

  • USA: ftp://freon.republic.k12.mo.us/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Missouri, USA.

  • USA: ftp://ftp.op.net/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Pennsylvania, eastern USA.

  • France: ftp://ftp.fr.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/OpenBSD
    located in France.

  • France: ftp://ftp.univ-evry.fr/pub/OpenBSD
    located in France.

  • Germany: ftp://ftp.de.openbsd.org/pub/unix/openbsd/mirrors/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/openbsd/mirrors/OpenBSD
    located at the Free University, Berlin, GERMANY

  • Belgium: ftp://openbsd.rug.ac.be/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Belgium

  • Russia: ftp://ftp.radio-msu.net/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Radio-MSU, Moscow, Russia

  • Japan: ftp://ftp1.jp.openbsd.org/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.tut.ac.jp/OpenBSD
    located at Toyohashi University of Technology, Aichi, JAPAN

  • Japan: ftp://ftp.netlab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/OpenBSD
    located at University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN

  • Japan: ftp://ftp2.jp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Dream Train Internet, JAPAN

  • Sweden: ftp://ftp1.se.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.stacken.kth.se/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN

  • Sweden: ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Uppsala, Sweden

  • Netherlands: ftp://ftp.calyx.nl/pub/OpenBSD
    located in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Thailand: ftp://ftp1.th.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.riubon.ac.th/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Computer Center, Rajabhat Institute Ubonratchathani, THAILAND

  • Korea: ftp://ftp1.kr.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://sunsite.kren.ne.kr/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Seoul National Univ, South Korea

  • Australia: ftp://ftp1.au.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.aba.net.au/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Australian Business Access Pty Ltd, Australia

  • Australia: ftp://ftp2.au.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD == ftp://ftp.it.net.au/pub/OpenBSD
    located at Informed Technology, Australia


    This is a list of currently known AFS servers:

    Structural Layout:

    The file structure of each FTP/AFS server is roughly:

    People setting up new FTP/ANONCVS mirrors will be interested in the following disk space usage estimates for what is maintained at ftp://ftp.openbsd.org:/pub/OpenBSD/.

                          current  could be
    pub/OpenBSD/2.1        .5GB      .5GB   (OpenBSD 2.1 release)
    pub/OpenBSD/2.2        .65GB     .65GB   (OpenBSD 2.2 release, more
                                             architectures than 2.1)
    pub/OpenBSD/2.3        .75GB     .75GB   (OpenBSD 2.3 release)
    pub/OpenBSD/snapshots  .75GB     .9GB   (current snapshots, normally >= the
                                             last distribution in size)
    pub/OpenBSD/src        .2GB      .3GB   (ftpable src tree, checked out from
                                             anoncvs nightly)
    pub/OpenBSD/distfiles  .1GB	 .2GB   (Ports distribution files)                     -----------------
    pub/OpenBSD/          2.9GB     3.2GB   (total ftp mirror disk usage)
    anoncvs                .5GB     1.0GB   (anoncvs disk space usage)
                          3.4GB     4.2GB   (total mirror disk usage)

    Note that distfiles is used by the ports Makefiles, so that while ftp.openbsd.org maintains this directory, you may not need or want to mirror it on an active mirror.

    If you add a new FTP mirror site, please contact the FTP maintainer.

    OpenBSD www@openbsd.org
    $OpenBSD: ftp.html,v 1.82 1998/06/22 22:13:01 deraadt Exp $