Changes Relative to other *BSD's.

OpenBSD looks a lot like NetBSD (from which it is derived, following the 4.4BSD roots), but is now being developed seperately. Good changes from other free operating systems will be merged in (of course, depending on various factors like developer time for example.) OpenBSD tracks NetBSD changes very closely; say anywhere between 2 to 10 days behind the state of NetBSD-current all the time. Hence you can truly say that OpenBSD is NetBSD PLUS MORE STUFF.

Compared to NetBSD, various additions have been made. This is a partial list of the major machine independent changes (ie. these are the changes people ask about most often). Check the page of the specific port you are interested in for further port-specific details. Note that many ports have had architecture-specific enhancements.

This list only mentions platform-independent changes. For a list of changes made in a particular platform, please check the page for that platform.

$OpenBSD: plus.html,v 1.16 1996/12/24 08:39:55 deraadt Exp $