
Mailing Lists:

Some mailing lists are used for the development and use of OpenBSD. In each case, send mail to majordomo@OpenBSD.org with a message body of "subscribe mailing-list-name". There is a minimal set of mailing lists intentionally; among other benefits such as more communication it reduces cross-posting. There are no private mailing lists.

These are the mailing lists:

important announcements. Since this is a low volume list it is excellent for people who just want to follow important events.
technical discussions
user questions and answers
bugs as sent in via sendbug(1) and discussion about them
automated mailout of CVS source tree changes
discussions about the use of the 'ports' source tree

For further assistance, send a message body of "help" to majordomo@OpenBSD.org and you will receive a reply outlining all your options. Your domain MUST resolve properly or the mail will not go through!

Mailing List Archives:

A html-based mailing list archive is available. An alternate site is here.

OpenBSD www@openbsd.org
$OpenBSD: mail.html,v 1.16 1998/06/19 15:06:39 pauls Exp $