
The OpenBSD 2.1 Release:

The most recent OpenBSD release is 2.1. You can find these files in OpenBSD/2.1 on each listed FTP server.

Binary Snapshots:

As well, snapshots will be made available from time to time on the ftp mirrors. The snapshots are available on each of the FTP servers listed below, typically in the directory OpenBSD/snapshots. If you plan to use a snapshot, you should also read the general description about OpenBSD snapshots.

NOTE: you cannot fetch binaries directly from cvs.OpenBSD.org or OpenBSD.org but must use a mirror site. The main OpenBSD machines are on a little network pipe in Canada.


This is a list of currently known ftp servers:

The file structure of each FTP server is roughly:

People setting up new FTP mirrors will be interested in the following disk space usage estimates:

   315MB  2.0        (OpenBSD 2.0 release)
   500MB  2.1        (OpenBSD 2.1 release)
    27MB  domestic   (domestic distributions, i.e. hp300)
   500MB  snapshots  (current snapshots, normally >= 2.1 distribution size)
   244MB  src        (ftpable src tree, checked out from anoncvs nightly)
     1MB  tools      (helpful tools for OpenBSD stuff..) 
   1.5GB  Total -- all collections

If you add a new FTP mirror site, please contact the FTP maintainer.

OpenBSD www@openbsd.org
$OpenBSD: ftp.html,v 1.28 1997/08/01 11:06:41 deraadt Exp $