
History and Status:

The tiny bits of OpenBSD that are completely specific to the Sun3 port are basically the same as their NetBSD counterparts but with some additions. The major changes are:

Snapshots of the kernel and diskless bootstrap loader are available. If you want to use OpenBSD/sun3 get an Amiga (or any other m68k OpenBSD) snapshot and the Sun3 GENERIC kernel and diskless bootstrap loader then if you don't know how to set up a diskless box read the diskless(8) manpage. Use the MAKEDEV from src/etc.sun3. Once you have booted the Sun3 diskless you should be able to "cd /usr/src; make obj; make build" to get a native OpenBSD/Sun3. Before doing this kernel instrumentation ("ps", "netstat", etc.) will not work. Also, if "make install" fails for you with tar coredumping in the gcc directory, increase the size of the swap space. I'm OK with 20MB RAM + 32MB swap (but not 24MB swap.)

If you suceeded or fail bug me for help, kudos, or brickbats.

$OpenBSD: sun3.html,v 1.16 1997/04/30 22:18:23 deraadt Exp $