
History and Status:

This port was primarily done by Theo de Raadt as a contract to Willowglen Singapore. An earlier port to the MVME147 by Chuck Cranor based on Paul Mackerras' old DA30 code (and using hardware donated by Jonathan Levine at Theo's request) provided a solid development platform. Bizzarely, Dale Rahn of Motorola also independently wrote a port to the MVME147. Both their ports have since been superceded by new code written by Theo based on the hp300 code. Dale helped significantly during the porting to the 68040 models and wrote most of the code specific to the MVME167 model. Steve Murphee continued work and made the MVME177 work.

The people working the most on OpenBSD/mvme68k currently consists of Steve Murphee, Theo de Raadt, and Dale Rahn. Of course, others are very welcome!

The same kernel will (hopefully) eventually run on all of the following: