

Supported Hardware:

PowerPC-based Macintosh systems are divided into "Old World" and "New World" systems, the difference being the design of the system ROM. Only "New World" machines are supported. Known compatible systems include the following:

To help us improve the accuracy of this list, PLEASE send your dmesg after installation to dmesg@OpenBSD.org.

Multiboot/Shared HFS disks:

Having OpenBSD multiboot, or share, a disk with OS X/MacOS 9 is possible as long as the disk is first partitioned with the macOS utility, Drive Setup (MacOS9) or System Disk Utility (Mac OS X). Unallocated space or a no longer desired partition must be left for OpenBSD's use. Since OpenBSD is only able to boot from HFS (not MacOS X UFS) partitions the first partition must formated HFS(+), not UFS, to be able to boot OpenBSD.

See INSTALL.macppc for more details on how to install a shared disk.

Stand-alone (no MacOS present) installation is also supported.

Root Drive:

Modern MacPPC systems have two IDE interfaces (called Ultra and IDE), each of which can have two devices on them (ultra0, ultra1, ide0, ide1). When multiple drives are present in the system, there are limitations of which drives can be configured as the OpenBSD root drive. Invalid configurations will not be able to properly detect which drive is the root drive, so any attempt will either prompt for a root drive or fail.

X Window System:

XFree86 Version 4.2.0 is supported on all MacPPC systems, however only the ATI graphics adapters are supported by an accelerated X server at the current time. The nVidia accelerated X server does not currently work, however nVidia (and ATI) cards can be used by X in framebuffer (unaccelerated) mode, at the boot resolution and color depth using the wsfb driver (installed by default).

Directions on enabling the accelerated X server is in the /usr/X11R6/README file on the installed system.

Known Problems

Other Features

Supported Hardware:

Onboard I/O modules (obio)

PCI-Bridges (pchb)

Video Cards


Wireless Ethernet Adapters

SCSI and IDE Host Adapters

RAID Controllers


USB Controllers/Hubs

USB Devices

Other Devices

Cryptography Devices

Unsupported Hardware:

If you are looking for or are willing to test new pre-release features, you can try using a snapshot which are made available on the FTP sites from time to time.

Contact Theo de Raadt or Dale Rahn if you are interested in working with other people on this, or need more information.

A mailing list for users and developers exists at ppc@openbsd.org. To join the OpenBSD/macppc mailing list, send a message body of "subscribe ppc" to majordomo@OpenBSD.org. Please be sure to check our mailing list policy before subscribing.

[OpenBSD] www@openbsd.org
$OpenBSD: macppc.html,v 1.13 2002/04/13 21:35:43 nick Exp $