CVS log for src/usr.bin/ssh/packet.h

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: OPENBSD_7_4_BASE

Revision 1.95 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Mon Aug 28 03:31:16 2023 UTC (9 months, 1 week ago) by djm
Branch: MAIN
Branch point for: OPENBSD_7_4
Changes since 1.94: +2 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.94 (colored)

Add keystroke timing obfuscation to the client.

This attempts to hide inter-keystroke timings by sending interactive
traffic at fixed intervals (default: every 20ms) when there is only a
small amount of data being sent. It also sends fake "chaff" keystrokes
for a random interval after the last real keystroke. These are
controlled by a new ssh_config ObscureKeystrokeTiming keyword/

feedback/ok markus@

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