CVS log for src/usr.bin/ssh/krl.h

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: OPENBSD_6_6_BASE

Revision 1.7 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Fri Jun 21 04:21:04 2019 UTC (4 years, 11 months ago) by djm
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +2 -2 lines
Diff to previous 1.6 (colored)

Add protection for private keys at rest in RAM against speculation
and memory sidechannel attacks like Spectre, Meltdown, Rowhammer and
Rambleed. This change encrypts private keys when they are not in use
with a symmetic key that is derived from a relatively large "prekey"
consisting of random data (currently 16KB).

Attackers must recover the entire prekey with high accuracy before
they can attempt to decrypt the shielded private key, but the current
generation of attacks have bit error rates that, when applied
cumulatively to the entire prekey, make this unlikely.

Implementation-wise, keys are encrypted "shielded" when loaded and then
automatically and transparently unshielded when used for signatures or
when being saved/serialised.

Hopefully we can remove this in a few years time when computer
architecture has become less unsafe.

been in snaps for a bit already; thanks deraadt@

ok dtucker@ deraadt@

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