
OpenBSD/sparc64 runs on the 64bit Sun UltraSPARC machines. The current port maintainer is Jason Wright ( Others are welcome to contribute.


The orginal port was made for NetBSD by Eduardo Horvath and released for the first time in January 1999. The porting to OpenBSD started in August 2001 and in the end of September the first binary snapshot was released. The porting was done mainly by Jason Wright and Artur Grabowski and was done on both SBUS and PCI machines so that a decently wide range of hardware support was ready even before the system could boot multiuser.

Current status:

Currently most of the hardware available to the developers boots multiuser and supports enough of the on-board devices to be generally useable. No attempts have been made for graphics console support yet, so only serial or prom consoles are available. The same applies to support of more expansion hardware for the PCI bus or the SBUS.

There hasn't yet been a need for a separate mailing list for OpenBSD/sparc64, so the OpenBSD/sparc mailing list is being used. To join the OpenBSD/sparc mailing list, send a message body of "subscribe sparc" to Please be sure to check our mailing list policy before subscribing.

Projects (in no particular order):

Where to get it:

Install media:

A number of install options exist:

Use the method that works best for you.
Please note that booting from floppy might not work on your machine; also, Ultra 1, 1E and 2 systems might require a PROM update (they usually don't if they are able to boot Solaris in 64bit-mode); please refer to the installation notes for details.

Supported hardware:

OpenBSD/sparc64 has been tested on the following SUN UltraSPARC models:

* support added after 3.0.

The following models are not supported at the moment:

Supported peripherals:

* support added after 3.0.

Unsupported devices:

$OpenBSD: sparc64.html,v 1.30 2002/01/13 21:55:31 horacio Exp $