CVS log for src/usr.bin/aucat/Attic/pipe.c

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: OPENBSD_4_8

Revision 1.11 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Tue Apr 6 20:07:01 2010 UTC (14 years, 2 months ago) by ratchov
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.10: +51 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.10 (colored)

aucat (server):

  - make the ``-m mode'' option per subdevice, allowing
    subdevices to be play-only or rec-only even if the
    server is full-duplex

  - add ``monitoring'' mode (with ``-m mon''). This is a
    record-only stream from which played streams can be
    recorded (kind of ``record what you hear'').

  - allow MIDI devices to be subscribed to the controlling
    MIDI port of the server, ie what midicat does (with -f
    option), but using the -q option.

  - add flow control to the protocol, and serialize clock
    ticks (sio_onmove() calls) and data chunks.  This should
    fix certain full-duplex programs, broken with ``magic''
    block/buffer size combinations.

  - enable 3 block latency which is the minimum theoretical.
    Make -z and -b options correspond to device parameters.

  - make sio_getcap(3) the same for aucat and sun backends,
    ie return whatever is supported (``everything'' in the
    aucat case, since everything is actulally supported).

aucat (player):

  - enable ``-m mode'' option  to select between monitoring
    and recording when ``-o file'' is used.

  - plug MIDI code to non-server codepath. The MIDI control
    device is specified with the ``-q device'' option, as in
    server mode.

  - impliment lseek()'ing within files (controlled
    through MIDI). Necessary to use aucat with a MIDI

midicat (thrubox):

  - rename ``-f'' flag to ``-q'', so it has the
    same name as in aucat (-f is still working)

ok jakemsr@, tweaks from jmc@

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